Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
why its annoying
Published on May 2, 2008 By Tova7 In Blog Communities

One of the best features at JU is being able to read about other people's lives.  What they think, work for, love for, ARE for.

I also understand multiple posting is not frowned upon by the admins.

But man oh man, I HATE it when done with blatant, arrogant disregard for other users.  Almost as if TRYING to annoy, living to do it actually.

It's one thing to write several articles about different things in one day...but to take what is essentially a "what I believe" article and make it a dozen ...its ridiculous.

It reminds me think of toe nails.

Broken toe nails to be exact.


Article 1...On breaking a toe nail.

Article 2....On filing it

Article 3...On removing old polish

Article 4...On applying new polish

Article 5...On blowing it dry

Article 6....On watching the lights reflect off the nice red color

Article7....Why polish and Polish are spelled the same way.


I am having Jenn1 flashbacks.



Comments (Page 1)
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on May 02, 2008
haha, when we were in Amarillo in Feb, I saw a place that was Polish *something*. I got all excited thinking I might get to try Polish food. Nope. It was polish.

And I agree, the "On xyz" articles get annoying. Particularly because they are generally not well thought-out or in depth. Just a short paragraph relating and unelaborated-on opinion.
on May 02, 2008
And I agree, the "On xyz" articles get annoying. Particularly because they are generally not well thought-out or in depth. Just a short paragraph relating and unelaborated-on opinion.

It's fun to tear them apart though. (Wishing for a horned smiley.)
on May 02, 2008

And I agree, the "On xyz" articles get annoying. Particularly because they are generally not well thought-out or in depth. Just a short paragraph relating and unelaborated-on opinion.

I don't  like when people get overly "delete" happy.

Though right now I can't edit...and JU is acting wonky for me.

Oh well, typos R us I guess.

haha, when we were in Amarillo in Feb, I saw a place that was Polish *something*. I got all excited thinking I might get to try Polish food. Nope. It was polish.

That's hilarious...there should be some sort of thinga-majiggy to tell them apart...besides the capital P.


on May 02, 2008

It's fun to tear them apart though. (Wishing for a horned smiley.)

If you can do it without being deleted.

He's not even good at defense...arrogance and ignorance aren't consenting bed partners.

He's raping arrogance!

Maybe I should change the title to that.....hmmmmm.

on May 02, 2008

I was real close to writing something like this after I saw like 5 of those in a row....all of them could be combined to one article.

And the reasoning behind the beliefs and opinions leaves a lot to be desired.

It's fun to tear them apart though.

Well, there is that.


on May 02, 2008

He should write an article "on" being an ass.

I hate when I miss good articles because some clown can't consolidate 5 boring articles into one long boring article. He's like a gnat though. You swat him and he keeps coming back.


on May 02, 2008

hate when I miss good articles because some clown can't consolidate 5 boring articles into one long boring article. He's like a gnat though. You swat him and he keeps coming back.

I'm hoping ignoring him will do the trick.  Once he started liberally deleting things I swore him off.

He should write an article "on" being an ass

I was real close to writing something like this after I saw like 5 of those in a row....all of them could be combined to one article.

Ah sorry Zoo...ya shoulda done it...I'm tired and not really up the level of satire this situation deserves...but it annoyed me enough to not let it go by without a swat.


on May 02, 2008

I agree.  It pisses me off, but maybe I'm just cranky today.  But I am at the point and have been for weeks now, that I refuse to click on anything that has his nick in the alt-tag. 

Go away, please....go away.

on May 02, 2008

Go away, please....go away.

but maybe I'm just cranky today

Nah...sound fed up to me.  It's almost like something my twelve year old would do to get attention...except here I can say stop it son!  haha



on May 02, 2008

Yep, I keep telling myself that I won't click on his....his....posts( they don't really qualify...), let alone respond, but it's like a friggin car crash, you have to stop and look. And especially with Zoo, SanCho, S/n and whoever else picking apart his things, it is really like a car crash.

*smacks a gnat*



on May 02, 2008
he does get lots of comment though...   
on May 02, 2008
he does get lots of comment though...

I think that's because it is so easy to be smart when you argue with him. hahahahaha And who doesn't like to look like a genius now and then? Not to mention it gives the opportunity to try out new levels of sarcasm.

Oh well.

More power to him.

on May 02, 2008

he does get lots of comment though...

His prescence as well as one other has really brought JU down. 

on May 02, 2008
His prescence as well as one other has really brought JU down.

He's not that bad - JU has always had its mind in the gutter. The only reason JU looked at the stars was because it thought faked innocence would draw attention from the frantic mudslinging going on below the shoulders, but while JU as a whole may maintain a pretence of gentility I think we all know we're gutter-dwellers and proud of it.

Erathoniel would fit in fine here if he would only explain his views rather than just stating them.
on May 02, 2008

Erathoniel would fit in fine here if he would only explain his views rather than just stating them.

and maybe he can do it in one article every 5 hours instead of every 5 minutes. Just a suggestion. I don't click on his things at all because of his spam, so even if he has something worthwhile to read, I won't see it now.

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