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Underworld Evolution
Must see!
Published on February 4, 2006 By
Just returned from seeing Underworld Evolution. Here is the trailer.
What an awesome movie. If you saw Underworld, this picks up right where it left off.
I won't go into lots of detail because I don't wanna ruin it for anyone. But the Werewolves vs Vampire thing isnt' really continued in this movie. Instead we find out they are fathered by the same immortal, who begets twins, one becomes a vampire after being bitten by a bat, and one a werewolf after being bitten by a wolf. But that's all I'm tellin ya.
It is worth every penny to see it on big screen.
All the original actors have resumed their roles and are better than ever.
The cinematography rocks and I never got bored, not once. Which is a real feat.
The Sci-Fi aspect is good too. Vampires using guns? Who woulda thunk it? hehe.
It is rated R and appropriately so. Lots of blood and violence, gore, and the "f" word. Sex scenes with lots of booby shots, heh. That was the only part I thought funny. One scene with two vampiress with fake boobs.....buwhahahaha.
I know this is general, but I am in a hurry.
All in all, GO SEE IT! Especially if you are a sci-fi fan. It was rockin!
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The Coming Crucible
on Feb 05, 2006
on Feb 05, 2006
Thanks for the quick review. I'm going to try to see it some time this week.
on Feb 05, 2006
Check out the full length trailer at the link I provided...and turn up the sound because the music is good too.....
I might have to go see it again...it was THAT good.
(But I haven't been out in awhile!)
on Feb 06, 2006
It does look good, but then again, to a guy like me anything that features Kate Beckinsale in latex is worth the price of admission.
Dr Guy
on Feb 06, 2006
I am going this weekend. I thought the original was kind of unique in its depiction of Werewolves and Vampires, so this one should be good as well.
on Feb 06, 2006
anything that features Kate Beckinsale in latex is worth the price of admission
Yeah she is a hottie. And you will see much more of her in this movie...hehe.
on Feb 06, 2006
I thought the original was kind of unique in its depiction of Werewolves and Vampires, so this one should be good as well.
Yeah, I actually think this one is better than the first. But I didn't get to see the first one in cinema, so maybe that was the difference.
I try to wait until about 4 weeks after release before going to see a movie I REALLY like...or think I might. That way I don't have mouth breathing, shoveling popcorn in their faces, crunching pigs sitting beside me ruining it. ha.
There was only about 20 people in the entire place....so I REALLY enjoyed it!
Let me know how ya like it!
on Feb 06, 2006
It is rated R and appropriately so. Lots of blood and violence, gore, and the "f" word. Sex scenes with lots of booby shots, heh. That was the only part I thought funny. One scene with two vampiress with fake boobs.....buwhahahaha.
Damn, you just sold me, I'm in.
But it means I'll have to go to one of my wife's chick movies.
Atleast I "Runaway Bride" is off the big screens
on Feb 06, 2006
Damn, you just sold me, I'm in.
Color me shocked! HAHA
But it means I'll have to go to one of my wife's chick movies.Atleast I "Runaway Bride" is off the big screens
My husband is a very lucky man. I don't really like chick flicks on big screen, and rarely even at home. I like movies that NEED to be seen on big screen...lots of action.
And I am a Sci-Fi/Fantasy nut...so any movie that has that overtone, I usually want to see.
One of the last chick flick I saw(besides Geisha) was ...wellI can't remember the name....Sandra Bullock was in it and it was about her mom and some club they were in...anyway, it sucked. I hated it and I didn't thank my aunt for dragging me to it.
I thought Pretty Woman sucked, (pun intended). Runaway bride was retarded, and the only reason I saw these movies was because of movie nights with gal pals. YUK.
So I feel ya on having to see that crap. It's one of the reasons I don't go with friends to shows anymore.....
on Feb 06, 2006
colleen and I saw it Saturday and the theater had about a dozen people in it, which is nice.
We were disappointed though, the story had huge holes in it, like how was Marcos {vamp} and William {werewolf} father become immortal?
The special effects were not as good as the first one, the morphing of human into wolf in the first one was good the second one boring.
They got rid of the interesting characters in the first one Amelia although shown in the first and second never fleshed out as a character, Victor was boring in the second, but a huge part of the first {how did victor become Marcos boss BTW?} since Marcos was first.
Now the only part I really liked was a semi-naked Kate.. yummy! Scott speedman was way underused in the second version.
All in all fun to watch if you totally let go of any hope for a cohesive storyline.
on Feb 06, 2006
like how was Marcos {vamp} and William {werewolf} father become immortal?
Hmm...I thought when he was meeting with Kate he said he was the first immortal. It didn't bother me that I didn't know how be came to be that way ....but a good question.
The special effects were not as good as the first one
I will take your word for it. I only saw the first one on a regular tv.
They got rid of the interesting characters in the first one Amelia although shown in the first and second never fleshed out as a character
Maybe the third?
Victor was boring in the second, but a huge part of the first {how did victor become Marcos boss BTW?} since Marcos was first.
From what I got from the movie MM...Victor was a ruling mortal and Marcus gave him immortality by biting him. However, Marcus gave up being in charge (the "What is your will my Lord?" scene) when Victor captured William and locked him up. Victor had the key, not Marcus. To keep William from being killed, Marcus allowed Victor to rule.
That is why Marcus's dad said, "It was never his coven." Because Marcus willingly allowed Victor to rule to save his brother's life.
At least that was how I grasped it.
I think Victor was more sedate in this film because he had just become a vampire? Who knows.
Now the only part I really liked was a semi-naked Kate
The only thing I can tell you is that the "love scene" was not done all that well. If you ever see it again check out where Scott's private parts would be in the naked shots. I think he was screwing her belly button...he was way too high. I kept thinking, um, dude, that's NOT where it is! Buwhahahaha.
on Feb 06, 2006
I think he was screwing her belly button...he was way too high. I kept thinking, um, dude, that's NOT where it is! Buwhahahaha.
Maybe she had an "inny"?
on Feb 06, 2006
Maybe she had an "inny
well if she didn't, she DID after that scene!
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