Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 9, 2007 By Tova7 In Blogging


Sometimes I could just kick myself.

I like to write fiction.

Shocker, I know. 

Ya think you know a person…..

Anyway, I started an idea for a story last spring.  I wrote several chapters and then discovered a book already published that pretty much went where I was going with the story.  https://forums.joeuser.com/?forumid=314&aid=148727#1187639

Discouraged, I deleted it.  Then forgot about deleting it.

So, this story is playing in the back of my head on an endless loop.  For some reason, when I start to read a book, or watch a movie, 99 percent of the time I have to finish it even if its horrible.


 If I don’t finish, the story replays in my head on an endless loop, except I change endings over and over.  Worse, I can’t move on totally to a new storyline because the old one creeps in when I’m not looking.

This loop takes center stage when I try to sleep or am sick.  Nothing like thinking the same thing over and over as I hug the toilet.

So all last night and this morning I searched my back up discs for the story.  I need to finish it for peace of mind.   After a couple hours of searching I remembered, “Duh, I didn’t back it up.  I deleted it!”

I am so disgusted.  I NEVER delete my stories, no matter how bad they suck.  And the first time I do, WHAM, I live to regret it.

I think of the hours I put into the next several chapters, the research, and just want to scream.

This may be the only way for me to move on though, having it gone.  Because I am too stubborn to rewrite something I’ve already done unless editing.

So now I have to either re-write….which I don’t want to do…or have this loop in my head forever. 







on Oct 09, 2007
A shame really.  I have not read the book, or even the author (that I know of).  But I have read your stuff and will continue to because you do write very well!
on Oct 09, 2007
I get a little like this myself. To overcome the burning need to write, I usually just dot point the main parts of the story and trick my subconcious into believing I've written the whole lot down.

Maybe this might work for you.
on Oct 09, 2007
Heh, I wish I had a nickle for every story I've deleted into oblivion! It doesn't bother me a bit -different strokes for different folks, I guess. But I do remember the story you're talking about! Anyway...move on and do a 'nuther!
on Oct 09, 2007
Ouch. I'm sorry that happened Tonya. There's nothing worse than spending a lot of time writing something only to discover that you didn't save it, or it was deleted (as in your case) or eaten up by the wonkiness of JU! Hopefully you can move on.
on Oct 10, 2007

Hopefully you can move on.

Yeah, it may be time to try a diff route, like Dyno suggested.

Heh, I wish I had a nickle for every story I've deleted into oblivion

You of all people, Roy, should not be deleting your stuff.  At least put it on disc, or print it out and stash it in your closet.  Someday those words will mean one hell of a lot to your kids and grand kids....no matter what you think of them now.

I usually just dot point the main parts of the story and trick my subconcious into believing I've written the whole lot down.

Oh, that is good!  I may do just that today!  Last night I was laying in bed with the loop.  (Husband is gone.)

But I have read your stuff and will continue to because you do write very well!

Thanks Doc.