Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on March 1, 2008 By Tova7 In Blogging

I see LW has another JU stalker.  This one is going by the name Kurthy.

I understand people with strong opinions get haters on their blog.  But it seems to me LW attracts more than her fair share.

I've decided.....




Think about it.  If you haven't been blog stalked, does that mean you're too boring?  Too vanilla to even be tasted?  That you aren't worth someone setting up an account, thinking of pithy and sometimes totally retarded put downs?  You aren't interesting enough for someone with no life to follow, even in words?




I dunno.


But I think this Stalker is Jennifer1.  The crazy tastes the same to me.

Comments (Page 1)
9 Pages1 2 3  Last
on Mar 01, 2008
I'll stalk you Tova! HAHAHA.
on Mar 01, 2008

Are you worth stalking?


on Mar 01, 2008

I'll stalk you Tova! HAHAHA

OOO Ss-cc-aa-rry!


I don't *really* want to be stalked.  But its kinda funny how extreme nut cases seem to find LW and cling to her.

Wait a second.....

on Mar 01, 2008

Hey tova, go get an aids test - how was that?  I'm trying to learn the stalker lingo so you can feel special.  lol

on Mar 01, 2008
I know, I strike fear into the hearts of bloggers worldwide. Haha.

LW definitely gets a lot of attention from "anons". I have had a few people stop in now and again and just rip me a new asshole out of the blue, but they usually limit it to whatever thread they took umbrage at.

LW has a weird sort of dark charisma. Haha. She invokes strong feelings and for some reason attracts crazies. Generally, anyone who knows LW wants to please her and be her friend. Lots of sucking up. She has that affect on people. In the same turn, the few people who DON'T feel that way about her tend to just hate her freaking guts. Obsessively so.

on Mar 01, 2008

"use your personality as a natural contraceptive"...HAHAHAHA.

Oh, and we get snow in Texas, jackmunch.
on Mar 01, 2008
Kurthy, I'm the Hawaiian grim reaper and I'm here for your soul. HAHAHAHAHAA.
on Mar 01, 2008
LOL, are you offering Tova some Dick?
on Mar 01, 2008
Aww, where did our friend go?
on Mar 01, 2008
Hmm, Kurthy, you're Hawaiian, eh? I'm now picturing you as a 400 lb wife-beater wearing thrift store clothes, driving a truck you can't possibly afford, but living in a run down shack with your tutu, your wife, a second cousin, and your 12 filthy children (and the boys have bleach blonde hair, nice). How's the SPAM taste, cuz? You know cramming that many people into such unsanitary conditions is just asking for an outbreak of disease in your unvaccinated kids. Not to mention the fire hazard.

on Mar 01, 2008
on Mar 01, 2008

Oy?  Got ourselves a troll do we?

Well, I reckon we can play with it until Brad "sends it to a nice farm in the countryside."


on Mar 01, 2008
Haha, kurthy. Haoles can be so mean sometimes, eh?
on Mar 01, 2008
Don't feed the troll. Okay go ahead, just bite back hard. lol.

Sure you do, judging by your mugshot, you must be snow white, queen of the stud riding fest.

Kurthy, I would assume that you know all about mugshots. Why don't you post yours so we can all look at it and feel better if we're having a bad day?

I'll have you know that Miss Tex is a hotty. I know because I met her in IRL. Your jealously of her flawless complexion is completely understandable.

on Mar 01, 2008

Are you worth stalking?

OF course!

I might even make the stalkers heart beat at least 55 BPM!

Can you stand it?

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