Here’s a novel idea. You don’t like reading people debate religion? Don’t click on that topic!
It always amazes me when people who label themselves fairly “open-minded” get all bent out of shape over a religious debate.
Never mind the endless political, technical, social, and entertainment debates that occur here without a peep of protest; nay actual participation, from the offended.
Let a group start discussing God, faith, and (oh no!) their opinions: on the topic, in the religion category and on their own blog no less (the nerve!); and holy shit (pun intended) it’s time for a Look-At-Me-Damn-It-tantrum, disguised as condescending remarks/articles about the foibles of religious debate.
Makes you wonder. What motivates such an over-reaction? Guilt? Inferiority? Pride?
What positive motivation could spew such vitriol?
I won’t be clicking to find out.
Not anymore.
But, ya just gotta love those double standards.