Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on May 27, 2007 By Tova7 In Misc

Is it just me or did spring totally skip out this year?  Just when it started warming up and things began turning green, it turned bitter cold, killing all the buds and many perennials which were already poking their heads out.


Then, BAM, last week we were close to 90.  And since the rain is missing us, everyone’s lawns are already going dormant (read brown) in MAY!


This may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it is to me.  Yesterday I ordered 4 cubic yards of black mulch and spent the day spreading it in my flower beds.  It took me all day but dang it looks good!  Heh.  This year I did all red and white annuals.  Red is my all time favorite color so I just went for it.


Black mulch looks great, but stinks.  And since it is so dark it gets really hot during the day, then steams in the cooler night air.  Nothing like big piles of steaming stinking mulch, my flower garden’s special effects.


Have you ever noticed when you put sod in your yard, or grass seed, it is freaking hard to get it to grow without daily maintenance for several weeks?  But let one little grass root land in a flower bed and it grows lush with no effort.  What is up with that?



Today I cleaned out the garage.  I was going to power wash it but didn’t have time.  Besides Gavin was “helping” me so it took twice as long.


The shed is next, and that will be an all day job.  I want all this done so the boys and I can have fun this summer at the pool and hanging out.


I am watching the Angel series on DVD.  (Angel the vampire from Buffy.)  I was gifted all five seasons, but so far…I’m not really impressed.  If it doesn’t get better soon I probably won’t watch anymore of it.


School will be out in two weeks.  I am always so happy when its over, but then half way through summer I wish school was all year round.  Hahahaha


Right now it looks like my man will be returning in July.  I almost hate to actually write that down because I may jinx it.  About half the time he’s deployed in the past it was extended.  So I am not holding my breath but keeping my fingers crossed.


I used to be a big historical romance buff.  Take any event in history and add characters to it, a little romance, and I was hooked.  I read hundreds of novels.  That was back in the 80’s.


I picked up some paranormal romance by JR Ward…Black Dagger Brotherhood…and I was completely stunned at how much romance has changed.


For example in the 80’s I might read something like, “He rained wet kisses down her throat, across her breasts, until he reached the core of her femininity.”  Pretty mild, lots of flowery language.




Not anymore.  Now it reads….”He stroked her pus** with the head of his co**.”  I almost fell out of my chair!  And then I looked at the publisher thinking I some how picked up a pornographic novel at Wal-Mart?  Nope.  Same publisher I read in the 80’s. 


Don’t get me wrong.  If you like paranormal with some romance mixed in…read this hot new series by JR Ward.  It won’t make you any smarter, but the characters are so incredibly well done…I feel bad that the author has to be labeled under romance.  She’s good, except the passive voice.



I went for a pedicure last week.  (I blogged about spreading 4 cubic yards of dirt already.)  What I didn’t mention was the fact I did it in gardening shoes so everyday I scrubbed my feet and toenails to get the dirt out.


When I arrived for my pedicure, I got the only Asian guy in the place.  And while I scrubbed most of the dirt from my toenails, there was a little left.  He immediately started speaking Korean to another employee (no doubt talking about the sliver of dirt in one corner of my big toe).  I know they were talking about me because the female couldn’t meet my eyes, and well, you can just tell.


Ok I know it’s gross.  I did actually scrub my feet before I even went there.  I just don’t have all the funky little tools to reach every single little crevice.   That is one of the reasons I went for a $60 pedicure.


Which brings me to a friend of mine who just received her first Brazilian wax (getting wax on your private parts and having all hair yanked from said parts).  She said it was painless and I should try it.


Painless?  That didn’t sound right to me.


I told her I’d have to check with some other people first before I even considered it.  So who did I consult?  Why YouTube of course.  After watching these ladies, well my decision seems obvious.


on May 27, 2007
The weather stays pretty much the same here, but Adrian said it was already 115 in Iraq. This should be a fun summer for him.

I am trying to clean and organize, too, although I'm sure my idea of cleaning and organizing pales in comparison to yours, LOL. I am leaving my keys with a friend while I'm gone and she plans to come in every so often to "check on things"...so I don't want her to see how much of a slob I am. Haha.

I'm glad your husband will be home soon. July will be here before you know it.

We got a tentative date for Adrian, but who knows how accurate it is. I am just hoping he will be home this Fall before Izzy turns one.

I love pedicures. And for $60, they should expect to clean some dirt, LOL. Don't feel bad, though, I've seen some women with some NASTY feet getting pedicures before.

Nice YouTube video, LOL. I particularly liked the guy that was added in near the end. Haha.

Glad you're doing well.

on May 27, 2007
What a fun romp Tova I enjoyed this!  

Wow, sixty bucks to get your toenails done? and a wax job on your...uh, you know? Heh, I feel like I'm battin' a thousand when I get the barber to just trim my eyebrows...   
on May 28, 2007

Nice YouTube video, . I particularly liked the guy that was added in near the end. Haha.

It cracks me up every time I watch it.  Especially the woman who asks if it will hurt and her interpreter says, not a bit!  buwhahahahaha

We got a tentative date for Adrian, but who knows how accurate it is. I am just hoping he will be home this Fall before Izzy turns one.

Don't ya hate to even say it out loud?  I hope he comes home to you soon Tex.

I am trying to clean and organize, too, although I'm sure my idea of cleaning and organizing pales in comparison to yours, . I am leaving my keys with a friend while I'm gone and she plans to come in every so often to "check on things"...so I don't want her to see how much of a slob I am.

Tex that is so funny.  My gal pal asked me to water her plants while she took her kids home to Utah for a month.  She has 5 kids and is very into attachment parenting.  She's awesome.  She didn't bother cleaning up much before she left, heh, she knows I "know" what her house usually looks like.

While she was gone I scrubbed her house from top to bottom.  I didn't want to violate her privacy so I bought little plastic containers to put the piles of mail and paperwork sitting on her counters...or anything else that was not for guest consumption.

When she got back she said it was one of the best welcome home's ever.  Now if she could just find her electric bill...haha.


on May 28, 2007

What a fun romp Tova I enjoyed this!

Thanks Joe.  I needed to get something on my blog because I hate seeing the same article every time I log in....but I am really busy this time of year so its hard to come up with anything other than a list of latest happenings.

Wow, sixty bucks to get your toenails done? and a wax job on your...uh, you know? Heh, I feel like I'm battin' a thousand when I get the barber to just trim my eyebrows...

hahaha.  Guess that's why some men call women "high" maintenance.  Though, I don't get a lot of pedicures.  I'm really frugal. 


on May 28, 2007

Reply By: little-whip

on May 28, 2007

Often the only difference between mid to late spring here, and summer, is the Breeze!  So far, we have it, so dont jinx it!

As for the wax job, so you got it right?

on May 28, 2007
As for the wax job, so you got it right?

Um yeah. I jumped right on it.

Didn't hurt a bit.
on May 28, 2007
I didn't even want to click on the video...

Hope you continue to enjoy your summer...and maybe next year, spring will stick around longer for ya.
on May 28, 2007
I've been badly in need of a pedicure for years...but I'm just so embarrassed...I'm sure your Koreans would have a fit over my nasty feet. Good for you taking care of yourself.

Reply By: InBloomPosted: Monday, May 28, 2007I didn't even want to click on the video...

Same here! :: I'm in awfully close quarters with my entire family sleeping within ten feet of me right now. I'll just leave the video to my imagination.

Btw, I'm sure you didn't want to be serious on this topic, but I'm a fan of laser hair removal. And at least they're honest about what it will feel like: about 50 rubberband snaps to the region. It's bearable. And PERMANENT too!

That's my TMI session for today.
on May 29, 2007

Btw, I'm sure you didn't want to be serious on this topic, but I'm a fan of laser hair removal. And at least they're honest about what it will feel like: about 50 rubberband snaps to the region. It's bearable. And PERMANENT too!

I heard you have to get several laser treatments for it to be permanent.  Is that not true?  I'd def look into it if it was a one time thing.  And if it made the hair go away forever...wow.  Never shave my legs again?  Where do I sign up?

I'm sure your Koreans would have a fit over my nasty feet.

We could do some gardening in our bare feet then go in together.  hahahaha.  I can just hear the Korean flying around as they freak out over big fat American feet!  buwahahaha

I didn't even want to click on the video...

Ah, you and Angela should watch it.  It's not revealing.  It only shows the faces of women (and even a guy) getting it.  Their nervousness and then their faces when its pulled....It is HILARIOUS...and nothing the kids can't see Angela.  Heh



on May 29, 2007
The video cracked me up... Some of the faces the women pulled were great but the guy at the end did it for me LOL

Our autumn, which is just about over, didn't really happen. The last week here has been more like spring and I'm starting to wonder whether we'll get a winter at all this year.

The thing I've noticed is how confused local plants seem to be. We've still got buds on the frangipanis in out back yard and other plants seem to be flowering when they shouldn't. Usually, at this time of the year, the frangipani, for instance, has lost all its leaves and is in a dormant state for winter.

And there is no such thing as global warming...
on May 30, 2007
And there is no such thing as global warming...

Be careful. Our fall last year (and early winter) was the same as yours. Then we got slammed the last half of the winter (and more snow in Spring than the whole winter).

It is not global warming. It is the McDonalds and global tilting! All the heavies here in the colonies are causing the earth to tilt! LOL
on May 31, 2007

It is the McDonalds and global tilting!

Bite your tongue!

The thing I've noticed is how confused local plants seem to be. We've still got buds on the frangipanis in out back yard and other plants seem to be flowering when they shouldn't. Usually, at this time of the year, the frangipani, for instance, has lost all its leaves and is in a dormant state for winter.

I hate that.  Some people like animals, I like plants.  I don't name them or anything, heh.  But I really hate to see something green and sprouting get killed by frost.  I think we better retire in the south where I will have to best flower garden EVER.

And there is no such thing as global warming...

I can buy into the global warming thing...but WHY its happening is where I get lost.  I think its part man made and part natural.  But I haven't researched it like Al Gore...hahahaha.


on Jun 01, 2007
Some people like animals, I like plants

I like both and like you, I hate to see anything damaged or hurt.

WHY its happening is where I get lost. I think its part man made and part natural

I think you're dead right here. There are so many factors I think it is extremely difficult to point at a single thing or event and say "this is what has caused global warming."