Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on January 1, 2008 By Tova7 In Misc



Word of the Day for Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Zeitgeist \TSYT-guyst; ZYT-guyst\, noun:

[Often capitalized] The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.

on Jan 01, 2008

Is the zeitgeist of America excess?

on Jan 01, 2008
Is the zeitgeist of America excess?

on Jan 01, 2008
This word keeps coming up for me in magazines and books I've read recently.

Isn't it weird how you've never heard of a word and then all of the sudden it's in everything you read?
on Jan 01, 2008

This word keeps coming up for me in magazines and books I've read recently


I've never heard it before.  I don't even remember seeing it in any literature I've read recently.  (Course they don't usually put words like this in trashy novels...hahahaha)

on Jan 01, 2008
Zeitgeist the movie

This "feature" is a big part of why the word "Zeitgeist" is getting so much attention these days. It's worth watching, but keep a grain of salt nearby.
on Jan 01, 2008

I first read it in The God Delusion (ha! sorry!) then I saw it in Newsweek (?), and if I'm remembering correctly it was in Next (book).

I had NEVER heard it before previously and it was so strange to see it pop up again and again but for some reason that seems to happen to me with new words. Weird.

I don't think I could ever use this word in a sentence, though, without sounding like a complete idiot (as opposed to the highly intelligent person I come across as now, haha).

Thanks for the call btw, you are so sweet and helpful!

on Jan 01, 2008

don't think I could ever use this word in a sentence, though, without sounding like a complete idiot

hahaha  I tried it out loud to see if it was actually something I could use in regular everyday conversation.....it comes out sounding like zi-goat.  I've come to the conclusion words in the English language are a lot like guitar chords.  There are around 116 chords give or take, but if you know ten you can play just about every song ever written.  The rest are just for showing off.

It was great talking to you too Brandie.  I hope to do more of it soon.

This "feature" is a big part of why the word "Zeitgeist" is getting so much attention these days. It's worth watching, but keep a grain of salt nearby.

I used the salt off my margarita glass...because watching that video requires much alcohol and no sharp objects around. heh.


on Jan 01, 2008
I remember first hearing the word in a college physcology class a long time ago. Interesting word and concept!
on Jan 01, 2008
The new (and surprisingly good) Smashing Pumpkins album is named "Zeitgeist". Kewl.
on Jan 02, 2008
I'm seeing this word, but I keep thinking of poltergiest. Yikes.
on Jan 02, 2008
A good word to sum up a situation succintly.
on Jan 02, 2008
I'm seeing this word, but I keep thinking of poltergiest. Yikes.

They're here.......hehe

A good word to sum up a situation succintly.

Or show off a little..  

The new (and surprisingly good) Smashing Pumpkins album is named "Zeitgeist". Kewl.

I like the smashing pumpkins. I am gonna check it out. Thanks.