Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 5, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc

I am scared for my family, for my nation.  People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election."  Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?'  That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank?

My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right?  He and his congress will raise the white flag and let our troops come home.  Sure, some of them will be pushed out of the service and into unemployment during a bad economy, but hey, who cares, right?  They were never really important anyway.  After all, Obama and his congress voted to cut off funding right in the middle of the war.  Imagine reaching for a magazine to reload during a fire fight and instead finding a politician there shrugging his shoulders....'sorry man, I got lazy people at home to support.' 

Yeah, Obama is a knife in a gun fight kind of guy.

On the surface it looks like his cowardice will benefit my family...my husband won't have to deploy again and fight over there.  He will be home.

Except everyone I know, who is in the know, is worried.  Worried they won't be the only one in their family who is fighting anymore...worried when it comes home again, (and it will), it may be nuclear, or so bad, their wives and children will see up close and personal what they fought to keep away.

Frankly, I don't remember feeling this apprehensive about our country's future since I was old enough to learn about nukes and the fact Russia pointed some right at us.  I lived with the underlying knowledge that at any time it could all end.  We all did.  It was a thread of tension, pulled taught, under the pursuit of happiness I chased as a child and young adult.

Then the wall came down and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief.....and we raised a generation without the threat of it over their heads.  We turned our full attention to making life good for our kids so they never lived with that underlying thread of tension in their lives.  Our culture taught them to be colorblind, gender-blind, somehow stressing the act of blindness is more important than the content of one's character.

They grew up.  They voted.  They voted for the type of government which honors cowardice, rewards slackers, penalizes success, and frankly stretches a rope of tension where that small Russian thread used to be.

Do you know what I see at the university level every day?  A generation that is so self-centered, so self-obsessed, they believe the world owes them an easy ride...an "equal" ride.  A position here-to-for reserved for adults reaching middle age and beyond, who realize their bad choices made them poor, sick, whatever, and want to be bailed out of the consequences of those decisions by the government.

They had their shot, they blew it, and they want the rest of the country to pay for it.

We have a whole generation of like minded young adults just entering into our realm of decision making.  Instead of graduating university with the desire to work hard and change the world, they are joining with the aforementioned free rider middle aged adults and looking for ways to snatch things they didn't earn.  No risk, no risk of failing.

These young adults look at their parents and believe life should start out with as much as it took their parents an entire life to become, to acquire, to learn.  They take out student loans worth thousands of dollars without so much as a shrug.  They expect their parents to pay for college by working two jobs if necessary, but they could never work and go to school, it might be too hard.  They might fail.  They deserve better.

Combine this generation with the older slackers and the middle is squashed, completely obliterated.  In wanting such an easy life, they may indeed achieve it, but never anything above it.  They will in fact be living and sucking up the resources it took this country generations to acquire.  Standing on the accomplishments of the generations before them just long enough to break those shoulders and stomp the achievements into dust.  And once the dust settles, America will be gone.  Then they will turn, arms open wide, to other countries, countries they believe superior and hope for rescue.  After all, they deserve it right?  And then, maybe, once we are slaves to countries who have envied us for generations, we will finally see ...the American Dream once governed, is the American Nightmare.



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on Nov 05, 2008


on Nov 05, 2008

you know as well as I do T this has to happen. 

Now, we just sit back and watch it happen. 

Remember the coronation of King Saul?  God gave them what they cried for. 

I'm afraid that's what we just got.  For our country tho it will be soon be clear that we didn't really what we desired but what we deserved. 

We've been asked to be missionaries to Poland.  I'm seriously thinking about it right now although they've got big guns pointed at them as we speak from Russia. 

It's funny but I believe the safest spot on earth right now is Israel. 



on Nov 05, 2008

Frankly, I don't remember feeling this apprehensive about our country's future since I was old enough to learn about nukes and the fact Russia pointed some right at us. 


on Nov 05, 2008

Now, we just sit back and watch it happen.

I get your point but guess what?  I don't think you will be sitting back and watching anything.  Get ready to take a beating KFC, to be right down in the mud fighting...if you are sitting at the end of it, most likely it will because they took your legs.  Someone deserved them more don't ya know....

C'mon, Tova, it's not that bad.
There will be another election in two years. Let's hope that Mr O has done enough damage by then to wake folks up and return some power to Conservatives in either the House or the Senate, if not both.
There's always 2012...

I don't know Whip.  I think it IS that bad.  We can have a million more elections but if we stock the pond with contaminated minnows, it only breeds contaminated fish until the pond destroys itself or has to be destroyed. 


on Nov 05, 2008

It's funny but I believe the safest spot on earth right now is Israel.


on Nov 05, 2008

The interview that stuck out with the local voters was the one with the young man:

"I am voting for Obama for what's in it for me".

This is not the democrat party of JFK.

on Nov 05, 2008

I don't think you will be sitting back and watching anything. Get ready to take a beating KFC, to be right down in the mud fighting...if you are sitting at the end of it, most likely it will because they took your legs. Someone deserved them more don't ya know....

hahaha of course you're right....it's just a way of saying there's not much more we're really going to be able to do politically now.  I'm ready for the beating more than you know.  I've been doing some pretty deep research these last few months and I'd love to chat with you about it sometime. 

 The more I uncover the more it's reading like the daily newspaper including why I think our country was put here in the first place.  Look how far we've come in being a world leader in 232 years.   We are the leader of the free world and also known as the bully of the world.  We are the new Rome.  It's time for us to take the big fall just as Rome did.    Amazing when you really think about it. 

I don't know Whip. I think it IS that bad. We can have a million more elections but if we stock the pond with contaminated minnows, it only breeds contaminated fish until the pond destroys itself or has to be destroyed.

exactly...good way of putting it. 

on Nov 05, 2008

Amazing when you really think about it.

I wanted better for my children.  For my country.

on Nov 05, 2008

I don't believe in the apocalypse crap, so that's not a concern for me.  I am a little worried about how the Democrats handle the military.  Overall, though, I am not feeling the doom and gloom.  I think time will tell. 

I do think our greed will be our own undoing, but it's not happening today or tomorrow I guess.  I dunno.  I just don't think worrying is going to help me any.  What's done is done.

on Nov 05, 2008

I dunno. I just don't think worrying is going to help me any. What's done is done.

I agree...worrying won't solve anything, but I do like to see the hits when they're coming.

I am a little worried about how the Democrats handle the military. Overall, though, I am not feeling the doom and gloom. I think time will tell.

Well just starting today with the New York Times, they want him to close Gitmo, pull out of Iraq, and raise taxes yesterday.  B. Frank is recommending a minimum of a 25% cut in military

Clinton cut the military.  I don't know if you guys were in then or not.  But with his cuts, we saw guys with 8-14 years in told "see ya."  They didn't get squat except a boot in the ass.  Obama thinks even less of the military than Clinton did by his words and actions.

Imagine how that is gonna play with veterans coming back from war and their families.

Imagine how that will play in your own family if one in every 4 people in the military are cut.  The Army has the largest number of people so it will be hit hardest.  Providing your husband isn't part of the 25% forced out.  We aren't leaving Afghanistan anytime soon according to Obama...so the remaining 75% of the troops will pick up the slack by deploying more often and being gone longer.

The little extras already have a bullseye on them.  The federal tax break for men in combat zones for instance, some cuts in "allowances" (house/food) or calling them something else so they can be taxed.  I don't know about you but those two things will break the budget with most of the military families I know.

These are all things which can affect your family right off the bat.

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is a good option.  I'm just not there yet.


on Nov 05, 2008

A little doom and gloom, eh?

I don't feel afraid in the least...fear is a distraction that's not going to help us.  We need diplomacy, discussion, and thought to fix our country and that's the mindset I'm going to keep.

Overall I find it very tiresome to waste energy speculating and fearing the future.  Deal with it as it comes and you'll sleep better at night.



on Nov 05, 2008

I don't feel afraid in the least

This is not a personal slam.....

What do you have to fear Zoo?  You have nothing to lose.  You don't own a home.  Don't have children.  Do you have a job?  Do you have people who look to you for every bite of food they eat, every Drs visit, for protection?  Do you work to pay your bills?

Of course you aren't afraid.

Frankly its that very attitude I am lamenting in this article.  You don't see beyond your little world.  Change is great when everyone else has to carry it huh?

I wonder for instance if your views would change if Obama cuts the military, something catastrophic happens, and we don't have enough troops...then he starts a draft for young men like yourself.  I wonder how relaxed you'd be knowing your degree is useless when you're carrying a gun and taking fire...and I wonder how fearless you'd be knowing that while other people were counting on you for their lives...your commander and chief sent you into a gun fight with nothing but a knife.

You lose nothing because you risked nothing.

on Nov 05, 2008

We are only just now closing in on 6 years so we missed the Clinton years.  I understand what you're saying about being prepared for potential negative consequences but honestly, Tova, I spend so much time fretting over things that never come to pass that I just can't allow myself to get worked up over this. 


on Nov 05, 2008

I don't think I'm worried per se.  If I am, it's not for myself.  I guess the best way I can put it is, I fear for those who think "peace and safety" is around the corner.   I fear for those who will be blindsided when the time comes, and I do believe the time will come soon. 

Being prepared and being worried are two different things. 

on Nov 05, 2008

LOL, KFC you got a hymn running through my head...

"I care not today what the morrow may bring, if shadow or sunshine or rain...the lord I know ruleth o'er everything, and all of my worry is vain..."

Which leads me to...Matthew 6:25 - 34

"25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

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