Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 21, 2010 By Tova7 In Blogging

Here’s a novel idea. You don’t like reading people debate religion? Don’t click on that topic!

It always amazes me when people who label themselves fairly “open-minded” get all bent out of shape over a religious debate.

Never mind the endless political, technical, social, and entertainment debates that occur here without a peep of protest; nay actual participation, from the offended.

Let a group start discussing God, faith, and (oh no!) their opinions: on the topic, in the religion category and on their own blog no less (the nerve!); and holy shit (pun intended) it’s time for a Look-At-Me-Damn-It-tantrum, disguised as condescending remarks/articles about the foibles of religious debate.

Makes you wonder. What motivates such an over-reaction? Guilt? Inferiority? Pride?

What positive motivation could spew such vitriol?


I won’t be clicking to find out.

Not anymore.

But, ya just gotta love those double standards.

on Oct 21, 2010


on Oct 21, 2010

Wow, I wish I knew an example of what you are talking about. I'm fascinated by these kinds of people. It's always a good laugh to see people complain about a topic they went out of their way to look at as if they were obligated to do so.

on Oct 21, 2010

Personally, I don't mind when the label is clear. But I do hate it when some people manage to turn every political/societal/economic issue into a debate about religion. It's annoying.

on Oct 21, 2010

Does this have something to do with Mason's blog?  If so, I missed it. 

Anyhow, gotta say, T..you hit it head on and it's very accurate. 

I think it all comes down to there is always a great division over the name of Christ that has been going on since he walked the earth. In the book of John (which I'm teaching) there's at least 4 times when it says there was a great division over him not including the heated debates HE caused by just doing what HE was sent here to do. 

One thing's for sure..there is no other figure in history more controversial.   He was dead on and in our face when HE asked the question "who do you say that I am?"       

Just HIS name itself greatly offends or blesses.

on Oct 21, 2010

Personally, I don't mind when the label is clear. But I do hate it when some people manage to turn every political/societal/economic issue into a debate about religion. It's annoying.

I do understand this point.  Been on both sides of it...lol.  However, there are people for whom there is nothing else (and I've seen this with some gamers too...noting exists but the game/technology etc).   It's just that religion, faith, the Bible, all seem to be intertwined with politics, society and economics.  So yeah, it's likely to come up more.

An old JUer called it input from "God Botherers."  Expect it, ignore it, debate it, delete it.  Just don't whine about it.   


on Oct 21, 2010

I'm a member on a different forum that has fairly good moderators. If an issue gets too far off topic or the posters become too offensive and annoying, they either lock the post or ban the offensive members for a spell. It works well enough. As there are trolls out there who look for an opportunity to be annoying and/or offensive it is nice to have moderators who can render assistance when needed.

on Oct 21, 2010

I'm a member on a different forum that has fairly good moderators. If an issue gets too far off topic or the posters become too offensive and annoying, they either lock the post or ban the offensive members for a spell. It works well enough. As there are trolls out there who look for an opportunity to be annoying and/or offensive it is nice to have moderators who can render assistance when needed.

Hmmm, even at the height of JU's heyday, when flame wars abounded, and law suits threatened, the moderators didn't interfere unless there was a perceived attack on the owner of the site, or something like that.

That's actually what I like about JU.  The lack of babysitting seems to bring in people from all walks of life.

Keeps things interesting.

After all, we have the option of deleting posts from our own blogs.  Kind of moderating our own spaces.

I left for awhile because real life got busy.  But I came back because, in general, I really like the feel of the place and I missed the folks here.

on Oct 21, 2010

Does this have something to do with Mason's blog?

A. If it does, then this article makes no sense at all in that context. The article wasn't about anyone or anything here at JU. It was about some jerk I met last night. I was ticked off that he ruined an otherwise enjoyable evening, not just for myself but for a few other people as well.

B. If it doesn't, carry on!

on Oct 21, 2010

I totally macked on Mason's title.

But this little rant was brought on by...

condescending remarks/articles about the foibles of religious debate.




on Oct 21, 2010

I totally macked on Mason's title.

But this little rant was brought on by...

condescending remarks/articles about the foibles of religious debate..





Ah, well choice B it is!