Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on September 14, 2010 By Tova7 In Blogging

Found out today.

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (HERS 2 overexpression ER+/PR+).  Big ass word for holy-crap-I’m-41-and-have-two-kids-to-raise!

They say it is the “aggressive” type.

They say Monday is my first operation.

They say I have radiation and chemotherapy in my future.

They say I have cancer.

But you know what?

I say cancer has me.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 15, 2010

Gosh Tonya, I wish it weren't true. I have faith that you will beat this. Today though? We've done the Komen Race for a Cure for the last few years. I've been making the coporate banners today so I have been randomly searching the web for ideas. I've been deep into the subject. This was not what I was expecting when I popped into JU. This weekend I am walking for you... for a cure.

That's awesome John, thanks.  Honestly I've never really been into the whole breast cancer awareness thing.  Isn't that ironic?  I kinda always felt it received too much attention because it is about boobs, compared to the other cancers which seemed to be eating my family alive.  I even read a couple studies that said mammograms are fairly useless and used those as rationale NOT to get one at 40.

Didn't really matter for me in the end.  This cancer STILL doesn't show up on mammo, but it is big as day on the ultra sound.  I found the lump in the shower.

Hoping to find out the stage Monday tho.  The lower the number, the better. 


on Sep 15, 2010

I am truly sorry to read this. I wish you the best possible outcome.

on Sep 15, 2010

my sister and a woman with whom i was very close were both discovered to have breast cancer within a few weeks of each other early in 2006.  my sister was the luckier of the two (no radiation or chemo necessary) but both are healthy and show no further sign of malignancies. 

i fervently hope things will work out as well for you.

on Sep 15, 2010

This cancer STILL doesn't show up on mammo, but it is big as day on the ultra sound. I found the lump in the shower.

it seems as tho that's how most cancers are found.  Can't tell you how many times I've heard woman go for their yearly mammos and ended up finding a lump months later including my friend with the stage 4 breast cancer.  She said it was so far back they couldn't see it.   I have never had a mammo and don't plan on getting one anytime soon.  I'm very suspicious of all these tests without reason. 

One of my other friends who is ok now but is also a breast cancer survivor said she met all the "markers" that are usually associated with breast cancer, having children later in life, being on birth control for a long time, eating lots of grilled blackened food (who doesn't grill?)  and I think there was at least one other one she told me.  

When I went for my EKG today the tech told me that I should try to gain a little weight

I was actually thinking this too Tonya.  My girlfriend that is going on her second bout (talked with her on Monday) said she just lost 20 lbs in just a couple of weeks.  She was on the heavy side but she said it wasn't the way to go.  Her problem is she's nauseous because of the meds.  She also has an aggressive cancer but they are expecting to put her in remission.   You may go thru a time when food doesn't taste so good (which is normal during this time)  and you will naturally lose weight..so I'd try to gain a few pounds too if I were you while food taste good now. 

I also found out that sugar is a no no because it feeds most cancers.  Red grapes are supposed to be really good tho and one cancer survivor friend of mine was eating them like crazy after hearing that and is completely healed today. 





on Sep 15, 2010

Heartbreaking to read that headline, Tova.  Your courage and sense of humor in the face of this news (that smile!) are at the same time heartwarming.  Having been dealt a tough opening hand, may you be blessed with better luck as the cards play out.

on Sep 16, 2010

my sister and a woman with whom i was very close were both discovered to have breast cancer within a few weeks of each other early in 2006. my sister was the luckier of the two (no radiation or chemo necessary) but both are healthy and show no further sign of malignancies. i fervently hope things will work out as well for you.

Thanks KB.  Those stories are always good to hear, or read....

I am truly sorry to read this. I wish you the best possible outcome

Thank you Mason.  I appreciate the best wishes.


on Sep 16, 2010

One of my other friends who is ok now but is also a breast cancer survivor said she met all the "markers" that are usually associated with breast cancer, having children later in life, being on birth control for a long time, eating lots of grilled blackened food (who doesn't grill?) and I think there was at least one other one she told me.

Yeah that "marker" list is pretty long now KFC.  Strangely, I don't hit very many of them.  In fact, if you look at the paperwork and history, I "shouldn't" have it at all. 

I just read the sugar thing yesterday.  And all I can say about that is this:  you know how Kroger has the store brand oreo cookies right next to the Nabisco Double Stuff?

Well, life imo is kinda like those cookies.  You can have three packs of the oh-so-boring-and-not-good store brand (don't eat this, don't do that) for the same price, or one divine pack of the real thing (be sensible, but go for the real deal).

Guess which one I choose? 

on Sep 16, 2010

Heartbreaking to read that headline, Tova. Your courage and sense of humor in the face of this news (that smile!) are at the same time heartwarming. Having been dealt a tough opening hand, may you be blessed with better luck as the cards play out.

Thanks D.  I'm reading, learning a lot as I go.  Hope to make some of my own luck.  One thing about BC.  The information is fairly consistent across the board.  Not so other types of health problems in my experience.

I don't want to become one of those women who defines her life by having breast cancer (or any illness for that matter).  Right now, unfortunately, it does consume my day because I have so much to learn.  But once the learning is done, I plan to compartmentalize this to the "my health" box and continue on with living.

In fact, I think we should make a rule in our house.  No BC talk after 5pm during the week, and not at all on the weekends.  yup.

Unfortunately for JU, I will likely be back to blogging here, and blogging mostly about this....I blog about life events, and well...right now, this is it.  So sorry in advance JU...but then, people can just skip me can't they?



on Sep 16, 2010

Unfortunately for JU, I will likely be back to blogging here, and blogging mostly about this....I blog about life events, and well...right now, this is it. So sorry in advance JU...but then, people can just skip me can't they?

That is an asset to JU and to all of us.  We are all hoping and praying for the best possible outcome, and appreciate that you can allow us to share in your progress.

Your writing style is excellent and always a joy to read.

on Sep 16, 2010

You can have three packs of the oh-so-boring-and-not-good store brand (don't eat this, don't do that) for the same price, or one divine pack of the real thing (be sensible, but go for the real deal).

sounds quite reasonable to me because I have the same theory...who wants the fakearoos when you can have the real stuff?  But for now you may want to stick with the real grapes instead of the real oreos!!  

Unfortunately for JU, I will likely be back to blogging here, and blogging mostly about this....

good because it will give our little prayer group here something specific to pray about...I don't think I have to tell you how many answers to prayer we've had here. 


on Sep 16, 2010

But for now you may want to stick with the real grapes instead of the real oreos

I bought some red grapes today Dawn....just in case

That is an asset to JU and to all of us. We are all hoping and praying for the best possible outcome, and appreciate that you can allow us to share in your progress. Your writing style is excellent and always a joy to read.

Oh the flattery!  I'm sucking it all in now because once I lose my hair and skin, I doubt I'll be getting much in the way of compliments....


on Sep 16, 2010

Looking forward to hearing about your updates of victory   Tova, check this out for some GOD encouragement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IinYDR92gBM

This is the true living GOD. 

As for the Oreos, that white center stuff you do realize that it last forever and also the stomach has rough time to breaking down.  Sorry couldn't resist

Watch the video!


on Sep 16, 2010

once I lose my hair and skin, I doubt I'll be getting much in the way of compliments...

not all chemos do this.  You'll have to find out what kind of chemo you're going to have.  I know one person who didn't lose hair but as far as I know the rest of my friends did.  But they all got their hair back and look just like they did (if not better) on the other side of chemo and radiation.   Two of the ladies like the way their hair grew back better than they had before. 

I bought some red grapes today Dawn....just in case

good girl.  Red is the best.    We prayed for you last night at prayer meeting.  You and my friend Cathy who is going thru the same thing. 


on Sep 17, 2010

Tova!  DAMMIT !!  I don't know what else to say.  Everybody else has already said all the good stuff.  I know that Betty Lou died in 1987, after having been given six months to live in 1958.  I know that some kinds of breast cancer can be very successfully treated, I don't like the "aggresive" word, and I am hoping you are able to obtain a good result. 

Uhhh...before the hair falls out?....go on and lift up that shirt, girl!  You are HOT !!

on Sep 17, 2010

Watch the video!

I did.  Thanks.  That was the cutest baby, and I loved the little pocket on his butt.

As for the Oreos, that white center stuff you do realize that it last forever and also the stomach has rough time to breaking down

That's the only part worth eatin!!


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