Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 3, 2007 By Tova7 In Misc

I love words.  As I get older though it seems like I am starting to lose them bit by bit.  So I subscribed to a "word of the day" email.

I will share the wealth with JU!  If you wanna respond, find a way to use the word in a sentence.  The more creative, the better.

(This is a little trick I use when I have writer's block.  Pick a word and then expound on it.)

So without further ado...today's word.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 3, 2007

distrait \dis-TRAY\, adjective:

Divided or withdrawn in attention, especially because of anxiety

on Oct 03, 2007

I am distrait while driving if both my kids are yellking.  (Yellking is my word for talking and yelling at the same time.)

on Oct 03, 2007
The distrait rabbit was headed straight for the dinner table.
on Oct 03, 2007
Gosh, great minds! I just did that last week and was even thinking of sharing it as well!

Good going Tonya!

I was very distrait this morning.
on Oct 03, 2007
His dad pointed to his size 14 boot and said "if you don't behave, I'm gonna put distrait in your ass..."


WWW Link
on Oct 03, 2007
"if you don't behave, I'm gonna put distrait in your ass..."

I was going to think of a sentence...but damnit this is too funny to even attempt to follow.

on Oct 03, 2007
Wow, what a day. I mean I really need a martini after what I have witnessed. I saw a distrait mom driving along the road in a van swerving because she was yelling at her kids. If that wasn't bad enough, a block further down the road I saw a grown man hopping up and down on one booted foot because the other was straight up the ass of some young man. Jeez, what a day!   
on Oct 03, 2007
Great word, distrait.

I sat in the doctor's surgery, in a particularly distrated state because I expected to hear the worst.
on Oct 04, 2007


You guys are great!

Roy...loved the link...HILARIOUS!

Now go read the next word of the day before I put a foot in your ass.