Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 17, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc

Yesterday, one of my professors returned a paper I wrote.  She didn't just return mine, she graded and returned everyone's.

Before she gave them back, face red and voice shaking she said, "Some of you are going to be disappointed.  I don't know how to make you understand using more than three words of anything you've read without quotations is plagiarism; using any idea that is not wholly your own and not citing it is plagiarism.  And I have two words for most of you, 'writing center'.  We have one on campus for students.  It's free.  You get professional editing and help with your work.  These papers should be professional quality at this level in your education.  If you have any questions about your paper, see me after class."

I don't know about you, but that's not something I want to hear right before an instructor passes out a paper that is worth 1/3 of my overall grade.

Before class everyone was excited to get their papers back.

I wasn't.

I like the illusion I mustered in undergrad.  Ya know, the one that has me being a good writer?  hahaha.

Granted, fiction and research are worlds apart in content (usually) but the mechanics are the same.  Graduate papers are difficult because you can't just regurgitate what you research.  There has to be analysis, critical thinking, taking what you research and applying the core concepts of the course.  Sounds easy until you sit down and realize there are literally hundreds of "core" concepts which apply to literally thousands of pages of research.  Oh and the paper can't be over 20 pages and must be engaging.  That whole 'bsing' thing doesn't apply at this level either.  These professors are still active in the field and can spot bs a mile away.

So, I was playing worst case scenario in my head.  C's aren't acceptable in this program, you have to retake the class or quit.  And there is no winning the professor over.  Our names were on the title page but that was the only identifier to whom the paper belonged.

She ripped the title page off, gave each paper (over 40 of them) a number and graded them.  She did it to be fair, so she didn't know whose paper was being graded at any certain time.  At the end, she returned the title pages to the assigned number and recorded the grades.

I watched faces as she handed out the papers.  One by one my classmate's faces fell when they flipped to the back of their paper where the coveted grade nested.

I thought, "Ok T, only two more seconds of illusion and then you're gonna find out everyone who says you can write, well, they are your friends right?"  heh.

She handed me the paper, I flipped to the back and I GOT A FRIGGIN 98%!!!!!!!!!  WOO HOO!

I used the contraction "didn't," and she says professional papers do not have contractions.


Ok, I'll file that away.  I DID NOT know that...heh.

One person out of 40+students got a 100%.  He sits right beside me and is REALLY smart and already in this field, (just needs the MPA to be boss or get a raise or something probably).  But WOO HOO for him.  He's also one of the nicest people in the program.  Quiet, but nice.  Just how I like'em;)

In all honesty, I was struggling with this return to school.  The amount of time it consumes is mind boggling.  I literally spend over 40 hours a week reading and researching outside the classroom.  They warned us this MPA is largely writing and research but I didn't appreciate the concept until I was in the thick of it.  Some people with full time jobs only take one class per quarter because it is so labor intensive.

And out of 40 plus students, a third over 30, only FOUR OF US have children (that I know of).  I never made a correlation between liberal Democrats and childlessness.  True or not, I am starting to associate the two.  In fact, most students in the program have no desire to EVER have children.


I have lots of childless friends who feel the same way, but never been in a room full of them.


Oh well.  I have my babies and my 98%!!  WOOT!

This paper's grade helped me feel more confident about my return to academia after a 13 year absence.  It calmed the turbulent doubting waters in my head.

We'll see what the next paper brings....hahahahah.




Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 17, 2008


on Oct 17, 2008

The teacher will probably have you teaching that class by the end of the term. I knew you were brilliant. Now you do too!

on Oct 17, 2008


Take a (short) break and have a .  After all that, y ou've earned it!

As for liberals and kids ... if they had kids, they couldn't be as self-centered (or as 'selfless') as they are (or claim to be).

on Oct 17, 2008

Congratulations!  That is outstanding!

I would never make it as I do not have 40 hours to commit to such an endeavor.  But it is nice to know that at least there is intelligence making its way through academia in this area!

Oh, and as for the liberals.  Neanderthals died out too.  It will take time, but they have only themselved to blame.

on Oct 17, 2008

As for liberals and kids ... if they had kids, they couldn't be as self-centered (or as 'selfless') as they are (or claim to be).


Take a (short) break and have a . After all that, y ou've earned it!

I have to wait until the end of the quarter.  I have two huge papers due, in two weeks, one in this class and one in another.  Then I will relax....kinda.


The teacher will probably have you teaching that class by the end of the term.

Heh, I doubt that...but thanks... .  Though Mz Thang (the woman who believes I talk too much) might actually quit the program...WOO HOO!


on Oct 17, 2008

I would never make it as I do not have 40 hours to commit to such an endeavor. But it is nice to know that at least there is intelligence making its way through academia in this area!

Yeah, the guy who got the 100% is an IT head of a small city round here.  He is struggling because he stays non-stop busy at work.  Last night he said, "I'm on the clock right now."  I think he meant he was on call.  I don't envy him the stress.  But, again, no kids, which really does take a load of responsibility off the table.


on Oct 17, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hey, good job T!

I knew the rule about the contractions.  I don't know where I picked it up but I did know that.  I don't consider myself a good writer, because I'm too impatient to take the time but I'd love to take some good writing classes to make me better.  Ha!  I use too many contractions all the time! 

I've actually listened to some speeches and sermons on the topic of declining birthrates in certain countries.  I think Pat Buchanan went on about this subject back along.  It was very interesting.  He said, (as well as others)  the non-religious do not have as many children as those who are believers.  

Those countries that are considered secular or communist have very few children usually only one or two per household.   That makes sense when you start looking around.  Look at the large Catholic families, or even large evangelical families. We had three families in our church with 7 children each.   You can also notice this among the Muslims.  They are out producing just about everyone nowadays. 

Sounds like this is just the boost you needed.  Way to go! 




on Oct 18, 2008

Congratulations.  See you ARE a good writer.  And in non-fiction as well!


Really good stuff!

on Oct 18, 2008

See you ARE a good writer.

I concur 1000%! I'm a proud of you girl!

on Oct 18, 2008

See you ARE a good writer. And in non-fiction as well!

And you are too sweet.  Thanks. 

Hey, Hey, Hey, good job T!

Thanks, heh, but it turns out this is just like journalism.  You are only as good as your last story...well I'm only as good as my last paper. 

Those countries that are considered secular or communist have very few children usually only one or two per household.

Hmmm...that is interesting.  I wonder if there are any big studies on it.



on Oct 18, 2008

I concur 1000%! I'm a proud of you girl

Thanks Buff-Man. 

on Oct 18, 2008


I don't know how to make you understand using more than three words of anything you've read without quotations is plagiarism; using any idea that is not wholly your own and not citing it is plagiarism.

I honestly don't get why people keep doing this.  SOMEONE WILL CATCH YOU AND YOU'LL BE SCREWED!

Granted, fiction and research are worlds apart in content (usually) but the mechanics are the same.

Ah, the two worlds of writing...creative and technical.   I've done enough of both...and I have to say technical is the more annoying...research, citing, analysis, rigid structure...such a pain in the ass.

I used the contraction "didn't," and she says professional papers do not have contractions.

Yeah...contractions just aren't cool enough to get into professional papers.  On the bright side not using them helps to fill out your word count...unless you find yourself running out of room. 


She handed me the paper, I flipped to the back and I GOT A FRIGGIN 98%!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!

Congratulations!!!  I don't think I've gotten a 98 on a paper in a while.  Usually I'm at B level probably because of my high BS content.  


As an aside on papers, though.  I'm really having trouble figuring out how some of my peers got into college in the first place.  We do peer reviews for drafts once in awhile...and some of the shit I've read...holy hell, they couldn't write their way out of a paper bag if you gave them a map and a flashlight.


on Oct 19, 2008

I helped one of my roomies learn to write a paper.  She was a science student and asked me (English Major/ humanities, blah,blah, blah) to proof read her stuff.  She was a major A-freak so I was pretty shocked when I read her paper.  Basically, we redid  the whole paper and I had to ask her what she meant in each sentence.  She was trying to be overly scholarly in tone and it didn't work.  

Clarity. Clarity. Clarity.

I was a B student in English and History, but I kicked ass in the other disciplines.

on Oct 19, 2008

As an aside on papers, though. I'm really having trouble figuring out how some of my peers got into college in the first place. We do peer reviews for drafts once in awhile...and some of the shit I've read

I think it has to do with profs again and the major.  Some majors don't require much technical writing.  I use MLA citation because its the most instinctive to me.  Turns out that's the best for this field too.  Whew.  APA bites.

Congratulations!!! I don't think I've gotten a 98 on a paper in a while. Usually I'm at B level probably because of my high BS content.

I try to write the way I talk, minus the swear words.. j/k....but I DO USE contractions when I speak.  heh.

I have a HUGE Stats paper due in a couple weeks and I spent all day today working on it...I probably won't be getting a 98% ....analyzing statistics for the presidential election (looking at census info FOR EVERY STATE, as well as registered voters, registration cut offs, if any, primary results, individual state political issues, and then all the FRIGGIN polls.  I'm surprised you can't hear me gagging down there in Cincy. 

and I have to say technical is the more annoying...research, citing, analysis, rigid structure...such a pain in the ass.


I honestly don't get why people keep doing this. SOMEONE WILL CATCH YOU AND YOU'LL BE SCREWED!

Some profs are stricter than others.  So I try to err on the side of caution.




on Oct 19, 2008

Basically, we redid the whole paper and I had to ask her what she meant in each sentence. She was trying to be overly scholarly in tone and it didn't work.

She was lucky to have you!

I don't mind writing papers on subjects I find interesting, its all the others that make me gag. 

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