Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on March 1, 2008 By Tova7 In Blogging

I see LW has another JU stalker.  This one is going by the name Kurthy.

I understand people with strong opinions get haters on their blog.  But it seems to me LW attracts more than her fair share.

I've decided.....




Think about it.  If you haven't been blog stalked, does that mean you're too boring?  Too vanilla to even be tasted?  That you aren't worth someone setting up an account, thinking of pithy and sometimes totally retarded put downs?  You aren't interesting enough for someone with no life to follow, even in words?




I dunno.


But I think this Stalker is Jennifer1.  The crazy tastes the same to me.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 01, 2008

Hey tova, go get an aids test - how was that?


It's pretty scary if I only knew what it means.

If you stalk me, can you send a dictionary with the threats please?

on Mar 01, 2008

hmmmmmmm maybe she's my son???? 


on Mar 01, 2008

Tova - youre alot like me - you tend to use your personality as a nautural contraceptive.

You are good!  Got me all figured out.  The only reason I have two kids is thanks to Jack and Daniels.

on Mar 01, 2008

hell if I know. Want me to inquire upstairs?

I just have a feeling some day I will read in the paper...LW kills stalker.

Of course they won't mention you invited the stalker to your house with bribes of dicks and moans...

on Mar 01, 2008

I am Hawaiian, Texas, so I have a genetic advantage over you, sorry, Hoale Wahine.

Genetic advantage?  Well when its not an intellectual advantage I guess you go with what's left.

This...this is bullshit. Its like 5 against one here. And you all sound like ...old gals.

hahaha.  Well we do tend to stick together when a new wanker comes on trying to be all well, whatcha trying to be exactly?


on Mar 01, 2008

Hmm, Kurthy, you're Hawaiian, eh? I'm now picturing you as a 400 lb wife-beater wearing thrift store clothes, driving a truck you can't possibly afford, but living in a run down shack with your tutu, your wife, a second cousin, and your 12 filthy children (and the boys have bleach blonde hair, nice). How's the SPAM taste, cuz? You know cramming that many people into such unsanitary conditions is just asking for an outbreak of disease in your unvaccinated kids. Not to mention the fire hazard.

Like I said....INTELLIGENT!

on Mar 01, 2008

hmmmmmmm maybe she's my son????

WHAT?  Are you going on the record with that?

Enquiring minds want to know....

on Mar 01, 2008

YOu have one problem with being stalked. Anyone stalking you would read your stuff. ANd if they had the brains to try to stalk you, then they would also have enough sense not to! YOu dont talk Bad Ass. You WALK bad ass!
on Mar 01, 2008
How do you know kurthy is a 'she?'

Well, I'll give KFC this one, Kurthy sounds an awful lot like Kathy.

Thanks guys, this is the most fun I've had reading a blog for a while yet! Woo-hoo!!!
on Mar 01, 2008
Sad, you guys don't like me . suppose that upgrades me from 'stalker' to 'asshole'. gonna flip a coin to see which is better. If being American was an option and a coin had 3 sides, guess I would have 3 faces to choose from, like all your presidential candidates thus far have. Hmm tough choice, wish Kevin Cosgrove was alive to say at what bearing it should, since it points to all in your proud land of Jackassess... note the cover my my DVD sports your star spangled banner

Sorry for the double post, can't edit today.

Okay, um...that...didn't...make...ANY SENSE. At all. Yeah, I'm trying, but I can't seem to make 'heads or tails' of it.

hahahaha get it? Heads or tails? I'm so 'punny'!!!
on Mar 01, 2008

Ah, this is kind of amusing.


on Mar 01, 2008
Lol, cute Cedar, but kinda ineffective. It does make sense cos I always do. Get your tutor to explain. You are funny though, well done!

At least I can spell. And no it doesn't.
on Mar 01, 2008

YOu have one problem with being stalked. Anyone stalking you would read your stuff. ANd if they had the brains to try to stalk you, then they would also have enough sense not to! YOu dont talk Bad Ass. You WALK bad ass!


Well, Doc, are you sweet talkin me?

on Mar 01, 2008
My pic is on my profile,

Ah, but those little pictures give so little detail!
on Mar 01, 2008
swallowing so much chick bullish*t. you need to get laid, but not on a PC, real life dude. trust me, its more fun, these 'gone over the clock and rolled back a few times high mileage' gals are fiercely entertaining but not quite the Pandora Box you yearning for.


You a very entertaining.
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