Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Blues Festival
Published on June 28, 2010 By Tova7 In Life Journals

on Jun 28, 2010


on Jun 29, 2010

Family outing?

on Jun 29, 2010

Yes....we do tons of stuff in the summer...when I remember to actually take my camera, I document the festivities!

on Jun 29, 2010

I did not realize your youngest was so young!  I have heard the stories about the oldest.  So far, he has not killed himself, so he is doing good!

The lady did look like you, but this was the first time I have seen Mr. Tova.


on Jun 29, 2010

Yes my husband isn't a big fan of photographs.  But sometimes he allows it to shut me up. 

Gavin is 7.  And he is a hand full...of what? 

To be determined .

on Jun 30, 2010

And he is a hand full...of what?

To be determined

Boy!  Fortunately my youngest is 17 - but that is bad enough!  You are hitting the teen years.  You will find out about them.