Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on September 6, 2006 By Tova7 In Fiction Writing

Chapter 27


“Show yourself,” Cade said softly.


The black mare in the stall next to Sarsus shimmered and shifted into Rainn’s familiar red headed form.


“Your Wardex sense is strong,” Rainn opened the stall and stepped out, careful to keep her feet from the soft piles of manure.  “It is unfortunate your friend does not share such power.”


“Dirk was no less aware of your presence than me,” Cade bit.  “You are my responsibility.”


Rainn snorted and stepped on the lower rung of Sarsus’ stall putting her head level with Cade’s shoulder. 


“Where is Razar?  You do not have free reign in this camp shifter.” Cade said.


Rainn shrugged and stroked the mare’s soft nose.


Cade’s eyes narrowed.  “If you have done anything to Razar…”


“I know,” Rainn said mimicking Cade’s voice perfectly.  “I will kill you.”


Cade clenched his fists.  “You were not to leave the Alai until dismissed.”


Rainn stepped down from the stall, blue eyes flashing.  “Humans do not command me Wardex.  I no longer wish to sit and listen to old men discuss which battle plan has more merit.  The Wardex will be over run before there is any plan of agreeable merit put forth.  I have done all you asked.  Now it is time for you to fulfill your promise.  We leave tomorrow.”


Cade’s eyebrows rose and large biceps crossed his deep chest.  He frowned.  “We?”


“Yes,” Rainn said.  “This season is almost gone and soon snow will make the mountain ridge impassable.”  She cocked her eyebrow and crossed her own arms under firm breasts.  “For a Wardex.”


Cade glanced toward the stable doors.


The silence stretched.


Finally he spoke.  “So be it.  We leave an hour before the suns rise on the western trail toward Tursa Lake.”


Rainn nodded.  “You will do well to leave the hound behind.”


“I will not leave Razar,” Cade said.


Rainn growled.  “How do you plan on traveling swiftly and quietly with the beast constantly stalking me?”


Cade smiled his voice steel.  “Razar will come.”


“If he jeopardizes my life even one time,” Rainn said.


“I will kill him,” Cade finished in a not so perfect imitation of Rainn’s voice.


Rainn narrowed blue eyes.  “What is this phant the other spoke of?”


Cade took a deep breath and for a moment considered not answering.  “A fierce predator.  We will not find one in the summer on this plain.  They live in the Great White Mountains to the north and east of this settlement.  They occasionally come down onto the plain in the winter looking for food.”


Rainn looked doubtful.  “That may be truth Wardex, but the other spoke of something else, something more.  I heard it in his voice.”


Cade set his jaw.


“So be it.”  Rainn’s face and body shimmered and Cade was looking into the face of the female gargon.  The bone white tusks gleamed in the lantern light and small black eyes stared unblinking.  Every black feather was glossy with detail and perfectly placed.


As many times as he witnessed a shift, he never grew accustomed to it.  One moment the red headed woman who drove him to such fury stood before him, the next her body became translucent sparkles on the air, only to solidify into another being.  It made his stomach heave.


“I promised the Alai an example of some of the dark races so they might better learn to fight.”  Rainn said through the hideously small mouth.  “I do not intend to tell them of my departure.  They may attempt to stop me and lives will be lost.  I will scout farther up the trail toward the lake and meet you later in the day.”


Cade grit his teeth at the commanding tone and gave a curt nod.  There was no way to keep her from doing exactly as she willed without killing her. 


Rainn lept into the air snapping black feathered wings in two long strokes, and exited the stable from the open hay loft above his head.


Cade stood for a moment looking at the open loft before striding away from the stable to find his father.





on Sep 06, 2006
Tsk, Tsk, Dirk!  Should be more observant.
on Sep 06, 2006
He knew she was there...that's why he kept looking at the mare...but he also knew she was Cade's responsibility. Remember the stable is full of stallions? Then they get there and wa la! TWO MARES.
on Sep 06, 2006

Remember the stable is full of stallions? Then they get there and wa la! TWO MARES.

Guess I missed that subtlety.

on Sep 07, 2006
I am not even reading the comments. I have to print these out. Woo Hoo. I am so excited to read more.
on Sep 07, 2006

Woo Hoo. I am so excited to read more.

Thanks Kelly.

They aren't action packed but are central to the plot.

I actually have the next three written as well, but am rethinking one aspect of them....hubby is back from Asia for a week or so before leaving again...so I will be busy.

on Oct 04, 2006
Hehe. I have to tell you something funny. I was just transferring these recent two chapters to a Word document, tacking them on to the end of the first 25 chapters...

Then suddenly a window in Word pops up that says,

There are too many spelling or grammatical errors in "Cade Series by Tova7.doc" to continue displaying them. To check the spelling and grammar of this document, choose Spelling and Grammar from the Tools menu.

Isn't that a hoot?! I've never seen anything like that before. Can you believe Word is threatening to stop displaying the "errors?" What exactly would happen then, I can't imagine. And I laughed because for crying out loud you're a JOURNALIST...Mr. Word needs to back down and remember who he's dealing with here!

But of course I know it's all of your inventive imaginary names that Word is probably struggling with.

Additionally I found it funny because it sounds a lot like me in real life dealing with people who have poor spelling and grammar...it drives me nuts and people just can't understand why. (My husband recently wrote on a shopping list to pick up some "beagles" at the store. I burst out laughing and wouldn't let him live it down. Of course he meant bagels. HA!) So sometimes I feel like that Word warning:

Caution: If you don't improve your grammar and spelling I am going to EXPLODE!!


Can't wait to read me s'more of this here Cade
on Oct 05, 2006

Yeah, all those names I make up really play havoc with the spell check. Oh well.

Glad you are still reading I will post again when things get to regular crazy around here and not this crazy crazy. heh