November 7, 2005 by
I am just about finished with our eat in kitchen. I still have to paint the two chairs. What do ya think? BEFORE DURING AFTER
November 12, 2005 by
I read a lot of blogs on JU. I am starting to learn little tid bits here and there but know even from my own blogging there is so much more to tell yet.... So I was wondering, is there something you consider important about who you are, or some little fact you think pinpoints your personality that you'd like to share? I'd love to hear your self descriptions or even experiences, anything you think is important. If you can't think of anything it could be something like, "If I had to d...
December 2, 2005 by
A few weeks ago there was a discussion on adult acne and things to use. I believe Locomama started it. Thought I would share some info with you from a newsletter I get every month. It's fabulous and has saved me lots of money because it reviews all the new products (make up and skin care) and lets me know if its state of the art or state of the FART. HA! How to be Gentle to Your Skin I cannot stress this enough, irritation and inflammation are bad for skin--really, really bad. We d...
December 22, 2005 by
Skin care is a semi important issue with me. I know we have to take care of what we have, and not freak when we get older. But when I find advice/products that rock, I will share them here. I think all women care about their skin at some point. Men too, I guess. hehe. Every day and night your skin requires certain basics to defend against any environmental conditions. When skin is healthy and functioning normally, the surface feels and looks smoother (because it is) and is therefore...
January 11, 2006 by
People who read me know I am interested in skin care. This interest led me to Paula Begoun known in the cosmetics and skin care industry as the "cosmetics cop." She evaluates all new products out today scientifically and gives you the real deal on them. Below is a modified list of her best new skin care products for 2005...see if yours is here! I will do another blog about the best make up of 2005 soon! I took out a few that were only sold in spas so it wouldn't be so long....but if...
I picked up an old Sci-Fi book at the library a few days ago. One of the characters in the book is dying with a “terminal illness.” Her husband is standing outside the door of the hospital room and hears her conversing with someone inside. That “someone” is offering her the opportunity to get well, be totally healed. The catch is, someone must die in her place. She is promised it will not be someone she knows. She ref...
Word of the Day for Tuesday, October 9, 2007 physiognomy \fiz-ee-OG-nuh-mee; -ON-uh-mee\, noun : 1. The art of discovering temperament and other characteristic qualities of the mind from the outward appearance, especially by the features of the face. 2. The face or facial features, especially when regarded as indicating character. 3. The general appearance or aspect of a thing.
Word of the Day for Monday, October 8, 2007 maladroit \mal-uh-DROYT\, adjective : Lacking adroitness; clumsy; awkward; unskillful; inept.
Word of the Day for Friday, October 5, 2007 paroxysm \PAIR-uhk-siz-uhm\, noun : 1. (Medicine) A sudden attack, intensification, or recurrence of a disease. 2. Any sudden and violent emotion or action; an outburst; a fit.
Word of the Day for Thursday, October 4, 2007 redoubtable \rih-DOW-tuh-buhl\, adjective : 1. Arousing fear or alarm; formidable. 2. Illustrious; eminent; worthy of respect or honor.
I love words. As I get older though it seems like I am starting to lose them bit by bit. So I subscribed to a "word of the day" email. I will share the wealth with JU! If you wanna respond, find a way to use the word in a sentence. The more creative, the better. (This is a little trick I use when I have writer's block. Pick a word and then expound on it.) So without further's word. Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 3, 2007 ...
September 26, 2007 by
This parenting gig…..hard stuff. I hear people say how rewarding parenting can be. And I have to wonder, is that before they have kids, or after the kids are grown and gone? Heh. Do I get to cash in my parenting rewards for a trip to Hawaii? At this point, I’d cash them in for two more hours in every day. Why? Homework. Four hours of it a night, and only in the sixth grade. Wow. No wonder my son hates school. I have a theory about the...
September 24, 2007 by
I was talking to God Sunday morning on the way to the movie theater (where I planned on a healthy dose of Zombie slaying). Why was I on my way to the movies and not to church on Sunday? Well, that’s a good question. I call myself a Christian after all, and I do believe fellowship is important. But on Sunday I was heading to the early show to see the new Resident Evil movie. Since moving here two years ago we can’t seem to find our church “niche.” It’s not ...
Is it just me or did spring totally skip out this year? Just when it started warming up and things began turning green, it turned bitter cold, killing all the buds and many perennials which were already poking their heads out. Then, BAM, last week we were close to 90. And since the rain is missing us, everyone’s lawns are already going dormant (read brown) in MAY! This may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it is to me. Yesterday...
I was covered in dirt today (tilling flower beds and moving dirt) when a Col who works with my hubby pulled up to deliver these..... It was such a nice surprise. I used to tell my husband not to get me flowers, it was a waste of money since they just die. Now I cherish every bloom. So to all the mom's on JU, I want to share these with you. Happy Mother's Day.