Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on September 3, 2008 By Tova7 In Just Hanging Out

Today is Gavin's 1st day of Kindergarten!!!

He is so excited and up at 0645, mouth going a mile-a-minute about how much he couldn't WAIT!

He is wearing his favorite T-Rex t-shirt and camouflage shorts and superhero backpack.  It's supposed to hit lower 90's here today, so it will be hot since our schools have no air conditioning.

Our kindergartens do something called "Staggered Start."  Gavin's class has 30 kids.  Ten of them went yesterday, ten today, ten tomorrow, all with their parents attending.   Then on Friday they all come and are one big class.

It's supposed to help transition kids into the school and class without the shock of seeing so many new faces.

I think it's a good idea, and I am sure it helps the teachers learn names and faces better.


I start classes this week too.  Last night my husband told me, "I don't really care if you get a Masters Degree.  I mean it's great you are doing it and I support you, but don't think I want you to get it and go back to work.  As far as I'm concerned you can stay at home and NEVER work outside the home again."

Ain't he sweet?

As important as I think staying home to be mom and wife are, I don't believe that is the ONLY reason God put me here.


Last night I watched the Republican National Convention.  The difference I noticed (and this is very shallow I know) between the RNC and the DNC....the RNC looks better.  The women are well groomed but not in the flamboyant LOOK AT MY DESIGNER LABEL tag kinda way.  The young men are bright eyed and clean cut.  (Did you see McCain's son?  The one getting ready to go to the Naval Academy?  Does Hottie apply to guys?  What a cutie.) 

When I watched the DNC I thought it looked like a bunch of serfs worshipping their celebrity aristocracy.  But I do admit to being a little biased.  I can't stand Hollywood's hand in politics.  People who get paid to pretend (a good gig if you can get it) don't strike me as necessarily more or less qualified to tell the rest of America how to fix the country.

I'm not a real patriot, I just play one on tv.

Oooooo.  Meow.

Can't wait to hear Palin speak tonight.  Good luck to her.


Jay is being sentenced tomorrow.


on Sep 03, 2008

[quote]Gavin's class has 30 kids.Gavin's class has 30 kids.[/quote]

Wow.  You know, sometimes I forget how nice we have it here in the Upper Valley of NH.  There are 15 or less in every class my little ones are in.  Glad he is excited.  My 5 year old doesn't start until next week.  She can hardly stand it.


on Sep 03, 2008

Wooo-hoooo for Gavin.

I still remember my last one going to school.  He was so excited after watching his brothers get on that schoolbus.  Brian was two years ahead of him.  So he was good and ready. 

But then again, I think he was going to school to play more than work hard especially when it came to the whole sports/homework thing.

One thing I learned from the DNC that I didn't know before was that McCain can't lift his hands up past his waist or so.  He can't even salute the flag.  I didn't know that before. 

The other thing Inoticed is all the commentators are all over Palin.  I don't rememer them being all over Biden questioning him like this.  In fact, they did everything to make one sympathetic to Biden by showing old videos of him being fatherless to his two young sons even showing the car wreck his wife and daughter were  killed in. 

They were going out of their way to be positive in their reporting of Biden, and it seems the other way around in their questioning of Palin.  Shows the media's true colors I guess. 


on Sep 03, 2008

As important as I think staying home to be mom and wife are, I don't believe that is the ONLY reason God put me here.

Then it's probably not!  It is a major role He placed you in.  But that doesn't mean you don't have other roles, too.

on Sep 03, 2008

But then again, I think he was going to school to play more than work hard especially when it came to the whole sports/homework thing.

That's exactly what Gavin is going to learn...he thinks its all fun and games...heh

Just met the bus driver.  I hope she was just feeling rushed today, because she was brutal.  She jumped off the bus, looked down at Gavin and said, "I don't remember your name but...."  then went on with a list of rules...he just looked at me like, "Is she talking to me?"  hahaha

She better be nice to my little man or I will give her a few of my rules. 

There are 15 or less in every class my little ones are in.

Must be nice.  Our classes are really big because we need new schools, PLUS an extra elementary.  It should be interesting to see how he does.


on Sep 03, 2008

One thing I learned from the DNC that I didn't know before was that McCain can't lift his hands up past his waist or so. He can't even salute the flag.

Yeah, from the broken arms and torture.

As for Palin.  They are going to keep after her, she better get used to it.

When ever they say anything about her husband or someone ELSE I ignore it....don't care. 

If they have something to say about her ethics, policy, and its TRUE, then I'm all ears.

on Sep 03, 2008

Good luck to Jay.

on Sep 03, 2008

I hope Gavin has a great first day.  The staggered K start is new to me, although when I was in K we did half day, so half the kids were am and half were pm. 

The fact that he's so excited can only be good.  The attitude they have and impression they get early on tends to follow them and set the tone for their entire outlook on school.

Your husband sounds sweet.  I know there are a lot of men who resent being the solitary breadwinners but I can't help but think those guys don't know what they're missing, LOL. 

You're too damn smart, though, and too much of a get-it-done kind of person.  It would be a shame for that to be confined to benefitting just your family.

Good luck to Jay tomorrow.

on Sep 03, 2008

Good luck to Jay.

Thanks.  Keep him in your prayers tonight and tomorrow.

Then it's probably not!



on Sep 03, 2008

Your husband sounds sweet. I know there are a lot of men who resent being the solitary breadwinners but I can't help but think those guys don't know what they're missing, LOL.

They're missing a lot.  My husband comes home to supper, a clean house, and PEACE.  Not to mention all the things I get done during the day means our weekends and days off are truly OURS.  We aren't straddled with yard work, house work, laundry, running errands, etc.  Not to mention the time it granted me to grow as an individual.

We certainly made the right decision for our family when I decided to stay home.  My kids really would have suffered if I worked.  And with Gavin's speech delay (which is almost all caught up) there is no way he'd be starting Kindergarten this year because I wouldn't have had the hundreds of hours to work with him.

I don't understand how women (not our generation but the one in the 60's)
could so easily give up the expectation of staying home and taking care of the family and make it something so political.  I bought into it as a kid growing up, but once I saw my son, well, reality cut through the propaganda like a hot blade through butter.

I'm rambling because I just got back from visiting the classroom.  Parents were all supposed to be there for orientation.  It seemed to be feast or famine.  Some kids had both parents present, some just mom, and some none.  And while I do understand single parents can't always make school things, I still felt bad for the kids who didn't have anyone show up for them.  All the activities were for the parent/child team.

Something I'm not sure I like...Ohio, like many states, has decided special needs children belong in the classroom with "regular" kids.  I don't have an issue if the child is not disruptive.  It's not hurting anything.  Technically Gavin is "special needs" since he goes to speech therapy.  And they labeled a kid who can only speak Dutch in his class "special needs."  Which I guess technically he is, heh.

(Gavin especially likes this boy because he lets Gavin do all the talking.hahahaha...The teacher said she'd probably pair them up because Gavin is such a talker it will give him something productive to do...naming every single thing he's doing, telling the boy what pictures are in books, etc.)

But there are two kids in his class who are special needs and can't sit still.  So they are permitted to walk about the room, in and out into the hall, at their leisure.

I don't like it.  It's distracting.

Oh well....one other thing...it's so friggin hot in there it gave me a sick headache.  And while the teacher is the best Kindergarten teacher in that school, the class is so big...I dunno, how good can you be to 30 kids at a time?  I wouldn't want to go there and sweat everyday.

Gavin hates coloring, which is really stressed in Kindergarten (to help build fine motor muscles so they can write better).  One of the first things he said to the teacher was..."Excuse me?  Do we have to color much in this school?  I hate coloring."


Uh, so while I obviously didn't cry with Gavin going to school on his first day...I do sorta have my own reaction.

although when I was in K we did half day, so half the kids were am and half were pm.

They do that here too.  There are roughly 90 kids in three classes in the AM, then 90 in three classes in the PM.  And that's just one elementary, we have five!

Gavin is PM.


on Sep 03, 2008


(Gavin especially likes this boy because he lets Gavin do all the talking.hahahaha...The teacher said she'd probably pair them up because Gavin is such a talker it will give him something productive to do...naming every single thing he's doing, telling the boy what pictures are in books, etc.)

This struck me as very funny. He might even learn Dutch... So many smileys to choose from.

I will think good thoughts for Jay.

on Sep 03, 2008

I remember when both my boys went to kindergarten. They each had the same teacher and she liked to start of with reading the Gingerbread man and then leading them on a search to find him -of course the real lesson being to show the around the school. Heh, there's always a real lesson to be learned in life isn't there? Here's to hoping in young Gavin school years he hears it and learns it well.

on Sep 03, 2008

When I saw the title I thought it would be about the politics of kindergarden life.

Good luck to Jay.

on Sep 03, 2008

Good luck to Jay.

Thanks.  Between 0830-1000 he will find out what happens to the next year, several years, of his life. 

Here's to hoping in young Gavin school years he hears it and learns it well

Amen to that Roy.  I want him to like school because I know it will be a struggle for him.  Not because he's not smart, the kid is really smart, but he's so active, so talkative, so all the things kids usually get in trouble for....heh.

This struck me as very funny. He might even learn Dutch...

That's exactly what my husband said...heh.  The parents were reserved, but the mom smiled at me, and I am pretty sure I was the only adult who got a facial expression from her...I think my son might have something to do with that...he likes everyone.  He sat right down beside that boy and opened a book, pointed to pictures and named them slowly to the kid. hahahah