Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 4, 2012 By Tova7 In Politics

I don’t know what you saw last night, or even if you watched, but I saw Mitt Romney bring his A game to a debate.  The president however, seemed discombobulated.

I predict the president will get ugly over the course of the next two debates.  Since he can’t run on his record, he will resort to personal attacks, innuendo, and repeating lies. 

I don’t think the debates matter to Obama-bots.  Those people who vote for him because he’s black, or because of one or two social issues.  But it was nice to FINALLY see the president challenged.  The press really set him up for failure by soft-balling him the last four years.  And they were falling all over themselves last night trying to make excuses for him.  But when James Carville says a Democrat president failed….well, it really speaks to how poorly Obama did.

You know the underlying theme for the entire debate?

A leader, a CEO trying to have a conversation with an arrogant community agitator.  Obama was out-classed, out-debated, and clearly, out of his league.

And the strangest thing happened as I sat and watched that debate.  The hope Obama promised then ruthlessly murdered, flickered in the darkness.  There may just be “hope” for this country yet.  Real hope.  We don’t have to decline.  We don’t have to go bankrupt.

Obama is no leader.

Here’s hoping his four year vacation at the expense of the tax payer is over come 2013!


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on Oct 09, 2012

"Where's your dolla?"  Said with Ghetto accent.

He's not even trying to hide his lies.  How sad.

Knows the media won't challenge him I guess.


on Oct 09, 2012

on Oct 09, 2012

I pray not, but it is not too big a stretch to believe Ambassador Stevens was still alive at the moment that photo was taken.

on Oct 10, 2012

Oh so obama was lying? How about you guys check you're facts and see who was really lying. Here a link just so you guys could prove to yourself that you're not really factualily correct. http://www.politicususa.com/12-lies-mitt-romneys-debate-performance-mostly-fiction.html

on Oct 10, 2012

I pray not, but it is not too big a stretch to believe Ambassador Stevens was still alive at the moment that photo was taken.

I know.  How horrible for his family.  If that were my husband.  I'd be on every news station that would have me.....

[quote who="cadengem" reply="19" id="3247211"]Oh so obama was lying? How about you guys check you're facts and see who was really lying. Here a link just so you guys could prove to yourself that you're not really factualily correct. http://www.politicususa.com/12-lies-mitt-romneys-debate-performance-mostly-fiction.html[/quote]

How about you cite a more moderate, or unbiased source?  Even politifact.com (who leans left) has Romney telling more truth than the "real liberal politics"  (their self-described title, not mine).  Those are hardly "facts."

Obama is a liar.

The whole New Orleans speech was a lie.  The whole terrorist attack on 9/11 this year was covered up and lied about.

The economist/professor The Obama administration uses to say Romney's economic plan blah blah blah...says Obama is mis-using, (ie lying) about it (which your site also uses) says Romney's plan IS doable.

In his own words...


Read it for yourself...17 pages... (this is the paper Obama uses to call Romney econimic plan a "lie.")






on Oct 10, 2012

An excerpt:

Governor Romney has proposed a personal income tax reform that would lower marginal tax rates and broaden the tax base. Critics of the proposal have argued that high-income taxpayers would receive a tax cut, and given that the proposal is meant to be revenue neutral, this would inevitably lead to increased taxes for families with low and moderate incomes. Because the Romney proposal does not specify in detail just what tax preferences might be eliminated or scaled back in order to broaden the tax base, much of the debate over it has focused on what provisions would be politically and administratively feasible.

While this discussion has been illuminating in some respects, something seems to be missing. Relatively little has been said about the possible effects of the Romney proposal on economic growth. This is curious because increasing growth is the motivation for the proposal in the first place.

In this paper, I analyze the Romney proposal taking into account the additional income that might be generated by economic growth. The main conclusion is that under plausible assumptions, a proposal along the lines suggested by Governor Romney can both be revenue neutral and keep the net tax burden on high-income individuals about the same. That is, an increase in the tax burden on lower and middle income individuals is not required in order to make the overall plan revenue neutral.

on Oct 10, 2012

The zero-sum-game fallacy (a core leftist belief) strikes again.

on Oct 12, 2012

So I watched the VP debate last night.

I think Paul Ryan did ok.  Wish he would have been able to finish a thought without interruption.  But, that's the nature of debates.  Gotta fight sometimes to be heard.

I think Biden presented the Dems worldview well.  But all the smirking?

It reminded me of the musicians on the Titanic.  They continued to play as the ship sank.  Last night Biden said everything is ok, and flashed those horrendous veneers when Ryan warned that we're sinking.

Keep smiling Joe as we fade into decline and power into bankruptcy.  Just keep smiling.

on Oct 12, 2012

Oh so obama was lying? How about you guys check you're facts and see who was really lying. Here a link just so you guys could prove to yourself that you're not really factualily correct. http://www.politicususa.com/12-lies-mitt-romneys-debate-performance-mostly-fiction.html[/quote]

next time, try a non-partisan site.  It might help to at least educate you.

on Oct 12, 2012

On the VP Debate:  I rated it a toss up (it will not affect the race).  But Biden lost points with independents by being the bully.  At least he did not make any gaffs.  But as usual, he was doing a campaign commercial not a debate.


Ryan came with his A plan and looked very good.

on Oct 12, 2012

I was unimpressed with Biden's reported (I didn't watch it) stance on abortion, that he agreed it was murder but didn't want to intrude on other's rights to murder, or something like that.

on Oct 12, 2012

Dr Guy
On the VP Debate: I rated it a toss up (it will not affect the race). But Biden lost points with independents by being the bully. At least he did not make any gaffs. But as usual, he was doing a campaign commercial not a debate.

Ryan came with his A plan and looked very good.

I went to bed thinking 60/40.  60% of the debate going to Biden.  But when I woke up, I realized all that eye rolling, laughing, smirking, it really negated his points, at least to me.  (But who cares, he wasn't aiming at me.)  And I think he made a couple good points....I like the whole idea of Afghanistan standing on its own feet.  He's right.  My husband did over a handful of tours there.  They will NEVER stand on their own until they HAVE to.  It's easier to just let our guys die.  Anyway, hard to even agree with him when he was smirking and laughing about it all.

Doesn't he think this is serious?

So today, I don't think there was a winner.  But I do think we were able to see the the different world views on display.  And it is some scary stuff. 

Biden's rudeness.....well, most Dems secretly (some not so secretly) think the rest of Americans are stupid, Joe just played their same tired old song....what's really amazing to me is, Joe's been doing this foreign policy stuff a loooong time....Ryan sounded equally as versed as Joe.

Dr Guy
next time, try a non-partisan site. It might help to at least educate you.

I know, right?  lol

on Oct 12, 2012

Oh, and the abortion question.


What a set up.

Ryan shoulda said, "Our economy is in the crapper.  Our citizens are being murdered by terrorists while the Commander and Chief plays with the rich and famous.  And you want to talk about abortion?  Really?"

Everyone knows Romney is against abortion with a few exceptions.

Can we get back to the real issues now?


on Oct 12, 2012

Someday, when I'm in a Veep debate, I'm gonna use that.

on Oct 12, 2012

I was unimpressed with Biden's reported (I didn't watch it) stance on abortion, that he agreed it was murder but didn't want to intrude on other's rights to murder, or something like that.

Lol...yup.  He'll probably have to pay penance for that one!

Someday, when I'm in a Veep debate, I'm gonna use that.

You'll have my vote


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