Sometimes I could just kick myself.
I like to write fiction.
Shocker, I know.
Ya think you know a person…..
Anyway, I started an idea for a story last spring. I wrote several chapters and then discovered a book already published that pretty much went where I was going with the story.
Discouraged, I deleted it. Then forgot about deleting it.
So, this story is playing in the back of my head on an endless loop. For some reason, when I start to read a book, or watch a movie, 99 percent of the time I have to finish it even if its horrible.
If I don’t finish, the story replays in my head on an endless loop, except I change endings over and over. Worse, I can’t move on totally to a new storyline because the old one creeps in when I’m not looking.
This loop takes center stage when I try to sleep or am sick. Nothing like thinking the same thing over and over as I hug the toilet.
So all last night and this morning I searched my back up discs for the story. I need to finish it for peace of mind. After a couple hours of searching I remembered, “Duh, I didn’t back it up. I deleted it!”
I am so disgusted. I NEVER delete my stories, no matter how bad they suck. And the first time I do, WHAM, I live to regret it.
I think of the hours I put into the next several chapters, the research, and just want to scream.
This may be the only way for me to move on though, having it gone. Because I am too stubborn to rewrite something I’ve already done unless editing.
So now I have to either re-write….which I don’t want to do…or have this loop in my head forever.