Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on February 18, 2009 By Tova7 In Blogging


Me:  "1 Billion Dollars for STD prevention?  That's stimulus?"

Her:  "Well yeah.  Someone needs to get in there (the schools) with bananas and condoms, show those kids how to use them."

Me:  "What?"

Her:  "Abstinence only doesn't work.  Educators need that money!"

Me:  "They already get sex ed, at least at my kid's school.  And what school teaches abstinence only?"

Her:  "All of them!"

Me:  "How many kids do you have?  In school?"

Her:  "None."

Me:  "You might wanna check your facts instead of just believing some Planned Parenthood tripe.  I can't speak for every public school, but my 7th grader has been force fed "safe sex" since 5th grade in a fairly conservative township.  Abstinence is presented as just one way to avoid an STD and/or pregnancy.  I can't believe the inner city is more conservative."

Her:  "No, most schools teach abstinence only.  They don't get the bananas in there, show kids how to put a condom on them."

Me:  "There's a lot of room between abstinence and showing kids how to put on condoms.  I don't want some stranger teaching my kid how to wear a condom.  And what makes you think it is your right to decide what my kid does or doesn't learn about sex?  Why do you think its the school's job to teach them?  Isn't that my job as a parent?"

She shrugged.

Me:  "You have an "alternate lifestyle."  Do you want your kids going to a school that teaches everything you believe is wrong?  That your abnormal?  Is that the school's place?"

Her:  "Sure.  I wouldn't want my kids to be narrow minded."

The conversation ended.

So my question is to parents and former students out there....how does/did your school district handle sex education?  How is/did it work(ing) for you?  I received reproduction education in 7th and 8th grade, but nothing on STD or pregnancy prevention.  They did talk about inappropriate touching but directed it more between adult and child.

With my kids, we've lived in three states since my oldest started school, and without exception they taught sex ed with abstinence as an option, but not the sole way to keep from getting pregnant.  (My son wasn't getting it in the first school at all, too young, but all the older brothers and sisters of his friends did).



Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 18, 2009

Well we were both right, and both wrong.

I looked up the county in Ohio where she works.  16 school districts, and 8 teach "Comprehensive" sex ed, covers everything but homosexuality most of the time.  And 8 teach abstinence only, two having electives for more comprehensive classes. 

It seems to be (at least in Ohio) left up to the school board and the parents.

Very interesting.

on Feb 18, 2009

how does/did your school district handle sex education?

If I recall we got the "abstinence is 100% safe" or whatever....and I believe they threw some general safe sex stuff in there.  Strangely enough I recall dry humping with clothes on as one of their ideas...

I'm a staunch opponent of abstinence-only.  You need to learn about all your options...I believe that about any and everything.  Abstinence works, but only if kids want to follow through with it...and lots of them won't, so you might as well tell them about safe sex or we're going to have more dripping genitals, teenage parents, and immunodeficiencies than we can deal with.

I'm not sure if whipping out a phallic object is necessary.  Condoms are actually pretty intuitive...and I think there are directions on or inside the box.


on Feb 18, 2009

and I think there are directions on or inside the box.

You're assuming they're old enough to read. 

I really really really stress abstinence with my son in secular and faith based ways.  However, I have talked to him about disease, and how people who don't want to catch an STD or get pregnant may use a condom, but that condoms break, so you know, its still a big risk.  Still a poor choice.  And life is about choices, yadda yadda.

It's a tuff call.



on Feb 18, 2009

I really really really stress abstinence with my son

I don't have a problem with that.  Your kid, your values, your way of teaching.  Actually, I don't think any parents actively coach their kids on the fine art of getting laid. 

The fact that you let him know of the other stuff is what I care about...and thank you for doing that.  I just think that only teaching about one option and not even bringing up the others is a bad idea.  I'm a stickler for critical thinking, so analysis of all facets is extremely important to me...even if I'm clearly biased to one particular view I appreciate knowing the others.


on Feb 18, 2009

You're assuming they're old enough to read.


Voice recordings perhaps?  "Roll rubber thing over dong!"


on Feb 18, 2009

....how does/did your school district handle sex education?

At my high school we learned it where all good red blooded young men are supposed to learn it -behind the bus barn smoking cigarettes while skipping English class or in the locker room after football practice. Then we practiced what we "learned" on Saturday nights at the drive in movies (if we were lucky, that is). Hmmm....but never tried puttin' a rubber on a banana though....


on Feb 18, 2009

but never tried puttin' a rubber on a banana though....

It's how you control fruit flies.


on Feb 18, 2009

We had sex education classes that were fairly basic.  Similarly to Roy, most of our education came from doing rather than learning, although I think a lot of the 'doing' was more wishful thinking than real.

It's how you control fruit flies.


on Feb 19, 2009

At my high school we learned it where all good red blooded young men are supposed to learn it -behind the bus barn smoking cigarettes while skipping English class or in the locker room after football practice. Then we practiced what we "learned" on Saturday nights at the drive in movies (if we were lucky, that is). Hmmm....but never tried puttin' a rubber on a banana though....

I wonder what sort of things you believed, getting the information from such credible sources and all, that in reality you found out...WOW, not even close

I just think that only teaching about one option and not even bringing up the others is a bad idea.

My son is too inquisitive.  He knew right away, without being told there was some way to prevent pregnancy/disease transmission.  He figured with all the married couples in America there should be many more children.  And HIS mom and dad only had two kids..so it naturally led to the conversation.

Having said that though, do you think you, as a young college student with no children should decide what my kids do and don't get as far as sex ed?  Do you think it is better left up to the local community (school board and parents)?  How do you feel about parents removing their children from classes they feel are immoral, or go against their family values?


on Feb 19, 2009

I think a lot of the 'doing' was more wishful thinking than real.

I always wondered about that.  Most of the guys I knew in highschool claimed to be having sex, and most of the girls claimed they weren't. 


on Feb 19, 2009

Since I don't have any kids I don't know if I have any rights to ask this but, why do a lot of parents want schools to do their jobs for them?

on Feb 19, 2009

Her Daughter : Mom, I'm pregnant.

Her : What? How? Didn't you do anything they taught you in sex ed? Didn't he use a condom?

Her Daughter : Yes, I'm not dumb. We stopped at a store and bought condoms and a banana.

on Feb 19, 2009

Her: How was the party last night?

Her Daughter: OMG! I got so drunk last night. I think I might've done things I going to regret.

Her: What kind of things?

Her Daughter: You know.

Her: With who?

Her Daughter: You don't want to know.

Her: Well, I hope you made sure the guy wore a condom.

Her Daughter: Oh I did. I'm so glad I practice on bananas though I should have practiced on grapes.

Her: Grapes??

Her Daughter: Yeah, cause there were a bunch of them.

on Feb 19, 2009

Since I don't have any kids I don't know if I have any rights to ask this but, why do a lot of parents want schools to do their jobs for them?

I dunno.  I do know in 1996 the Federal Gov started giving money to schools that teach abstinence only.  Obama's supposed to get rid of that.

58% of secondary school principals describe their sex education curriculum as comprehensive, 34% abstinence only.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_education


on Feb 19, 2009

Her: How was the party last night?

Her Daughter: OMG! I got so drunk last night. I think I might've done things I going to regret.

Her: What kind of things?

Her Daughter: You know.

Her: With who?

Her Daughter: You don't want to know.

Her: Well, I hope you made sure the guy wore a condom.

Her Daughter: Oh I did. I'm so glad I practice on bananas though I should have practiced on grapes.

Her: Grapes??

Her Daughter: Yeah, cause there were a bunch of them.


Her Daughter : Mom, I'm pregnant.

Her : What? How? Didn't you do anything they taught you in sex ed? Didn't he use a condom?

Her Daughter : Yes, I'm not dumb. We stopped at a store and bought condoms and a banana.



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