Jay was finally placed in a "parent" facility at the Chillicothe Correctional Institute (CCI). I received two letters from him this week. He's fortunate it is one of the nicer facilities, meaning there aren't maximum security inmates, and he can spend a lot of time outside on the football field/track area.
It's getting cold here in Ohio. The state doesn't provide any cold weather gear for inmates. So, Jay is freezing. I am learning a lot about prisons in Ohio, too much if you want to know the truth. Did you know they are run by wardens who are public administrators? haha. No thanks.
I don't know how it used to be in prison, but now you can't just send a box to someone. For example, I want to send Jay some sweats, long johns, shoes, socks, so he won't be cold. I can't stand to think of my brother baring the brunt of Ohio winters in nothing more than a pajama top.
Well, there is only one place to buy things for inmates in Ohio. I have to use ohiopackages.com. He can receive 3 boxes of non food items a year, and 2 of food. They have to be ordered through this website, who then sends the items on to prisoners. The items are over-priced of course and most are flimsy quality. WHEN they even have what you want to order in stock. They didn't have pens or a pad of paper in stock when I ordered Jay's box. $135 for two sweat suits, some socks, 2 long john sets, a hat, and gloves.
I am a bargain shopper at all times. After visiting that website and being forced to buy that crap, well, I need a shower.
I read on the site they have no affiliation with the prison system in Ohio. Yeah riiiiiight. EVERY SINGLE prison in Ohio gives ALL their business (inmates can only order from this company) to this place and there aren't any kickbacks? Uh, yeah. It's a monopoly. Worse, it makes family and friends hostage to the prison mentality, and I HATE that.
I received the guidelines for visitation, and the application. They attempt to talk to and treat visitors like prisoners. In some of the material I received for visitation it said occasionally there are random strip searches of visitors.
I love my brother, but I'm not taking my clothes off just to visit him. When I go, if I am "randomly" picked I will refuse and leave. They can kiss my ass. Jay broke the law and is paying with his basic rights and freedom. I didn't break any law and I won't lay down my rights at the gate. It's like when you're a kid and the oldest kid makes all the younger smaller kids do stupid stuff just so they can play on the playground. There isn't much of a point to it, other than to show who is in charge, and the entertainment value of watching the kids jump through hoops. (Yeah I know all about people sneaking stuff into prisons, but we are filmed from the moment we enter the parking lot until we leave. We aren't allowed to carry anything like a purse inside. Now maybe I'm naive but what can I carry in my hands or pockets that can be passed un-observed to an inmate, that he can then conceal on his person in a way that escapes the pat down and "occasional" strip search he gets after I leave?) Who knows. Maybe I am just frustrated with it all... Grrrrrr....
I want this election to be over. Just over.
The quarter is winding down at school, but the work is still kicking butt. If I never see another statistic it will be too soon.
I am tired. So tired. My thyroid is acting up and last night I woke up three times on the verge of calling 911. My heart beat so hard it pulsed and blurred my vision with every beat, while my head felt like it was going to pop. I was waiting to stroke out.
Oh well. I lived, but there was obviously drain bramage.