Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 5, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc

I am scared for my family, for my nation.  People are celebrating and calling this a "historic election."  Why is it when they say it, I see it as the election christened by historians as the 'beginning of the end?'  That the celebrating screaming masses will later be looked at with derision much like the band which continued to play as the Titanic sank?

My husband is military so I should be happy Obama is president right?  He and his congress will raise the white flag and let our troops come home.  Sure, some of them will be pushed out of the service and into unemployment during a bad economy, but hey, who cares, right?  They were never really important anyway.  After all, Obama and his congress voted to cut off funding right in the middle of the war.  Imagine reaching for a magazine to reload during a fire fight and instead finding a politician there shrugging his shoulders....'sorry man, I got lazy people at home to support.' 

Yeah, Obama is a knife in a gun fight kind of guy.

On the surface it looks like his cowardice will benefit my family...my husband won't have to deploy again and fight over there.  He will be home.

Except everyone I know, who is in the know, is worried.  Worried they won't be the only one in their family who is fighting anymore...worried when it comes home again, (and it will), it may be nuclear, or so bad, their wives and children will see up close and personal what they fought to keep away.

Frankly, I don't remember feeling this apprehensive about our country's future since I was old enough to learn about nukes and the fact Russia pointed some right at us.  I lived with the underlying knowledge that at any time it could all end.  We all did.  It was a thread of tension, pulled taught, under the pursuit of happiness I chased as a child and young adult.

Then the wall came down and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief.....and we raised a generation without the threat of it over their heads.  We turned our full attention to making life good for our kids so they never lived with that underlying thread of tension in their lives.  Our culture taught them to be colorblind, gender-blind, somehow stressing the act of blindness is more important than the content of one's character.

They grew up.  They voted.  They voted for the type of government which honors cowardice, rewards slackers, penalizes success, and frankly stretches a rope of tension where that small Russian thread used to be.

Do you know what I see at the university level every day?  A generation that is so self-centered, so self-obsessed, they believe the world owes them an easy ride...an "equal" ride.  A position here-to-for reserved for adults reaching middle age and beyond, who realize their bad choices made them poor, sick, whatever, and want to be bailed out of the consequences of those decisions by the government.

They had their shot, they blew it, and they want the rest of the country to pay for it.

We have a whole generation of like minded young adults just entering into our realm of decision making.  Instead of graduating university with the desire to work hard and change the world, they are joining with the aforementioned free rider middle aged adults and looking for ways to snatch things they didn't earn.  No risk, no risk of failing.

These young adults look at their parents and believe life should start out with as much as it took their parents an entire life to become, to acquire, to learn.  They take out student loans worth thousands of dollars without so much as a shrug.  They expect their parents to pay for college by working two jobs if necessary, but they could never work and go to school, it might be too hard.  They might fail.  They deserve better.

Combine this generation with the older slackers and the middle is squashed, completely obliterated.  In wanting such an easy life, they may indeed achieve it, but never anything above it.  They will in fact be living and sucking up the resources it took this country generations to acquire.  Standing on the accomplishments of the generations before them just long enough to break those shoulders and stomp the achievements into dust.  And once the dust settles, America will be gone.  Then they will turn, arms open wide, to other countries, countries they believe superior and hope for rescue.  After all, they deserve it right?  And then, maybe, once we are slaves to countries who have envied us for generations, we will finally see ...the American Dream once governed, is the American Nightmare.



Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 07, 2008

However, when he brings terror back to the shores of America, I have my guns to protect my family. I can only pray that in that event I am at least given the opportunity to protect them.

I think we can, from history, be fairly certain our right to bear arms will be attacked like never before.  And since (I gag to think of it) he will be placing people on the Supreme Court, we may eventually not legally be allowed to own our weapons Jon.  That serves twofold for Obama...unarm the masses so they can't revolt, and make Americans easy prey for the enemy so he can look like a good guy to our enemies...that's very important donchya know.

No guns, no personal responsibility, no prosperity, and drive thru abortions/kill your infant with scissors special..ain't American GRAND under the Obama-man? 


on Nov 07, 2008


 And since (I gag to think of it) he will be placing people on the Supreme Court, we may eventually not legally be allowed to own our weapons Jon.   

Well I guess I will have to join the ranks of the criminals. 

on Nov 07, 2008


Frankly I'd feel much safer if Hillary were in the white house.

Yes, I too.


On that, I will disagree.  Bit listening to Obama's first extemporaneous news conference after the election, I have a greater fear.  He will stroke out and leave Biden in charge!

on Nov 07, 2008

Bit listening to Obama's first extemporaneous news conference after the election, I have a greater fear. He will stroke out and leave Biden in charge!

I'd rather have Hillary...heck, she may as well be in the white house, Obama is selecting previous Clinton administration members. 

on Nov 07, 2008

yep and did you read the article in today's paper?   His new chief of staff is a very rabid insider who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings?  Pretty nasty description but I suppose breaking glass isn't as bad as breaking faces. 

What was mentioned in our newspaper is the fact that Obama seems to be changing his tactics from a candidate to a President elect.  Here's a quote in the AP article I read this morning:

"His choice Thursday for White House cheif of staff -Rahm Emanuel, a fiery partisan who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings is a significant departure from the soft-spoken low-key aids that "No-Drama Obama" surrounded himself with during his campaign.  And transition chief John Podesta, like Emanuel, is a former top aide to Bil Clinton and a tough partisan infighter, though less bombastic than the new chief of staff."

So where's the change he promised?  Not one decision he's made thus far has anything to do with change.   

on Nov 07, 2008

KFC Kickin For Christ
So where's the change he promised?  

Gosh KFC, I hate to break it to you - Politicians lie.

on Nov 07, 2008

So where's the change he promised? Not one decision he's made thus far has anything to do with change.

At least he's FINALLY defining the word a little bit by making decisions.  The change was more the "change back" to the Clinton administration...heh.  Why didn't he just ask Hillary to be VP? 

I read about Rahm a couple days ago when the speculation started.  He is most known for telling Republicans to go f--- themselves.


Now that's a change!

on Nov 07, 2008

Gosh KFC, I hate to break it to you - Politicians lie.

awh shucks.....say it ain't so John! 

on Nov 07, 2008

Gosh KFC, I hate to break it to you - Politicians lie.

So where does that leave the Messiah? 

on Nov 07, 2008

Change is great when everyone else has to carry it huh?


Yeah, kinda like all of those bar and tavern owners who lost a great deal of income after the smoking bans eh? (Don't claim they didn't because I personally know several and they have all suffered losses). Sucks when "they" come after your income and stability instead of someone else's don'tcha think?


All of this doom and gloom may or may not be warranted. Along the same line of thinking as supporting the smoking bans at the expesne of bar owner's incomes and infringing on personal liberties, since I'm not in the military I guess I shouldn't care if they cut the military budget and military members find themselves unemployed.


But I do care anyway, because I don't just think about myself.



on Nov 07, 2008

I talk with people about this everyday and everyone who didn't vote for him, they aren't saying the kind of things most people on the losing side say after an election...things like, "Well, we lost. Maybe next time. Time to unite and move along."

Tova -- that's what I remember from 2000 and 2004 -- but I don't remember getting much sympathy, especially not around here.   I think, looking back, my fear that Bush was bad for this country was justified -- but it didn't matter at the time. 

I'll refrain from giving you the same response I got in 2000 and 2004 -- because I respect you far more than that.  In fact, I've refrained from commenting on this blog until now because I remembered how bummed I was when Bush got re-elected.  However, when I posted that back in 2004 on this forum -- I was questioned on whether or not I was a true American, whether I cared enough about my country and basically told that I was a whiner and a loser.  I would never imagine saying the same to you -- but would simply ask that the next time the shoe is on the other foot, you remember this feeling.

I'll also ask that you consider that just because we have different ideas about what is best for this country doesn't make one of us a loser, ignorant or any of the other names (or insinuated names) that have been thrown around on this thread.  The notion that anyone who voted for Obama is uneducated, unthoughtful, lazy, a moocher, worthless or any of the other accusations on this thread is downright insulting to those of us who did vote for Obama and who do support his presidency. 


on Nov 07, 2008

I think, looking back, my fear that Bush was bad for this country was justified

How so?


on Nov 07, 2008

Along the same line of thinking as supporting the smoking bans at the expesne of bar owner's incomes and infringing on personal liberties,

Yeah smokers do infringe on my personal liberties when they essentially force me to smoke..glad that was finally addressed I was feeling fairly oppressed.  Thanks for pointing that out. 

Yeah, kinda like all of those bar and tavern owners who lost a great deal of income after the smoking bans eh? (Don't claim they didn't because I personally know several and they have all suffered losses). Sucks when "they" come after your income and stability instead of someone else's don'tcha think?

Actually Mason I will have to take your word for your "several."  Our local Business Journal did an article on this over the summer and it was picked up by the paper (around the one year mark) and reported either no measurable effect or an increase in profits for most area businesses (though they did say they can't attribute the increase in profits to the smoking ban).

I hardly think comparing a special interest group like smokers (or any other habit based group) to the security and financial stability of an entire nation is an honest comparison.  Smokers don't need to smoke to live.  Smokers weren't robbed of the act of smoking, they can still smoke and buy cigarettes at will.  That whole 'no one will go out' thing didn't pan out here....

Apples and oranges.

I'm not in the military I guess I shouldn't care if they cut the military budget and military members find themselves unemployed.

Yeah losing a job sucks, but its just as much about making our military weak.  That affects every single American whether they care or not, admit it or not, agree or not.

But I do care anyway, because I don't just think about myself.

Good to know.


on Nov 07, 2008

I'll also ask that you consider that just because we have different ideas about what is best for this country doesn't make one of us a loser, ignorant or any of the other names (or insinuated names) that have been thrown around on this thread. The notion that anyone who voted for Obama is uneducated, unthoughtful, lazy, a moocher, worthless or any of the other accusations on this thread is downright insulting to those of us who did vote for Obama and who do support his presidency.

I'm sorry if you feel I am talking about you Meg.  Not all of Obama's supporters are like the ones I meet/observe....that goes without saying doesn't it?

The fact you voted for him proves it.  I tried to make it clear in my article and my replies that these are people I run into, I know, I observe (hence the...

Do you know what I see at the university level every day?

I'm sorry if that doesn't fit with the supporters you know, maybe you should write an article about them to balance this one out. 

Tova -- that's what I remember from 2000 and 2004 --

Really?  This wasn't my first election.  It certainly wasn't my first loss.  I remember how I felt when Clinton won.  I didn't vote for him but I was bummed.  It was completely different from this because even though I didn't like his policy, he at least articulated one I could disagree with.  Even though I didn't agree I could respect his stance because openly he had one.  I understood why people voted for him.

I don't care what party Obama associates himself with.  No one knows (from either party) what he believes, what his foreign policy is, hell most people don't know he's a heavy smoker, something so basic, and THAT is the element which exists in this election that hasn't ever existed before imo.  That intentional lack of knowledge is the thing which causes my angst.  

I will eventually get over it.  It is not directed at you personally and for the record I am speaking about people I interact with, my views, and experiences (which is what blogging is about for me)....but I won't be going out of my way to put that in every single reply.




on Nov 07, 2008

I know it wasn't me personally -- but after a while you get sort of frustrated on JU reading about how generally stupid and ignorant you are --  or at least I do.  Thanks for taking my comment the way it was intended. It was more a "I get the feeling" than anything else.  This also wasn't my first election -- but for a while, i've supported all the losing candidates!


Have a great weekend!

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