Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Tova7's Articles In Fiction Writing
September 6, 2006 by Tova7
Chapter 26   “Silence!”   Baran Wardex’s roar reverberated off the stone walls of the clan house effectively eliminating the current infighting.   A large meal sat before the Wardex long forgotten in light of the argument.   Cade stood behind his father’s chair, a sharp frown marring his handsome features.   It was unlike his disciplined and stoic kinsmen to give way to such displays of temper.   In the three days since thei...
September 6, 2006 by Tova7
Cade stopped to stroke the black’s velvet nose.   “Your home is invaded Mammoth.”   Dirk’s black brows rose.   “Mammoth?   That huge monster is Mammoth?”   Cade nodded and ran his hands down the stallion’s neck.   Dirk laughed.   “I remember when you picked the horse Cade.   It was born sickly and small.   His mother refused him suck.   It was a great joke when you name...
September 6, 2006 by Tova7
Chapter 27   “Show yourself,” Cade said softly.   The black mare in the stall next to Sarsus shimmered and shifted into Rainn’s familiar red headed form.   “Your Wardex sense is strong,” Rainn opened the stall and stepped out, careful to keep her feet from the soft piles of manure.   “It is unfortunate your friend does not share such power.”   “Dirk was no less aware of your presence than me,&rdqu...
October 31, 2006 by Tova7
Chapter 29   In the predawn stillness of the forest, the sound of two horses moving slowly down the dirt trail echoed back from the darkness.   Cade held up his hand and stopped their progress.   Dirk slid from Sarsus simultaneously pulling sword from sheath.   Razar crouched low and disappeared into the frost sprinkled underbrush at Cade’s signal.   Thick dense forests of fir, aspen, and birch surrounded the Wardex settlement to the south and west...
November 2, 2006 by Tova7
Chapter 30   Rainn watched the trio on the trail from the air.   She saw Cade’s upturned face and knew he was aware of her presence as soon as she was within striking distance.   She smiled inside the small bill of the colorful bird she mimicked.   Yes, his Wardex gift was strong.   It was just as well, he would need every bit of it in the coming battle.   Mindful of the war hound, she glided between the riders to an area ahead o...
November 2, 2006 by Tova7
Chapter 31   Mikota stood naked and watched the suns set from a window in King Kryler’s chamber.   Sleek dampness leaked down sore inner thighs to drip on the cold stone floor at her feet.   A fitting place for his seed, she thought, and refused to think about the contents of her belly.   She did not turn from the window or bother dressing.   Slaves silently filled the huge bronze tub with steaming hot water and changed the blood and seed soaked sh...
March 19, 2007 by Tova7
Link Chapter 33   “The witch DeTac your majesty,” the guard to the royal receiving room announced.               Kryler’s eyes narrowed.   “Bid her wait,” He turned grey eyes back to the map laying on the gold gilded table.   He waited for the heavy wood door to click and leaned back in his chair glaring at the raven perched on the back of a crimson cushioned chair acr...
March 19, 2007 by Tova7
Link Chapter 32   Mikota was sleeping when Samanda entered the chamber.   “Where is the king?”   Mikota rubbed violet eyes and pushed dark tangles of hair from a pale face.   Samanda held up a blue linen dress.   “He is locked in the war room with several guests.   We must get you dressed.”   Mikota shook her head, cheeks colored.   “No, no.   The king bid me be here when he returns. &n...
March 30, 2007 by Tova7
Chapter 1   Jason crumpled the yellow hamburger wrapper in a large meaty fist.   He threw it into the back seat without taking his eyes off the red brick two story across the street.   It bounced once on the white leather seat and fell prostrate with its brothers littering the rear floor board of the 1968 mustang.   He tapped thick fingers against the white steering wheel.   A humid June breeze brought sounds of suburbia settling down for the night....
March 23, 2008 by Tova7
For Sale. Three bedroom one outhouse, tilting, all natural (green) landscaped home in a happening area. Room for a garage in front, but not recommended since the last one was tore off by a drunk who thought it was a drive thru. Quiet place to live, oh ok traffic can get crazy sometimes with squealing tires as people decide at the last second, "oh no I meant to go THAT way."  And you can hear the electricity hum from all the poles, but it don't do ya no harm. In hou...
April 6, 2011 by Tova7
Anthropologists at We Are So Smart University discover the next step in human evolution: Immortality. Cancer cells, dubbed unwittingly for decades “immortal cells” due to a refusal to die, transition human biology from mortal to immortal. Dr. Ben Gay of We Are So Smart University (WASSU) uncovered the true potential of these immortal cells last week after the culmination of a phase three clinical trial involving 5000 breast cancer patients worldwide over the last fi...
September 24, 2008 by Tova7
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