February 14, 2009 by
Gavin turns 6 on the 17th, but we celebrated today. My little man is growing up! The tall kid with me is Hunter, 13. (I really hope this embed video works, if I can't get it to work, I will post a link.)
February 6, 2009 by
This is an angry vent, so if you don't like to read them, skip it. Last night in Theory we discussed elitism. Basically the two schools of thought on public service. One school is only "intelligent" people should be permitted to run for public office, the second believes any American has the right. The Professor is a nice guy which makes this whole situation worse imo. Here is a re-play. We have class in a "seminar" format, meaning ...
February 3, 2009 by
I browse. I can spend hours in a book store if provided a comfortable place to sit. When the days are cold, and life just needs a little break, I like to play Tova's Bookstore Game. It's free and really gets the mental juices flowing. I open five books at random, from different sections in the store, and read a page or two. Roughly 10-12 pages total. Then I try and make a story out of it in my mind. The only rules are: I can't use...
February 1, 2009 by
Last night I wanted to change my avatar. So I deleted the old one, trying to upload the new. It didn't work. When I click on upload, nothing happens. So I went to Karma's site problems article and there was an answer. Adobe Flash 10 has issues? So it must be done under Flash 9. Ok. I removed Flash 10 from my computer, and then tried to download flash 9, but for some reason it's just not working. I get the in...
January 27, 2009 by
It's snowing outside. So quiet, the way it gets when the snow acts as a noise absorber and even the snow plows seem softer, easier on the ears. We are supposed to get 5 to 9 inches tonight, on top of the 5 already on the ground. I'm not complaining though. At least not yet. Tomorrow when cabin fever strikes my youngest, after another day out of school, then I'll grump and whine. Right now though, its purty. -------------------------------- I got a let...
UDIG posted about one of his dreams which is probably what drove me to dreaming last night. I was in a Catholic Church. Actually, in an office, sitting across a messy gray industrial looking desk, from a monk. The monk was in a brown frock, with a rope belt. It was just before Sunday Service. His phone rang. "St. Bernadine," he answered and went on speaking into the phone. Another phone rang. I looked down and out of nowhere, one appear...
Adios 2008. Can’t say I’m sad to see ya go. I went to see Jay Friday. He’s in prison here in Ohio; medium security. He is in a comprehensive cognitive behavioral therapy program as well as the AA/NA stuff I blogged about before. I don’t want to get into all the details. Not because it’s so terrible or great but more out of exhaustion. He is at least learning some productive coping skills, which is a great thing imo. If he gets past his entitlement at...
November 21, 2008 by
For a dead-on review (pun intended) go here... http://screenrant.com/twilight-review-vic-4325/ However, this "review" is more about my TWILIGHT experience. Stephanie Meyer wrote a 4 book vampire series and this is the first book made movie. I read the series and while its a bit tame, the main character, a 17 year old virgin named Bella is like-able (for awhile anyway). She of course falls in love with a vampire (Edward) and in later books a Werewolf (Jaco...
November 21, 2008 by
Ohio is losing jobs in big hacking amputations. It seems like every other day there is a story in the paper about another manufacturer or business going out of business. I don't think it is too far a leap to extrapolate people who are still working in this state, want to keep their jobs. No one really wants to be looking for a new position in this economic environment. Or not. Yesterday while out running errands, I noticed my left rear tire was low and getting ...
November 5, 2008 by
I am scared for my family, for my nation. People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election." Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?' That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank? My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right? He and his congress will raise the white flag ...
November 3, 2008 by
Gavin loves to hunt. Last year he went hunting with his dad and killed a deer. However, dad actually did the shooting. This year Gavin wanted to hunt something he could shoot. He took his .22 into the woods (supervised by dad) and killed a couple squirrels. (He's a great shot for a five year old.) We have a family rule when it comes to hunting. You kill it, you clean it, you eat it. Gavin can hunt dove and squirrel and says they are "delicious."&nbs...
November 2, 2008 by
Gavin's Kindergarten class is getting ready for Thanksgiving. His first project for the month of November is disguising a turkey so it won't be caught for Thanksgiving dinner. Here is the Turkey: HERE IS THE TURKEY IN THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM. hahahahahahahaha
October 30, 2008 by
An unusual and unexpected side effect of going back to school is the amount of television I watch. In my stay-at-home mom life, I rarely watched tv. In fact, I often went weeks without watching even a few minutes of the news, instead getting most of my information on line. Don't get me wrong, the tv was almost always on but hearing Nickelodeon in the background hardly qualifies as watching tv. So why more tv now? Simple. Sip and thirst. Going bac...
October 23, 2008 by
Jay was finally placed in a "parent" facility at the Chillicothe Correctional Institute (CCI). I received two letters from him this week. He's fortunate it is one of the nicer facilities, meaning there aren't maximum security inmates, and he can spend a lot of time outside on the football field/track area. It's getting cold here in Ohio. The state doesn't provide any cold weather gear for inmates. So, Jay is freezing. I am learning a lot about prison...
October 17, 2008 by
Yesterday, one of my professors returned a paper I wrote. She didn't just return mine, she graded and returned everyone's. Before she gave them back, face red and voice shaking she said, "Some of you are going to be disappointed. I don't know how to make you understand using more than three words of anything you've read without quotations is plagiarism; using any idea that is not wholly your own and not citing it is plagiarism. And I have two words for most of you, 'writi...