Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on August 29, 2008 By Tova7 In Just Hanging Out

My youngest is so funny.

He loves Star Wars.  I mean LOVES it.

Today I bought him the 3rd movie.  The one where Anikan turns to the daaark side.

Gavin was getting really excited, sitting on his knees on the couch and saying..."DON'T DO IT!"

At one point while watching Anikan struggle with his dark side, he looked at me with all the wide eyed seriousness a five year old can muster and said, "MOM!  That guys in OUR world.  He's real.  I seen him before!"


Meaning he's seen the actor and wow, isn't that cool that he really exists?!!!

I tell him movies aren't real, they're pretend.  But I think he put them in the cartoon category in his head because until today I'm pretty sure he thought actors weren't real.

on Aug 29, 2008


on Aug 29, 2008

I would start worrying when he starts breath "wooo....haaaaa.....woooo.....haaaa".

on Aug 29, 2008

Here's another.

My husband just walked in, I told him I really liked this Sarah Palin and am going to vote for her.

Gavin piped up.  "NO!  VOTE FOR ME!"


on Aug 29, 2008

But I think he put them in the cartoon category in his head because until today I'm pretty sure he thought actors weren't real.

You mean...THEY'RE NOT???????


on Aug 29, 2008

Tova, will you stop revealing secrets?  I hate it when ROy cries.

on Aug 29, 2008

Tova, will you stop revealing secrets?

At least I'm not doing it at the theater while watching a movie....I hate when someone does that...or says, "Oh watch this.  When his legs get cut off he burns almost to death.

You mean...THEY'RE NOT???????

Well now yes dear, the actors are real...so don't worry.


on Sep 02, 2008

I love when they yell at the t.v.

Did McCain consider your son before picking Sarah Palin? That's the winning ticket.

on Sep 02, 2008

Did McCain consider your son before picking Sarah Palin?

