Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 5, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc

I am scared for my family, for my nation.  People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election."  Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?'  That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank?

My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right?  He and his congress will raise the white flag and let our troops come home.  Sure, some of them will be pushed out of the service and into unemployment during a bad economy, but hey, who cares, right?  They were never really important anyway.  After all, Obama and his congress voted to cut off funding right in the middle of the war.  Imagine reaching for a magazine to reload during a fire fight and instead finding a politician there shrugging his shoulders....'sorry man, I got lazy people at home to support.' 

Yeah, Obama is a knife in a gun fight kind of guy.

On the surface it looks like his cowardice will benefit my family...my husband won't have to deploy again and fight over there.  He will be home.

Except everyone I know, who is in the know, is worried.  Worried they won't be the only one in their family who is fighting anymore...worried when it comes home again, (and it will), it may be nuclear, or so bad, their wives and children will see up close and personal what they fought to keep away.

Frankly, I don't remember feeling this apprehensive about our country's future since I was old enough to learn about nukes and the fact Russia pointed some right at us.  I lived with the underlying knowledge that at any time it could all end.  We all did.  It was a thread of tension, pulled taught, under the pursuit of happiness I chased as a child and young adult.

Then the wall came down and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief.....and we raised a generation without the threat of it over their heads.  We turned our full attention to making life good for our kids so they never lived with that underlying thread of tension in their lives.  Our culture taught them to be colorblind, gender-blind, somehow stressing the act of blindness is more important than the content of one's character.

They grew up.  They voted.  They voted for the type of government which honors cowardice, rewards slackers, penalizes success, and frankly stretches a rope of tension where that small Russian thread used to be.

Do you know what I see at the university level every day?  A generation that is so self-centered, so self-obsessed, they believe the world owes them an easy ride...an "equal" ride.  A position here-to-for reserved for adults reaching middle age and beyond, who realize their bad choices made them poor, sick, whatever, and want to be bailed out of the consequences of those decisions by the government.

They had their shot, they blew it, and they want the rest of the country to pay for it.

We have a whole generation of like minded young adults just entering into our realm of decision making.  Instead of graduating university with the desire to work hard and change the world, they are joining with the aforementioned free rider middle aged adults and looking for ways to snatch things they didn't earn.  No risk, no risk of failing.

These young adults look at their parents and believe life should start out with as much as it took their parents an entire life to become, to acquire, to learn.  They take out student loans worth thousands of dollars without so much as a shrug.  They expect their parents to pay for college by working two jobs if necessary, but they could never work and go to school, it might be too hard.  They might fail.  They deserve better.

Combine this generation with the older slackers and the middle is squashed, completely obliterated.  In wanting such an easy life, they may indeed achieve it, but never anything above it.  They will in fact be living and sucking up the resources it took this country generations to acquire.  Standing on the accomplishments of the generations before them just long enough to break those shoulders and stomp the achievements into dust.  And once the dust settles, America will be gone.  Then they will turn, arms open wide, to other countries, countries they believe superior and hope for rescue.  After all, they deserve it right?  And then, maybe, once we are slaves to countries who have envied us for generations, we will finally see ...the American Dream once governed, is the American Nightmare.



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on Nov 06, 2008

I've had discussions with my students about who you would vote for and why would they vote that way if they could.  This is not just simply something that only youthful Obama supporters do.  Casting a vote without knowing any issues or background is something that spreads across this and every new generation of voters in the majority.  Those ignorant McCain and Obama supporters have learned to be such via peer pressure, parental or familal influence, and even religious implications.

Also, in regards to the subject of this article and the author, Tova7, if you are earning a Master's in Public Administration, shouldn't you have been just as questionable of the still current administration's blunders and lack of 'across the board' leadership?  You act as if Obama will destroy everything you know and love or cause things to crash even harder for our nation.  It's interesting how previous years of governmental fear-mongering have trained people to create their own fears preemptively.  I mean, your suggestions are not simply implying that he will put forth policies that are against your basic ideals, but rather that he will just charge this nation right down the shitter.  What I'm getting at is how can you even begin to expect that from a person who desires nothing but improvement for our nation?

Still, remember to reflect on how you and your generation were viewed by your predecessors back when you were coming on the scene.  Take that to heart when thinking about the direction of this nation and the passing of the torch.  React and adapt, but fear holds you back.

on Nov 06, 2008

reflect on how you and your generation were viewed by your predecessors back when you were coming on the scene. Take that to heart when thinking about the direction of this nation and the passing of the torch. React and adapt, but fear holds you back.

Fear doesn't hold me back.  Good old fashioned common sense keeps me from jumping on the wagon with the rest of the Obama-bots.  I have no desire to go where he is headed.

I mean, your suggestions are not simply implying that he will put forth policies that are against your basic ideals, but rather that he will just charge this nation right down the shitter. What I'm getting at is how can you even begin to expect that from a person who desires nothing but improvement for our nation?

How can you doubt it from a man that went out of his way to make sure the American people know NOTHING about his ideals/visions/beliefs outside of empty rhetoric?

I have read his "economic policies" all SIX of them.  The last president to raise taxes during an economic downturn was Hoover, and he heralded in the Great Depression.

Have you heard of imputed income?  The Dems tried to pass an imputed income bill back in the mid 90's.  It was stopped by Republicans.  Basically it is this....if you pay $1000 a month mortgage, but houses in your neighborhood rent for $2000, then the Dems say you have $12,000 a year imputed income and it needs to be taxed.

If your house is paid for and the rentals in your area are $2000 a month, then your imputed income is $24,000 a year...which can affect social security benefits, other benefits at a local level one may receive, as well as push people into a higher income tax bracket.

Though I don't find direct reference to it in his "economic plan" it is already being bantered around again by local Democrats and the man's not even in the white house yet.

That's the kind of thing we can expect from the Dems and Mr Obama.  I don't see how that is improving the nation.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

As for my degree, yeah Obama will certainly be good for a career in public administration.  He will be building more federal gov programs, departments, organizations...but that's not why I'm in the field.  Foundations and not for profits are typically run by public administrators and I hope to be part of those.

I also understand from studying this field that local not for profit organizations (which are funded primarily through BUSINESS grants...and how long do you think they can last when taxes go up on businesses and they have to stop giving money away to charity?) along with other organizations funded by the state, can handle the needs of the local population including health care.  There is no reason to take more money from the American people and businesses and send it to Washington.  They have enough, and aren't fiscally responsible with it.

Obama's big government spending is going to wreck our economy.  History testifies to it.  The more I read about his economic ideas the worse things look.

I can assure you, even at the tender age of 18 this charlatan would have made my bullshit meter scream.  I grew up around shucksters...I recognize them even in disguise.

on Nov 07, 2008

I'm sure I'd be scared shitless in fact because I would be in a legitimately dangerous situation.

You'll be fine and likely nothing will happen to you.

I worried about what will happen once the Arabs realise that the west has weakened (in resolve). In the middle east perceived strength is everything. And an America with a president celebrated by Hamas is not going to project much strength.

But whatever will happen, will not happen to you.

I expect a backlash at Christians and ethnic minorities in the middle east. Lybia's dictator will feel safe again. The Sudanese government will soon figure out that nobody is watching them any more (not that Bush was, but he did create the impression) and I don't want to think what could happen if Khartoum figured out that without US protection for the south they don't have to honour the peace treaty that ended the civil war.

If Obama does what he promised to do and withdraws troops from Iraq, there will be civil war in Iraq. And I don't mean a well-reported war but one of those that journalists don't dare to cover. Iraq will vanish into media darkness again when journalists are no longer safe enough to report the evils perpetrated by those who guarantee their safety.

Kurdish newspapers were filled with articles about the eventuality of civil war.

I don't think the nightmare will happen in America. It will happen in places that nobody is interested in.

Did you know where people loved George Bush? In the -stans, in Kosovo, in eastern Europe, in southern Sudan, in Somaliland; in countries that are usually forgotten by the world. George Bush gave hope to those people. Barack Obama gives hope to the rich and safe (Americans) and to those who don't worry about the evil in the world (west-Europeans).

I hope that that is good enough for the world.


on Nov 07, 2008

The angst of being a teenager in a prosperous country?

I once was a teenager in a prosperous country.

I have the American army to thank for that. People like Tova and her husband made it possible for me to have the life that most of the world wish for and that young Americans believe to be difficult.

The decision to go to war in a foreign country and risk death for not your own family but for others is a difficult one. And for the past eight years liberals told me that such decisions are made by sinister criminals and that the soldiers executing the decision are uneducated poor people.

The people of Iraq now have the chance that America once gave to us in Germany.

When Franklin Roosevelt made those same decisions, nobody knew what the result would be. And if the media had worked against him and referred to Nazis as "resistance" or "freedom fighters" the effort might well have collapsed.

A few months ago I did this newspaper as an example of what today's media would have done in the 1940s:


The quotes I use are true, some are from anti-war people from back then, some are from anti-war people today (see if you can spot the difference between Nazi sympathisers in the 1930s and genuine peace activists opposing neo-conservative fascism today).

All the articles are based on articles I saw in newspapers in the last few years.

I used the real names for people from the 1940s and changed the names of people I moved into the 1940s from today. (Try guessing who "Franz Buchanan" is.) The pictures are also real.

Have fun!

on Nov 07, 2008

I expect a backlash at Christians and ethnic minorities in the middle east. Lybia's dictator will feel safe again. The Sudanese government will soon figure out that nobody is watching them any more (not that Bush was, but he did create the impression) and I don't want to think what could happen if Khartoum figured out that without US protection for the south they don't have to honour the peace treaty that ended the civil war.

Unfortunately it does seem that the republicans always have to clean up the mess left by democrats who think that the world is comprised of only rationale men.

The democrats get us into wars, the republican get us out.

on Nov 07, 2008

I hope that that is good enough for the world.

It may well be good enough for the world Leauki, but its not near half good enough imo.  Obama may be president but he didn't win an overwhelming majority like the media tries to sell.

I talk with people about this everyday and everyone who didn't vote for him, they aren't saying the kind of things most people on the losing side say after an election...things like, "Well, we lost.  Maybe next time.  Time to unite and move along."

They don't have enough confidence in the man to even say that yet.  Frankly I'd feel much safer if Hillary were in the white house.

Did you know where people loved George Bush? In the -stans, in Kosovo, in eastern Europe, in southern Sudan, in Somaliland; in countries that are usually forgotten by the world. George Bush gave hope to those people. Barack Obama gives hope to the rich and safe (Americans) and to those who don't worry about the evil in the world (west-Europeans).

Do you know the Dem party in America believes it is the "American ambassador" to the world?  They are *very* concerned when another country doesn't like us.  They make fun of George Bush because he doesn't care who he pisses off.

Don't get me wrong.  Bush is not fiscally responsible...however, I never doubted my family's safety for a SECOND while he was commander and chief.

I can't say the same for Obama.

I don't think the nightmare will happen in America. It will happen in places that nobody is interested in.

I don't want anything to happen obviously because of my children.  But I do think things are going to happen here.  Things like 9-11, or worse.  Why wouldn't they?  What's Obama gonna do?  He is perceived as weak by our enemies FOR A REASON....so why not poke the weak kid and get some payback?  If I were America's enemy I'd be celebrating in the streets in anticipation of the payback....oh wait, they ARE.

The media thinks they're celebrating because he's black.  Because.  he's.  black.

Yeah we know how much our enemies hate racism.  ~snort~  It is soooo uncivilized.



on Nov 07, 2008

Unfortunately it does seem that the republicans always have to clean up the mess left by democrats who think that the world is comprised of only rationale men.

The democrats get us into wars, the republican get us out.

Yeah because they are so rational....heh, not.  Try talking to an Obama-bot and after they realize you aren't buying his snake oil they get down right hysterical....how dare you question the MESSIAH..you must be racist, or ignorant, or insert hysterical slur here.

on Nov 07, 2008


That is crazy scary Leauki...........

Being a military family I especially loved this..

"President Roosevelt has come under heavy criticism recently over a war that has cost several million lives so far and that human rights groups say should not be fought. “Why would I want one more mother -- either German or American -- to go through what I'm going through? I don't want him to justify my son's honorable sacrifice to continue his murderous killing policies,” says Elizabeth Herman, mother of a recent casualty in the war against Nazi terror. (Page 2)

That Sheehan woman was a nutjob.

on Nov 07, 2008

Frankly I'd feel much safer if Hillary were in the white house.

Yes, I too.


on Nov 07, 2008

The media thinks they're celebrating because he's black.  Because.  he's.  black.

Yeah we know how much our enemies hate racism.  ~snort~  It is soooo uncivilized.

For some reason the media (and the left) always mistake "foreign culture" for "multi-culture".

It never occured to them that most of those countries treat foreigners and minorities like dirt.


on Nov 07, 2008

Last night I gave a presentation on how the economy and mortgage crisis is affecting a local not for profit.  Specifically, how the budget and mission can be adapted to deal with a significant loss of revenue.  

Afterward, I listened to a presentation on how consumer credit counseling is helping people with their bills, bankruptcy, etc.

At the end of this power point presentation, the speakers (4 women) devoted a section to "The Solution."  Meaning the solution for people who use credit cards and have mortgages they can't afford.

Do you know what their solution was????




They actually had the words and this picture on the last slide.

These are "professionals" in the community.  They really believe Obama is gonna buy out all business and personal debt so no one has to "suffer."

I snorted out loud because it was such a "can we have a moment of silence to honor the messiah" moment.

The solution.....har har. 






on Nov 07, 2008

It never occured to them that most of those countries treat foreigners and minorities like dirt.

They're celebrating so they figure everyone else must be too.  The night of the election I couldn't watch a minute of CNN because they were all touchy feely..."This is a great night for America.  No matter who you voted for, this is truly an amazing night."

Yadda.  Yadda.


on Nov 07, 2008


Well, I have to admit that Obama was right in one of his speeches a while back.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

He is right (on a couple of those accounts at least). I will cling to my religion. I believe that faith will carry me and my family through this storm. However, when he brings terror back to the shores of America, I have my guns to protect my family. I can only pray that in that event I am at least given the opportunity to protect them.

These are dark times for America. What happens when all of these nations celebrating him realize that he has no other choice but step up efforts in Afghanistan? What happens in America when he doesn't deliver the Promised Land he offered? He is looking to a second term already. He can't piss of a majority of voters and get re-elected. There is no way he can please half of his supporters either. I know that a lot of folks voted for him because he is black. It shouldn't take very long for him to prove that he knows little of what they talk about being black. He promised change. I guess if left open for interpretation, all he needs to do is change the rug at the front door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to be a successful President.


on Nov 07, 2008

Hmm, if it makes you feel any better, Tova, they just announced on Fox News that college tuition is expected to rise 'sharply' in the near future due to our faltering economy.

That'll show them spoiled punks like Zoo, eh?

Our college is firing people instead of raising tuition.  We were told yesterday.

Other colleges are raising tuition, but these kids don't care.  They joyfully take out several thousands of dollars worth of student loans (Obama is gonna make sure they get them) because working one or two jobs is "out of the question" or frankly too uncomfortable...and we must never actually make sacrifices for what we want don't ya know.

The people I've talked to with student loans locally, believe he will eventually have some sort of bailout (or a work public service for a year and we'll call it square) for student loans and they won't ever have to pay them back.

The sad part is....they're probably right.

on Nov 07, 2008

Just for the record I love Zoo dearly, and Zoo I apologize for being so hard on you...its not "you" personally, its the mentality of the people your age and a bit older I am railing against.  But I will get over it eventually.  Not like I have a choice.

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