February 22, 2010 by
This is just mental meandering, no real point.... I finish a Master’s in Public Administration in June. Theoretically it is necessary for “higher administrative” levels of local or federal government, as well as starting up and maintaining not for profits. I could go into why I went into this field, but that’s a topic better explored in another blog. Suffice it to say, I believe government should be like the pipes in your house; unseen, small as po...
September 7, 2009 by
Sometimes when I am tense, or can't sleep, or have a headache...or, well you get the picture. I click on this video and it takes me to relaxation town. Try it. But not at work. You might melt out of your chair into a puddle on the floor. A professional, lazzzzzzzzz.......
It's been awhile.... I finally found facebook. Find isn't actually the correct word. I knew where it was but avoided it like having ants in the house. My ambivalence stemmed from going to five high schools, spending four years active duty in the AF and another 20 married to the AF which resulted in at least 13 moves. That's a lot of people to know, lose contact with, and then get reacquainted with at one time. And you know what? I was right to wait. D...
JR Ward's 7th book, Lover Avenged, of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (BDB) series is out. Technically the books are "romance" but when you actually read them, there is much more happening than just lovey dovey all the time. Lots of really good action/fighting scenes with constant macro plot building. These books could easily be fantasy, and maybe should be, but I will discuss that later. I do have a few issues with the author though....
Two things in the Dayton Daily News (DDN) yesterday made me say, "huh." First, did you realize more women are going into porno and stripping because of the economy? It seems there is a surplus of openings in these professions and women who were "white collar" employees a few short weeks ago, now find the adult entertainment industry the only alternative to unemployment. Huh. Second, Dayton's Planned Parenthood would not give any specific numbers to DDN, (they were unav...
Right now, with an all "volunteer" military, I often hear people talk about just "joining up." It's not that easy. There is a reason our military members are considered professionals, not only by Americans but most countries around the world. Here are some general facts about enlisting in the US military. They may help you decide for yourself, help a loved one, or just know when someone is lying like a dog about joining. (Why do people lie? I dunno. ...
February 6, 2009 by
This is an angry vent, so if you don't like to read them, skip it. Last night in Theory we discussed elitism. Basically the two schools of thought on public service. One school is only "intelligent" people should be permitted to run for public office, the second believes any American has the right. The Professor is a nice guy which makes this whole situation worse imo. Here is a re-play. We have class in a "seminar" format, meaning ...
November 21, 2008 by
Ohio is losing jobs in big hacking amputations. It seems like every other day there is a story in the paper about another manufacturer or business going out of business. I don't think it is too far a leap to extrapolate people who are still working in this state, want to keep their jobs. No one really wants to be looking for a new position in this economic environment. Or not. Yesterday while out running errands, I noticed my left rear tire was low and getting ...
November 5, 2008 by
I am scared for my family, for my nation. People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election." Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?' That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank? My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right? He and his congress will raise the white flag ...
November 2, 2008 by
Gavin's Kindergarten class is getting ready for Thanksgiving. His first project for the month of November is disguising a turkey so it won't be caught for Thanksgiving dinner. Here is the Turkey: HERE IS THE TURKEY IN THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM. hahahahahahahaha
October 23, 2008 by
Jay was finally placed in a "parent" facility at the Chillicothe Correctional Institute (CCI). I received two letters from him this week. He's fortunate it is one of the nicer facilities, meaning there aren't maximum security inmates, and he can spend a lot of time outside on the football field/track area. It's getting cold here in Ohio. The state doesn't provide any cold weather gear for inmates. So, Jay is freezing. I am learning a lot about prison...
October 17, 2008 by
Yesterday, one of my professors returned a paper I wrote. She didn't just return mine, she graded and returned everyone's. Before she gave them back, face red and voice shaking she said, "Some of you are going to be disappointed. I don't know how to make you understand using more than three words of anything you've read without quotations is plagiarism; using any idea that is not wholly your own and not citing it is plagiarism. And I have two words for most of you, 'writi...
I officially applied for a Masters program at Wright State University yesterday. Turned in the application, the essay, paid the fee. Once my three letters of recommendation arrive and the transcript from my B.A. the committee will go over my package and accept or reject my application to start this fall. Man I just love being judged by people who don't know me. Heh. The thought of being back in college both turns my stomach and excites me. I'm much more conserva...
Word of the Day for Monday, January 7, 2008 lacuna \luh-KYOO-nuh\, noun ; plural lacunae \luh-KYOO-nee\ or lacunas:: 1. A blank space; a missing part; a gap. 2. (Biology) A small opening, depression, or cavity in an anatomical structure.
Word of the Day for Friday, January 4, 2008 obdurate \OB-duh-rit; -dyuh-\, adjective : 1. Hardened in wrongdoing; stubbornly wicked. Hardened in feelings; hard-hearted. 2. Resistant to persuasion; unyielding. 3. Hard; harsh; rugged; rough.