Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 5, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc

I am scared for my family, for my nation.  People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election."  Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?'  That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank?

My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right?  He and his congress will raise the white flag and let our troops come home.  Sure, some of them will be pushed out of the service and into unemployment during a bad economy, but hey, who cares, right?  They were never really important anyway.  After all, Obama and his congress voted to cut off funding right in the middle of the war.  Imagine reaching for a magazine to reload during a fire fight and instead finding a politician there shrugging his shoulders....'sorry man, I got lazy people at home to support.' 

Yeah, Obama is a knife in a gun fight kind of guy.

On the surface it looks like his cowardice will benefit my family...my husband won't have to deploy again and fight over there.  He will be home.

Except everyone I know, who is in the know, is worried.  Worried they won't be the only one in their family who is fighting anymore...worried when it comes home again, (and it will), it may be nuclear, or so bad, their wives and children will see up close and personal what they fought to keep away.

Frankly, I don't remember feeling this apprehensive about our country's future since I was old enough to learn about nukes and the fact Russia pointed some right at us.  I lived with the underlying knowledge that at any time it could all end.  We all did.  It was a thread of tension, pulled taught, under the pursuit of happiness I chased as a child and young adult.

Then the wall came down and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief.....and we raised a generation without the threat of it over their heads.  We turned our full attention to making life good for our kids so they never lived with that underlying thread of tension in their lives.  Our culture taught them to be colorblind, gender-blind, somehow stressing the act of blindness is more important than the content of one's character.

They grew up.  They voted.  They voted for the type of government which honors cowardice, rewards slackers, penalizes success, and frankly stretches a rope of tension where that small Russian thread used to be.

Do you know what I see at the university level every day?  A generation that is so self-centered, so self-obsessed, they believe the world owes them an easy ride...an "equal" ride.  A position here-to-for reserved for adults reaching middle age and beyond, who realize their bad choices made them poor, sick, whatever, and want to be bailed out of the consequences of those decisions by the government.

They had their shot, they blew it, and they want the rest of the country to pay for it.

We have a whole generation of like minded young adults just entering into our realm of decision making.  Instead of graduating university with the desire to work hard and change the world, they are joining with the aforementioned free rider middle aged adults and looking for ways to snatch things they didn't earn.  No risk, no risk of failing.

These young adults look at their parents and believe life should start out with as much as it took their parents an entire life to become, to acquire, to learn.  They take out student loans worth thousands of dollars without so much as a shrug.  They expect their parents to pay for college by working two jobs if necessary, but they could never work and go to school, it might be too hard.  They might fail.  They deserve better.

Combine this generation with the older slackers and the middle is squashed, completely obliterated.  In wanting such an easy life, they may indeed achieve it, but never anything above it.  They will in fact be living and sucking up the resources it took this country generations to acquire.  Standing on the accomplishments of the generations before them just long enough to break those shoulders and stomp the achievements into dust.  And once the dust settles, America will be gone.  Then they will turn, arms open wide, to other countries, countries they believe superior and hope for rescue.  After all, they deserve it right?  And then, maybe, once we are slaves to countries who have envied us for generations, we will finally see ...the American Dream once governed, is the American Nightmare.



Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 05, 2008

I spend so much time fretting over things that never come to pass that I just can't allow myself to get worked up over this.

It's probably for the best Tex.

I'm not scared as in, "shaking", I'm scared as in "not trusting."

Does that make sense?

If it were just the military issue no big deal, but Obama wants to put his fingers in every financial aspect of our (my family's) lives.  That makes me sick. 

on Nov 05, 2008

Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Amen and to that I say...:It has arrived. 

on Nov 05, 2008

Which leads me to...Matthew 6:25 - 34

hahaha which is exactly what I was thinking when I said I'm not worried so much about myself but for others.  I have complete trust in God for my life so that's not the problem. 

When we have children, friends and loved ones who we feel might be in grave danger we worry about them.  It's human nature and for a Christian it's a struggle between being worried and trusting God in ALL things.   It's no different than a wife or a mother with a loved one of theirs is in enemy territory. 

That's how I feel. 

I've heard it said that worrying is like rocking in a rocker.  The faster you rock the more you realize you're not really going anywhere.  Worrying is much like that. 

on Nov 05, 2008

I don't think you will be sitting back and watching anything. Get ready to take a beating KFC, to be right down in the mud fighting...if you are sitting at the end of it, most likely it will because they took your legs. Someone deserved them more don't ya know....

hahaha of course you're right....it's just a way of saying there's not much more we're really going to be able to do politically now. I'm ready for the beating more than you know. I've been doing some pretty deep research these last few months and I'd love to chat with you about it sometime.

Here's something our fellow Obama voters lack that us who voted against Obama have in advantage. We understand (somewhat anyways) what Obama's policies can do this country so we are already one step ahead of them. We had enough time to educate, understand and to prepare ourselves. When the smack in the face comes, it will be hard but we will survive, when they get the smack, it will be hard and the recovery will be even harder.

on Nov 05, 2008

When the smack in the face comes, it will be hard but we will survive, when they get the smack, it will be hard and the recovery will be even harder.

It started last night with his victory speech.  Did you see the blank expressions on people's faces when he said we have sacrifices to make and it will take more than 4 years?  hahahaha....

I actually do agree we need to get spending down, the national debt down, and I am willing to sacrifice a certain degree of prosperity for it.   I hope he has a flare for budgeting, that'd be a plus.  Of course he's never had a budget so......

What I don't want is bigger government (ironic I know, since I am getting a Masters in Public Administration).  I certainly don't want to pay for bigger government.

There just isn't a lot I can respect about the man's economic policy or his social politics.  Maybe he'll impress me.



on Nov 05, 2008

I missed his speech last night...Adrian was monopolizing the TV.  I did catch McCain's speech, which I thought was very classy. 

I am not sure how everything will play out.  I know my own family's survival is up to my husband and I, but that's something I've known all along, so it's not like that's changed. 

We don't *have* to stay a military family...heh, Adrian hates his job as clinic NCOIC.  It's an E7 slot and if it were a civilian job, there'd be at least 2 or 3 people doing the job instead of just one (him).  He said today that he signed up to be a Soldier, not to do the bullshit he's doing now. 

At least we know what he *doesn't* want to do when/if he gets out, LOL!

It's important to me, but I don't *have* to be a SAHM.  And there are a lot of extras we can cut.  I think we will be ok.  I don't know if I'm just being naive or what, but I am not certain that things will go badly.  I know they can, but I don't think it's a given. Maybe that's irresponsible of me.  I don't know.

on Nov 05, 2008

And there are a lot of extras we can cut. I think we will be ok. I don't know if I'm just being naive or what, but I am not certain that things will go badly. I know they can, but I don't think it's a given. Maybe that's irresponsible of me. I don't know.

No Tex.  You are being reasonable and pragmatic.  I am *certain* the world as I know it is ending because I'm disgusted and not feeling very well...I have a cold like flu I can't shake which always makes my outlook on life worse.

This blog is essentially my whine and vent about the election and losing, then I will be done with it. 


on Nov 05, 2008

The interview that stuck out with the local voters was the one with the young man:

"I am voting for Obama for what's in it for me".

This is not the democrat party of JFK.

Sorry I missed this Doc.

Yeah it is telling isn't it?  They are so willing for "radical change" so long as they don't have to do the changing, or pay for it. 

on Nov 05, 2008

Actually thinking on this more (while scrubbing the bathroom, hahaha), I think I "get it"...if you have worked and saved your entire adult life to build wealth for your future security or to reach a point in your success where you are comfortable and your years of sacrifice and toil are paying off...and someone is poised to potentially wipe all that away...well, that would be something to get upset about.

For us, I think it's less scary just because we're not there yet and seem to have a very in-the-moment sort of mentality.

on Nov 05, 2008

Actually thinking on this more (while scrubbing the bathroom, hahaha), I think I "get it"...if you have worked and saved your entire adult life to build wealth for your future security or to reach a point in your success where you are comfortable and your years of sacrifice and toil are paying off...and someone is poised to potentially wipe all that away...well, that would be something to get upset about.

For us, I think it's less scary just because we're not there yet and seem to have a very in-the-moment sort of mentality.

You and that bathtub!  hahahah

Here is my view on it all.  When I was 17 I joined the AF and carried all my worldly possessions in a single carry on bag.  I had twenty dollars in my pocket.  That was the extent of my wealth.

Over the next twenty years I worked one, two, sometimes three jobs, put myself through college, and married a man who had nothing but a desire to "make it."  He put himself through college, went from enlisted to the officer corps, and spent more time at war than he did with his first son.  We sacrificed and scrimped, clipped coupons, shopped at the Salvation Army, always lived below our means, didn't use credit, sometimes living in third world countries, sometimes in hostile environments, and we did all we could to save for our future.

We waited seven years to have our first child so we could plan for me to stay at home financially.

No one has ever given us a dime.  Not family.  Not friends.  No one.  We've never received aid of any kind.  Not for school, not for kids, nadda.  We have tithed and given to people in need throughout. 

Everything in my home was paid for with money either my husband or myself earned.  We have investments, we have college funds for our kids, we have no debt (except our mortgage), our vehicles are paid for.

I do take it very personal when those things are threatened.  The stock market does not like Obama, so it hurts our college funds and investments.  His capital gains tax proposal also hurts our finances.  My husband makes enough money now after 22 years of busting his ass in the military that Obama's tax plan calls us "rich."  HAR.  HAR.  Now THAT is rich.

Obama wants to cut the military so either my husband will be forced to retire (which hurts the military and all those left behind), or be gone more.  Not to mention his new commander and chief is a sniveling coward who wouldn't serve a minute in the military on a bet.

There isn't one area of our personal lives his election won't influence in a NEGATIVE way.

So when I hear people who risk nothing talk about how he's gonna change things, I want to vomit.  Change is easy when it doesn't touch your own life.  When people don't work to get where they are, when they think it's ok and everythings gonna be all right...well they either have nothing, or they have more than the gov can take.

I didn't spend my whole life working and educating myself out of the white trash drama land of my past to have some never been hungry black liberal man take it and hand it to someone who will piss it all away.

Hell no.

on Nov 05, 2008


Change is great when everyone else has to carry it huh?

I'll bear the burdens that come my way.  I don't run from responsibility.

You lose nothing because you risked nothing.

I have to start a life in your seemingly dark and gloomy future.  How's that for fun?  I have nothing, true...but from nothing I have to gain something...if things get very bad then I walk out of college and on to the street.  Lovely thought, that. 

I wonder how relaxed you'd be knowing your degree is useless when you're carrying a gun and taking fire...and I wonder how fearless you'd be knowing that while other people were counting on you for their lives...your commander and chief sent you into a gun fight with nothing but a knife.

Well, then I would be afraid.  I'm sure I'd be scared shitless in fact because I would be in a legitimately dangerous situation.  I doubt any drafts will be put into effect, though...and I won't worry about it unless it does happen. 


There's so many ifs, ands, or buts...and I don't want to worry all the time...it's never been in my nature to do that.  I understand your viewpoint even if I don't share it, though.


on Nov 05, 2008

There's so many ifs, ands, or buts...and I don't want to worry all the time...it's never been in my nature to do that.

Yeah well Zoo I don't know too many college kids who have a reason to worry.  They don't even really have a need for the "change" they mindlessly blather about either.  It's not like they were suffering under Bush's economy/leadership.  To hear them repeat their Obama-speak you'd think they were under the thumb of the Bush administration for eight long oppressive years...which means for a lot of them it started when they were in their mid-teens.  Wow, that's horrible!!  To be so politically savy at 14/15 but to be kept down by the evil Republicans.

What was so horrible?  The fact they were fortunate enough to go to college?  The fact most of the ones I encounter are able to attend college and choose not to work?  The fact they actually have to pay back their student loans? 

During the convention and after election party, you'd think Obama was a WWII war hero coming into a concentration camp to free them from what exactly?  The angst of being a teenager in a prosperous country?  The draft?  Oh no it must be all the responsibility we burden our youth with today....no wait...I got it, he's saving them from a lifetime of working hard.  That's the ticket.  Three cheers for mediocrity!


I have to start a life in your seemingly dark and gloomy future. How's that for fun? I have nothing, true...but from nothing I have to gain something...if things get very bad then I walk out of college and on to the street.

From nothing you have to gain something?  Nah.  You have to make enough money to eat and support a place to live...which with room mates can be done on minimum wage with plenty of money left over for beer.  (Which you will need in abundance once the fairness of everyone being miserable starts wearing on ya.)

Sarcasm aside for a sec, I doubt the parent(s) you go back to every summer would let you be on the streets.  Unless of course the messiah takes what they have and gives it to people who haven't worked for it.  Then yeah, you may actually have to take a room mate or two, or work a couple jobs.

I'm sorry how is that gloomy again?

I'll bear the burdens that come my way. I don't run from responsibility.

Starting out is not the same as starting over after you've been ravaged and robbed.  You're a smart guy, you can see the difference.  And you also know talking about taking responsibility and actually doing it are worlds apart. 

I don't mean to be a bitch about it, but it seems to me like most people I meet who voted for Obama don't have anything to lose.  They certainly weren't thinking about our country when they voted for a man with no experience in anything as mundane as budgeting and as catastrophic as war.

Don't get me wrong.  We'll endure, we'll survive.  It just pisses me off that one idiot and his idiot congress have the potential to reduce my family, my country, to mere survival.






on Nov 06, 2008

Overall I find it very tiresome to waste energy speculating and fearing the future.

It is what separates man from the rest of the animals.  But then, sometimes there is not a lot of difference as we have seen.

They are so willing for "radical change" so long as they don't have to do the changing, or pay for it.

A goose is a goose, and makes for a fine meal.  But if that goose is the one laying the golden eggs, you just sacraficed your future for a tasty dinner.

I hope America enjoys its dinner.

on Nov 06, 2008

I hope America enjoys its dinner.

Guess I'm evil because I hope there is a fair amount of choking and gagging on the way down.

ALL things serve the perfect will of God.

That doesn't mean they still don't piss me off.

I am not anxious for our future, uncertain is a better term.  Mostly though, incredulous.  I appreciate our democracy more than I am pissed off though, so I will get over this funk soon.


on Nov 06, 2008

Yeah well Zoo I don't know too many college kids who have a reason to worry. They don't even really have a need for the "change" they mindlessly blather about either.

This reminded me of a conversation I had yesterday with a 20 year old.  He's a Christian and voted for Obama.  I know him quite well.  The conversation went like this:

ME:  You voted for Obama? (with a how could you expression in my voice.)

Randy:  ya.

ME:  why?

Randy: Cuz Obama wants change.

ME:  What change?

Randy: dunno just change.

ME:   Have you ever heard of the Freedom of Choice Act?

Randy:  No.

ME:  Have you ever heard of the Born Alive Protection Act?

Randy: no (starting to show he's uncomfortable)

ME:  Do you believe in abortion?

Randy:  No.

There you have it.  A 20 year old Christian who doesn't believe in abortion, doesn't know any facts and voted for Obama because Obama ranted about change.  Scary. 

Obama had a slogan and it worked.  Brilliant! 

believe it's in the book of Kings where we're told that all earthly authority exists only because God allows it to, and should be obeyed.

not sure about Kings but it is in Romans 13. 

ALL things serve the perfect will of God.

excellent..... I like it! 


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