Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on September 14, 2010 By Tova7 In Blogging

Found out today.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (HERS 2 overexpression ER+/PR+).  Big ass word for holy-crap-I’m-41-and-have-two-kids-to-raise!

They say it is the “aggressive” type.

They say Monday is my first operation.

They say I have radiation and chemotherapy in my future.

They say I have cancer.

But you know what?

I say cancer has me.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 15, 2010

If anyone can beat this, it is you my dear.

My heart goes out to you and your family. Be strong. Get well soon.

on Sep 15, 2010

I will say a prayer for you.  I know that is weak compared to what is running through your mind.  But you are a winner, and I know you will kick this bug.  You will accept nothing else.

God bless you and all your family.

on Sep 15, 2010

Thanks B and Dr G.  I'm in the best shape of my life.  Speaking of which....it's kind of morbid...but I was wondering why now, when I've worked out my entire life pretty much, but why NOW I actually have some serious flat abs. 

Seems cancer may be an anti-flab on the belly cure.     I mean seriously. 



on Sep 15, 2010

Ok, you can't see them here.  Not like I'm gonna lift my shirt..but trust me....diet exercise and cancer, at least for me, for awhile = flat abs.

on Sep 15, 2010

If you had a daughter, I would think you were substituting pictures!

You will beat it.  You do not know how to fail or quit.

on Sep 15, 2010

I'm sorry you've run into some health troubles, all of my best wishes for quick recovery. 

on Sep 15, 2010

I'm so sorry to hear about this Tonya and while I can't even pretend to know what kind of terror is going thru your mind right now, especially with two kids at home, thinking about their well-being, I can offer you some encouragement. 

I have had quite a few friends go thru this and come out just fine.  Not one of them has died. I think they all  say  they're even better for the experience.  I have three woman friends right now going thru it for the second time after being cancer free for many many years and one male friend who has had three diff bouts of cancer and he just turned 70.  It's not the death sentence it used to be.  Your being in great shape physically is going to help you tremendously. 

One of my friends has been clean and clear for 8 years and then all of a sudden (they said it was rare) it came back but it was hidden from sight and she is now in stage 4.  But even then they said they can put it into remission but most likely she'll be on some sort of medication her whole life.  She's being tested for the cancer gene right now because cancer runs deep in her family. 

She was about 50 when it first came on 8 years ago with two kids in Jr High-High School and she prayed that God would let her see her kids grow up.  Of course they did, one is married, the other soon to be.  She's so grateful for that but at 58 she's still young so she's praying that she'll see her grandchildren (she has none yet) because it's always a scary time when you receive this diagnosis. 

Every single one of them had their faith grow as a result.  In the middle of pain and suffering it can be difficult to believe that God knows exactly what he's doing.  So often it's easy just to despair and think he's abandoned us, but we must remember that God keeps his promise that all things work together for the good of His children (Rom 8:28) even when things seem to grow dark for us we must remember that He's still there. 

Will pray for strength, peace and encouragement for you as you fight this battle and it will be a battle.  Stay positive. 




on Sep 15, 2010

Thanks KFC.  You are such a sweetheart.

I went today for some pre-op tests...woo hoo.  Nothin like taking your shirt off in front of strangers....

Strangely, I don't feel forsaken by God because of this.  Right now, I don't feel much of anything.  I'm a bit on overload.  We buried Aunt Shelby (who raised me and was the only mother I really knew) Thursday after dying from lung cancer.  She lived 5 years and they gave her 6 months, told her that was BEST CASE.  She took chemo for five years.....

I was right by her side when she died, holding on to her.  I'm thankful I was able to be there, and that she didn't have to worry about this.

God didn't cure her.  And He's likely not going to cure me.  And I'm good with that. 

I'd hate to leave my boys, half grown and without a mother.  Especially Gavin.  He needs so MUCH extra and he's only 7.  He wouldn't even remember me. 

But it is what it is.  Mothers die everyday.  Millions before me, and millions after.  My kids have a fantastic dad, so they're already ahead of the game if something happens.

It does kinda suck though, I'll be honest, to have to plan in more detail exactly what I would like to happen (to my organs, personal stuff, etc) if I happen to stroke out on the operating table or something.

My poor husband.  He got SO jipped.


on Sep 15, 2010

Thanks Anthony, I really appreciate that.

on Sep 15, 2010

They say I have cancer.

Strangely, I don't feel forsaken by God because of this.


Life is precious.

Keep being optimistic hoping and trusting in Our Lord.

I'll pray for you and your family.

if I happen to stroke out on the operating table or something.

My brother sent me this prayer before an operation.

Father, as I face this operation, I come to You with my fears and misgivings and ask You to put into my heart the needed courage to face the day with unwavering confidence in Your Goodness and protection. May the knowledge that You do not sleep while I am in a deep sleep, be an assurance to me that I need not worry nor be afraid. Calm my nerves, put my mind at ease, and in Your mercy, forgive me all my sins.

Give to the surgeon a steady hand and the skill to do his task with ease and perfection. Give to my loved ones the reassuring faith that You are with us, the Keeper of my body and Lover of my soul. Calm all their anxieties during the coming hours of my operation.

Into Your hands I entrust my well-being. All this I ask, Father, in the Name of Jesus and through the merits of His Most Precious Blood.  Amen.


on Sep 15, 2010

I'm not really into praying like KFC is, seeing as I'm agnostic, but I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts. I wish you and your family the best. Go kick that cancer's butt.



on Sep 15, 2010

What a wonderful prayer Lula.  He must be a special brother to send you such a nice prayer like that.  Consider yourself blessed in the brother dept.   


on Sep 15, 2010

Tova, I'll keep you in my prayers.   Continue to exercise.  From all the research that I've read is that exercise increases the heart rate (no, the research didn't have to show that) which gets more blood cells out there.  This helps the body fought illnesses off.  Women tend to have more white blood cells as well so exercising has been shown to increase all of that.  You just don't want to over do it.

Keep the high out look on life.  If you think about it being miserable gets you no where.

on Sep 15, 2010

Gosh Tonya, I wish it weren't true. I have faith that you will beat this.

Today though? We've done the Komen Race for a Cure for the last few years. I've been making the coporate banners today so I have been randomly searching the web for ideas. I've been deep into the subject. This was not what I was expecting when I popped into JU.

This weekend I am walking for you... for a cure.

on Sep 15, 2010

Tova, I'll keep you in my prayers. Continue to exercise.

Thanks, and don't worry about the exercising it's been a lifelong thing except for 4 short years when I literally couldn't drum up the energy (later found out my thyroid was broken).

When I went for my EKG today the tech told me that I should try to gain a little weight.  Not because I'm underweight or anything.  But she said the chemo made her so sick she couldn't eat....so she was thankful she started with "a few extra pounds."  I won't intentionally gain weight unless I read something that recommends it.

I'm not really into praying like KFC is, seeing as I'm agnostic, but I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts.

Thanks Lucas.  I don't envy you the belief because I can take such comfort in mine.  And if I had to make a top three list of why faith is important, comfort would probably be one of them.

What a wonderful prayer Lula

Yes it is.  Thank you Lula. 


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