Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Tova7's Articles In Misc » Page 5
October 5, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Friday, October 5, 2007 paroxysm \PAIR-uhk-siz-uhm\, noun : 1. (Medicine) A sudden attack, intensification, or recurrence of a disease. 2. Any sudden and violent emotion or action; an outburst; a fit.
October 4, 2007 by Tova7
Word of the Day for Thursday, October 4, 2007 redoubtable \rih-DOW-tuh-buhl\, adjective : 1. Arousing fear or alarm; formidable. 2. Illustrious; eminent; worthy of respect or honor.
October 3, 2007 by Tova7
I love words.  As I get older though it seems like I am starting to lose them bit by bit.  So I subscribed to a "word of the day" email. I will share the wealth with JU!  If you wanna respond, find a way to use the word in a sentence.  The more creative, the better. (This is a little trick I use when I have writer's block.  Pick a word and then expound on it.) So without further ado...today's word. Word of the Day for Wednesday, October 3, 2007 ...
September 26, 2007 by Tova7
This parenting gig…..hard stuff. I hear people say how rewarding parenting can be.   And I have to wonder, is that before they have kids, or after the kids are grown and gone?   Heh. Do I get to cash in my parenting rewards for a trip to Hawaii?   At this point, I’d cash them in for two more hours in every day. Why? Homework. Four hours of it a night, and only in the sixth grade.   Wow.   No wonder my son hates school. I have a theory about the...
September 24, 2007 by Tova7
I was talking to God Sunday morning on the way to the movie theater (where I planned on a healthy dose of Zombie slaying).   Why was I on my way to the movies and not to church on Sunday? Well, that’s a good question.   I call myself a Christian after all, and I do believe fellowship is important.   But on Sunday I was heading to the early show to see the new Resident Evil movie. Since moving here two years ago we can’t seem to find our church “niche.”   It’s not ...
May 27, 2007 by Tova7
Is it just me or did spring totally skip out this year?   Just when it started warming up and things began turning green, it turned bitter cold, killing all the buds and many perennials which were already poking their heads out.   Then, BAM, last week we were close to 90.   And since the rain is missing us, everyone’s lawns are already going dormant (read brown) in MAY!   This may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it is to me.   Yesterday...
May 11, 2007 by Tova7
I was covered in dirt today (tilling flower beds and moving dirt) when a Col who works with my hubby pulled up to deliver these..... It was such a nice surprise.  I used to tell my husband not to get me flowers, it was a waste of money since they just die.  Now I cherish every bloom. So to all the mom's on JU, I want to share these with you. Happy Mother's Day.  
May 9, 2007 by Tova7
Check this out.  Scared the crap outta me.  
February 9, 2007 by Tova7
    Last night I dreamed.     There were two tribes of people.   Believers and non believers, not necessarily in the Christian sense.   It was more generic, less Jesus.   The believers consisted of a variety of people who followed God.   Each person was in different stages, levels, heights of belief.   The non believers consisted of a wide range, from really good people (who just didn’t follow God), all the way down...
December 8, 2006 by Tova7
Today the mail woman rang my door bell.   I opened the door, and the bitter cold draft biting my toes was forgotten upon observing she was holding a box with my name on it.   I’m sure people all over the country are opening front doors to the mailman, the UPS man, the Fed Ex Guy.   But for me, opening the door and finding a package with my name on it (that I didn’t order and pay for), well, it’s like CHRISTMAS.   I received my cookie swa...
November 21, 2006 by Tova7
So I was reading Dharma's recent adventures in candy making.  http://dharmagrl.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=136869 And had an idea. Would anyone be interested in baking cookies, or fudge, or whatever confection they like for the holidays and doing a JU swap? We could get a list of names together of people who want to participate and "draw names" that way each person will only mail one package. What do you think? Anyone game?
October 19, 2006 by Tova7
  Does your face break out for no reason?  Dry out?  Here is Paula's latest cosmetic ingredients do's and don'ts. If there is one cosmetics industry buzzword that gets almost immediate consumer attention, it's "natural." Whatever preconceived or media-induced fiction someone might believe about natural ingredients being better for the skin has no factual basis or scientific legitimacy. Not only is the definition of "natural" hazy, but the term isn't even regulated, ...
October 6, 2006 by Tova7
In Niagara Falls there is a street called "fun strip."  It has everything you could want to see and some things you don't heh.  Wax museums, Ripley's Believe It or Not, Ferris Wheel, Hard Rock Café, you name it.  Totally commercial and really has little to do with the falls.  Heh. But it wasn't a total tourist trap...I got to meet Tiger Woods and my Aunt chatted with the Pope.  Pics below. Here are some photos of our day on fun strip. ...
May 8, 2009 by Tova7
JR Ward's 7th book, Lover Avenged, of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (BDB) series is out.  Technically the books are "romance" but when you actually read them, there is much more happening than just lovey dovey all the time.  Lots of really good action/fighting scenes with constant macro plot building.  These books could easily be fantasy, and maybe should be, but I will discuss that later. I do have a few issues with the author though....
March 27, 2009 by Tova7
Two things in the Dayton Daily News (DDN) yesterday made me say, "huh."  First, did you realize more women are going into porno and stripping because of the economy?  It seems there is a surplus of openings in these professions and women who were "white collar" employees a few short weeks ago, now find the adult entertainment industry the only alternative to unemployment. Huh. Second, Dayton's Planned Parenthood would not give any specific numbers to DDN, (they were unav...