I don’t know what you saw last night, or even if you watched, but I saw Mitt Romney bring his A game to a debate. The president however, seemed discombobulated.
I predict the president will get ugly over the course of the next two debates. Since he can’t run on his record, he will resort to personal attacks, innuendo, and repeating lies.
I don’t think the debates matter to Obama-bots. Those people who vote for him because he’s black, or because of one or two social issues. But it was nice to FINALLY see the president challenged. The press really set him up for failure by soft-balling him the last four years. And they were falling all over themselves last night trying to make excuses for him. But when James Carville says a Democrat president failed….well, it really speaks to how poorly Obama did.
You know the underlying theme for the entire debate?
A leader, a CEO trying to have a conversation with an arrogant community agitator. Obama was out-classed, out-debated, and clearly, out of his league.
And the strangest thing happened as I sat and watched that debate. The hope Obama promised then ruthlessly murdered, flickered in the darkness. There may just be “hope” for this country yet. Real hope. We don’t have to decline. We don’t have to go bankrupt.
Obama is no leader.
Here’s hoping his four year vacation at the expense of the tax payer is over come 2013!