Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
about you
Published on November 12, 2005 By Tova7 In Misc
I read a lot of blogs on JU. I am starting to learn little tid bits here and there but know even from my own blogging there is so much more to tell yet....

So I was wondering, is there something you consider important about who you are, or some little fact you think pinpoints your personality that you'd like to share?

I'd love to hear your self descriptions or even experiences, anything you think is important.

If you can't think of anything it could be something like, "If I had to describe who I am to a stranger in one sentence it would be...."

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 14, 2005
4 grandkids!

I missed that in your blogs....which I enjoy tremendously!

Do they call you Grandma?

I'm too tough, well maybe that's too ornery.

Well whatever it is sista....keep it up!

on Nov 14, 2005
I am an "ex."

So that makes you an EX-pert on lots of topics...all of which I find vastly educational and entertaining.

I have to tell you I had to show off some of my new knowledge (thanks to you and Simon) at a family gathering last weekend, and I'll have you know it was received rather well. I was only called demon possessed twice. So you see, even my family is as open minded as I am when it comes to things of an EX-traordinary nature.
on Nov 14, 2005
I am fun, friendly and outgoing, sometimes, okay lots of times crazy woman. Navy wife (though having major marriage difficulties), mom to three boys, home daycare provider, court reporting student, lately health nut - though I wish it would all come faster - I guess we'll add impatient to that list, music lover, dog lover, nature lover, internet addict, recovering Dr. Pepper aholic, roller coaster enthusiast (that sounds lame-o but how else do you say it? - that's what they call it on the discovery channel), movie buff, reader of mysteries, hate to clean but love to have a clean house, love to make mixed media collage but can't quite call myself an artist yet.
on Nov 14, 2005
I;v egot nothing much to add, other than the fact this darn title makes the "Please, pleast tell me now..." Duran Duran song gets stuck in my head every time time I see it, lol. I guess that's a telling fact...
on Nov 14, 2005
Hey Tova...
Hmm..it is hard to define yourself in one sentence. Me, I try to stay away from anything serious, real and internet, if you are looking for fun and adventure, I am your girl!

Although, if I have to be faced with serious issues, I deal with them as quickly as possible. I like to solve the trouble and move on. I am speaking of the life on the outside of JU, that is.

I am learning stuff about people here with this article. Very smart....
on Nov 15, 2005
Even though I've responded to some of your posts, let me re-introduce myself: I'm Rose, nice to meet ya.

I teach...love to read...sing in the shower; sing in the car...love music...like to bake... am absent-minded, introverted, sometimes goofy... long to travel more (would love to go to Spain, maybe Italy) ... am now past that "turning point" age of 30 (turned 31 not too long ago)...

I have a smart alecky, no nonsense, but sweet b/f ...love my nieces...love my family...value education...value being American...value my Mexican heritage as well...would like to have the guts someday to sing karaoke...often pray for my grandmother, who has diabetes, and for my aunt, who has aids...and I want to make a difference in the world!!

Oh, also my fave color is blue and my favorite animal is a panda.

There is soooo much more, but I will not bother you with it all right now...maybe another time!
on Nov 15, 2005
I'm the only Red-Headed, Freckle-Faced, Left-Handed, Colorblind, Guitar Pickin', Harmonica Blowin', Married, Father of 4, LDS, Disabled Vet on the Net. That about covers the basics. ;~D

Shesh. Don't categorize yourself or anything! heh.

Well, I will until all of us who fit this category are represented in the House, The Senate & The Supreme Court!! ;~D
on Nov 15, 2005
love to make mixed media collage but can't quite call myself an artist yet.

You should show us one!
on Nov 15, 2005
this darn title makes the "Please, pleast tell me now..." Duran Duran song gets stuck in my head every time time I see it

Ok so Baker is a Duran Duran fan.....or was. Wow. Now I have to say, that DOES surprise me!
on Nov 15, 2005
if you are looking for fun and adventure, I am your girl!

Well I will remember that the next time I do something fun and crazy......

(Hope you're not holding your breath....those type things come in spurts...hahahaha.)

on Nov 15, 2005
There is soooo much more, but I will not bother you with it all right now...maybe another time!

Looking forward to it Rose!
on Nov 15, 2005
Well, I will until all of us who fit this category are represented in the House, The Senate & The Supreme Court!!

Well that is very activist minded of you.

In the very wise words of SpongBob. "Uh, yeah, good luck with that."

on Nov 15, 2005
I guess I am a miserable, depressed, sarcastic, and cynical lucky dog who sees the humour in everything.

on Nov 15, 2005
I guess I am a miserable, depressed, sarcastic, and cynical lucky dog who sees the humour in everything.

Oh that is just bull. Are you trying to pull my leg?

Unless like UBob you present yourself as a faker on JU. You're not a faker are you Leuaki?
on Nov 15, 2005

Unless like UBob you present yourself as a faker on JU. You're not a faker are you Leauki?

No, I am completely real.

But if you knew my life, you'd know why I am miserable, depressed, sarcastic, and cynical; and why I think of myself as a lucky dog.

And considering the things that keep happening to me, it is no wonder I see the humour in everything.

My life is a joke and completely boring. Nothing exciting happens to me ever. And the humour is in the fact that I have done more things that most of the people I grew up with!

And if I wasn't a lucky dog, I would have been broke several times. And I like dogs.

I am miserable because I left all my friends behind when I moved to Ireland, I am depressed because I keep thinking about that, I am sarcastic because I know too much, and I am cynical, because I realised that whatever bad things happen to me, I am still one of the luckiest individuals who has ever lived. And that's the sad part, of course.

There you have it, in a nut shell; I guess the shell fits.

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