Spring is here. At the beginning of warm weather I can't wait to go outside and get my hands in the soil. There is something precious about greeting my yard and garden as it awakens from a long winter's nap. I look at each bud, each new leaf, and mark its progress each day. Two summers ago, I ripped out all the old landscaping. Our house is 40 years old and the foliage was original. Lots of those boxy looking green bushes. So sexy.
Spring is here. At the beginning of warm weather I can't wait to go outside and get my hands in the soil. There is something precious about greeting my yard and garden as it awakens from a long winter's nap. I look at each bud, each new leaf, and mark its progress each day. Two summers ago, I ripped out all the old landscaping. Our house is 40 years old and the foliage was original. Lots of those boxy looking green bushes. So sexy.