Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Tova7's Articles In Blog Communities
April 29, 2008 by Tova7
Hey, I see the comments now have a thumbs up option...adding +1 Karma....and a "report" feature. Cool. Lets test it.  Whenever you see a comment by me, hit that thumbs up button...and lets see if my Karma gets any better....hahahahaha. Loving the upgrade to the forums....
May 2, 2008 by Tova7
One of the best features at JU is being able to read about other people's lives.  What they think, work for, love for, ARE for. I also understand multiple posting is not frowned upon by the admins. But man oh man, I HATE it when done with blatant, arrogant disregard for other users.  Almost as if TRYING to annoy, living to do it actually. It's one thing to write several articles about different things in one day...but to take what is essentially a "what I believe" artic...