September 3, 2008 by
Today is Gavin's 1st day of Kindergarten!!! He is so excited and up at 0645, mouth going a mile-a-minute about how much he couldn't WAIT! He is wearing his favorite T-Rex t-shirt and camouflage shorts and superhero backpack. It's supposed to hit lower 90's here today, so it will be hot since our schools have no air conditioning. Our kindergartens do something called "Staggered Start." Gavin's class has 30 kids. Ten of them went yesterday, ten today, ten tom...
My youngest is so funny. He loves Star Wars. I mean LOVES it. Today I bought him the 3rd movie. The one where Anikan turns to the daaark side. Gavin was getting really excited, sitting on his knees on the couch and saying..."DON'T DO IT!" At one point while watching Anikan struggle with his dark side, he looked at me with all the wide eyed seriousness a five year old can muster and said, "MOM! That guys in OUR world. He's real.&...
One to go..... This morning I sent Hunter off to the first day of 7th grade. Maybe it's the fact our summer was so full of death and dying. Or maybe it's the fact I ran out of new and fun activities a week ago. Or maybe it's the fact I could not catch a single minute alone in my own house. Or maybe, Hunter's crappy attitude last week ending with a total meltdown yesterday, well maybe it's all that and then some. Whatever. I was so happy to s...