Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 5, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc

I am scared for my family, for my nation.  People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election."  Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?'  That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank?

My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right?  He and his congress will raise the white flag and let our troops come home.  Sure, some of them will be pushed out of the service and into unemployment during a bad economy, but hey, who cares, right?  They were never really important anyway.  After all, Obama and his congress voted to cut off funding right in the middle of the war.  Imagine reaching for a magazine to reload during a fire fight and instead finding a politician there shrugging his shoulders....'sorry man, I got lazy people at home to support.' 

Yeah, Obama is a knife in a gun fight kind of guy.

On the surface it looks like his cowardice will benefit my family...my husband won't have to deploy again and fight over there.  He will be home.

Except everyone I know, who is in the know, is worried.  Worried they won't be the only one in their family who is fighting anymore...worried when it comes home again, (and it will), it may be nuclear, or so bad, their wives and children will see up close and personal what they fought to keep away.

Frankly, I don't remember feeling this apprehensive about our country's future since I was old enough to learn about nukes and the fact Russia pointed some right at us.  I lived with the underlying knowledge that at any time it could all end.  We all did.  It was a thread of tension, pulled taught, under the pursuit of happiness I chased as a child and young adult.

Then the wall came down and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief.....and we raised a generation without the threat of it over their heads.  We turned our full attention to making life good for our kids so they never lived with that underlying thread of tension in their lives.  Our culture taught them to be colorblind, gender-blind, somehow stressing the act of blindness is more important than the content of one's character.

They grew up.  They voted.  They voted for the type of government which honors cowardice, rewards slackers, penalizes success, and frankly stretches a rope of tension where that small Russian thread used to be.

Do you know what I see at the university level every day?  A generation that is so self-centered, so self-obsessed, they believe the world owes them an easy ride...an "equal" ride.  A position here-to-for reserved for adults reaching middle age and beyond, who realize their bad choices made them poor, sick, whatever, and want to be bailed out of the consequences of those decisions by the government.

They had their shot, they blew it, and they want the rest of the country to pay for it.

We have a whole generation of like minded young adults just entering into our realm of decision making.  Instead of graduating university with the desire to work hard and change the world, they are joining with the aforementioned free rider middle aged adults and looking for ways to snatch things they didn't earn.  No risk, no risk of failing.

These young adults look at their parents and believe life should start out with as much as it took their parents an entire life to become, to acquire, to learn.  They take out student loans worth thousands of dollars without so much as a shrug.  They expect their parents to pay for college by working two jobs if necessary, but they could never work and go to school, it might be too hard.  They might fail.  They deserve better.

Combine this generation with the older slackers and the middle is squashed, completely obliterated.  In wanting such an easy life, they may indeed achieve it, but never anything above it.  They will in fact be living and sucking up the resources it took this country generations to acquire.  Standing on the accomplishments of the generations before them just long enough to break those shoulders and stomp the achievements into dust.  And once the dust settles, America will be gone.  Then they will turn, arms open wide, to other countries, countries they believe superior and hope for rescue.  After all, they deserve it right?  And then, maybe, once we are slaves to countries who have envied us for generations, we will finally see ...the American Dream once governed, is the American Nightmare.



Comments (Page 6)
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on Nov 29, 2008

Leauki, I think more people realize this than will admit it.

The celebrations were scary. If Obama wanted to make the US into a dictatorship, he would have good chances to do it. That's how dictatorships get started. They don't creep up on you by slowly taking your rights away, instead dictators are celebrated into office.

I think the main motivation in voting for Obama was to stick it to the "good old boys" who have failed to do anything to fix the issues in this country.

Voting for one career politicians to show the other career politicians seems a strange concept to me. At least McCain had a career outside politics and law. He was the first major candidate in a long time from an alternative background, even if it was the military.

I think it was more about desperation than hope.

I cannot see desperation in the wealthiest country in the world. If Americans think America has problems they should take a look at the countries they are now trying to emulate.


on Nov 30, 2008



Voting for one career politicians to show the other career politicians seems a strange concept to me. At least McCain had a career outside politics and law. He was the first major candidate in a long time from an alternative background, even if it was the military.


I agree. This was a strong point for Sarah Palin, IMO. She was from the real world, not the Daddy's-money-club. But let's keep in mind that for decades now, the US government has failed to deal with major issues here at home. That includes Republicans as well as Democrats. America has had an oligarchy for decades now, (hence the desperation) facilitated by TV and the need to have massive media campaigns to get a vote. People want to knock that down.  Sadly, too many are just short sighted enough to believe the lies told by someone who looks a little different.

People are sick of politicians who only look out for themselves and their families and don't care at all about the average person. There's a massive and growing gap between those who have a lot and those who are barely scrapping by. A lot of folks in poverty in America have two jobs, but it's still not enough to pay the bills due to inflation. The cost of living has been raised to the point that if you aren't making about $30,000 a year, you're going to be hoping you have enough money for utilities from month to month and praying you don't get sick. And most of these people aren’t trying to live above their means either; the cost of living in the US has been a shock to many of my immigrant relatives. Foreigners have a distrinct advantage in that their cost of living is low enough they can afford to work for less than the average American worker.

Babyboomers have slaughter the golden goose and the average person knows it now. They've tried to twist capitalism so there is always an economic high. What's happening now is that capitalism is springing back. Accutally, housing would be easily affordable now if politicians hadn't permited the housing industry to keep land/house prices artificially high. There’s real fear for the future here, fear that the elites aren’t going to do a damn thing because they’re so money padded they don’t notice the suffering happening in the lower middle class. Unless we have massive change soon, the entire economy may fall apart and given the recent events, most people aren't sticking their head in the sand and ignoring it anymore.

Financially the US is quite fragile now. The commercial and private sectors (the ones that make money) are continuing to shrink. No one knows if they'll have job from one month to another. That's terribly frightening and demoralizing. I expect government jobs to start getting the axe left and right as the private sector continues to fall apart. Large commercial businesses are starting to default on their payments (Ann Taylor is the only specific one I remember, but there are others) and will be shrinking or declaring bankruptcy soon. The entire financial sector mess was just the tip of the iceberg, and you can put good money on the economy getting much worse before this is all over. Not even stock owners and land investers are going to escape this.


I cannot see desperation in the wealthiest country in the world. If Americans think America has problems they should take a look at the countries they are now trying to emulate.


Fear isn't usually rational and yes, there ARE poor people in US. They're made poor by the fact that you can't afford NOT to have a car if you want to keep a job. Heck you can barely afford not to have a cell phone anymore. This is because many businesses have shifted the cost of equipment over to individuals, which means those who have get jobs and those who don't struggle to get enough money to look halfway hireable. It's why contractors have become so popular; it's a way to shift the ungodly tax burdens placed on busineses over to individuals.

I blame conservatives for abandoning teaching and allowing liberals to take over and brainwash most of the population. I also blame government schooling in general, because it give government unprecidented power to brainwash young people. Boomers were too busy making money to be bothered rasing their children, so now we have a lot of groupthink and general idiocy. If you have children, for God's sake, RAISE THEM.

on Nov 30, 2008

I agree. This was a strong point for Sarah Palin, IMO. She was from the real world, not the Daddy's-money-club.

Indeed. And it turned out, that's exactly what people didn't want.


on Dec 01, 2008

I blame conservatives for abandoning teaching and allowing liberals to take over and brainwash most of the population. I also blame government schooling in general, because it give government unprecidented power to brainwash young people. Boomers were too busy making money to be bothered rasing their children, so now we have a lot of groupthink and general idiocy. If you have children, for God's sake, RAISE THEM.

Yes, this is it in a nutshell from where I sit.  We are where we are today because too many were too busy to notice what was happening around them.  They were too self absorbed to bother with the things that are most important and the children will and do suffer. 

We've given the "government" way too much power and it's snowballing on us picking up more and more speed. 

I'm reading a book now called "Tortured for Christ" which starts in 1945 Romania when Russia came in and sweet-talked communism.  The people blindly followed their leaders and deceived religious leaders who thought communism would be the answer to their problems.  They gave power to the goverment and the goverment in turn, did some pretty nasty unspeakable things not only to the citizens of Romania but also to their own communist comrades. 

When the author (started out an atheistic Jew)  came to the West and wrote this book in 1967 he was grieved at the apathy here and said back then we were in danger of receiving the same fate they had endured.  He said the tortures he had received in prison (14 years of it)  at the hands of the communists were not comparable to the grief he felt when he came here.  He was far more disturbed here in the West than in the darkest Romanian jails.  People in the West just don't have a clue because they are so self-absorbed.



on Dec 01, 2008


 He'll prove himself to be just another politician.

That's the point. He simply doesn't warrant the celebrations.


I think the fear is less about Obama than about his supporters.  I agree with Wynter - he will probably (and already is to some degree) prove himself just another politician, but his supporters are the ones with the mesianic glaze in their eyes who seem to want to riot at the least suggestion that he is just a politician.

on Dec 01, 2008

but his supporters are the ones with the mesianic glaze in their eyes who seem to want to riot at the least suggestion that he is just a politician

In a few hundred years it will be just another religion and Obama's birth day will be a commercial holiday with no special relevance to most.



on Dec 01, 2008

Obama's birth day will be a commercial holiday with no special relevance to most.

Few hundred years?  They are already pushing for it now!

on Dec 01, 2008

Few hundred years? They are already pushing for it now!

Some places are re-naming streets after Obama according to our local news report.  Hmmmmm.

on Dec 01, 2008

Some places are re-naming streets after Obama according to our local news report.

get out!  What in the world?   This is insane. How much crazier are we going to go?   

on Dec 01, 2008

This is insane. How much crazier are we going to go?


It should be interesting at the very least.

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