Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Tova7's Articles » Page 12
October 17, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 17, 2007 extant \EK-stunt; ek-STANT\, adjective : Still existing; not destroyed, lost, or extinct.
October 16, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Tuesday, October 16, 2007 quotidian \kwoh-TID-ee-uhn\, adjective : 1. Occurring or returning daily; as, a quotidian fever. 2. Of an everyday character; ordinary; commonplace.
October 15, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Monday, October 15, 2007 purblind \PUR-blynd\, adjective : 1. Having greatly reduced vision. 2. Lacking in insight or discernment.
October 14, 2007 by Tova7
It’s 3am, well almost 3:30 now, and I can’t sleep. I have one of those almost migraines.   The one no amount of medicine helps, and it refuses to allow me sleep. So, I am sitting at my kitchen table, in the dark, drinking vanilla almond tea, reading, thinking, sipping. My husband’s out of town.   My oldest is at a birthday party/sleep over.   It’s so quiet right now, just the occasional low hum of the refrigerator and the tick tick ticking of my ...
October 12, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Friday, October 12, 2007 truckle \TRUHK-uhl\, intransitive verb : To yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another; to act in a subservient manner.
October 11, 2007 by Tova7
I know we have some parents of infants here (kids under two).  If you aren't one, you probably know one.  I found this today while perusing the news. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Drug makers on Thursday voluntarily pulled children's cold medicines off the market less than two weeks after the government warned of potential health risks to infants. Over-the-counter medications aimed at children under the age of two are being removed from store shelves because of rare instances of par...
October 10, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 10, 2007 slake \SLAYK\, transitive verb : 1. To satisfy; to quench; to extinguish; as, to slake thirst. 2. To cause to lessen; to make less active or intense; to moderate; as, slaking his anger. 3. To cause (as lime) to heat and crumble by treatment with water. 4. To become slaked; to crumble or disintegrate, as lime.
October 9, 2007 by Tova7
Gah. Sometimes I could just kick myself. I like to write fiction. Shocker, I know.   Ya think you know a person….. Anyway, I started an idea for a story last spring.   I wrote several chapters and then discovered a book already published that pretty much went where I was going with the story.  https://forums.joeuser.com/?forumid=314&aid=148727#1187639 Discouraged, I deleted it.   Then forgot about deleting it. So, this story is playing i...
October 9, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Tuesday, October 9, 2007 physiognomy \fiz-ee-OG-nuh-mee; -ON-uh-mee\, noun : 1. The art of discovering temperament and other characteristic qualities of the mind from the outward appearance, especially by the features of the face. 2. The face or facial features, especially when regarded as indicating character. 3. The general appearance or aspect of a thing.
October 8, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Monday, October 8, 2007 maladroit \mal-uh-DROYT\, adjective : Lacking adroitness; clumsy; awkward; unskillful; inept.
October 5, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Friday, October 5, 2007 paroxysm \PAIR-uhk-siz-uhm\, noun : 1. (Medicine) A sudden attack, intensification, or recurrence of a disease. 2. Any sudden and violent emotion or action; an outburst; a fit.
October 4, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Thursday, October 4, 2007 redoubtable \rih-DOW-tuh-buhl\, adjective : 1. Arousing fear or alarm; formidable. 2. Illustrious; eminent; worthy of respect or honor.
October 3, 2007 by Tova7
I love words.  As I get older though it seems like I am starting to lose them bit by bit.  So I subscribed to a "word of the day" email. I will share the wealth with JU!  If you wanna respond, find a way to use the word in a sentence.  The more creative, the better. (This is a little trick I use when I have writer's block.  Pick a word and then expound on it.) So without further ado...today's word. Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 3, 2007 ...
October 2, 2007 by Tova7
My 11 year old son asked for a 360 for his birthday next month. He is a huge Halo fan.   Once he played Halo3 at a friend’s house, he can’t seem to talk about anything else. But $450?!?! That seems like a lot of money for a game system.   My husband doesn’t think the cheaper version is good.  It doesn’t have a hard drive? Is it possible to buy the cheaper version and upgrade later? The big question is….do you think the price will come down anytime soon? &nb...
September 26, 2007 by Tova7
This parenting gig…..hard stuff. I hear people say how rewarding parenting can be.   And I have to wonder, is that before they have kids, or after the kids are grown and gone?   Heh. Do I get to cash in my parenting rewards for a trip to Hawaii?   At this point, I’d cash them in for two more hours in every day. Why? Homework. Four hours of it a night, and only in the sixth grade.   Wow.   No wonder my son hates school. I have a theory about the...