Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 21, 2008 By Tova7 In Entertainment

For a dead-on review (pun intended) go here...


However, this "review" is more about my TWILIGHT experience. 

Stephanie Meyer wrote a 4 book vampire series and this is the first book made movie.

I read the series and while its a bit tame, the main character, a 17 year old virgin named Bella is like-able (for awhile anyway).  She of course falls in love with a vampire (Edward) and in later books a Werewolf (Jacob) too.

The movie sucked rocks. 

Why?  Oh let me count the ways.

 Remember the good ol days?  When actors were so committed to their craft, they actually cut their hair and even dyed it for the part?  Well, pfft, not this movie.  The wigs were some of the worst I have EVER seen on screen.  And when they weren't in ugly generic 1990's wigs, the hair was liberally doused with baby powder.  I kept waiting for a snow fall every time certain actors moved on screen.  Or a dust cloud, something, ANYTHING to give it some umph.

 The male lead, Edward.  What a wuss.  His hair weighs more than he does (but at least it wasn't powdered).  Is this the type of guy who appeals to teen girls (who the movie is obviously directed toward)?  Seriously, he was a male waif.  You could see his BONES he was so skinny and puny.  Everytime he got near the lead female I thought, pfft, she'll snap you like a twig waif boy.

 And the corniness.  I just can't say enough about the corny-ness.  "Bella you are my life now."  Says the powdered face scarecrow to the cow.

There was a guy a seat down from me.  He got up three times and left his date sitting there.  He was gone for about fifteen minutes each time.  GUYS THIS IS NOT A MOVIE YOU WILL ENJOY!  DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO AVOID IT!

I felt bad for him, especially since he was the only guy I saw in the entire theater.  The movie was such a joke, his coming and going was more noteworthy than the lousy effects or even the powdered hair.

There were women of all ages, probably because this was supposed to be an epic love story.  Some as young as SIX.  Some wore shirts that said, "Team Jacob" (the werewolf) or "Team Edward"(the vamp) heh.  They were so excited.

Most came in groups.  I went because occasionally I like to see a good romance on screen.  Once every few years I will go see one.  The last one I intentionally saw was Titanic, and I thought it was just right with the cinematography stealing the show and the romance taking a back seat.  And even though the characters were younger than me, I could still identify with the angsty teen love thing enough to feel bad for them.

So I wasn't surprised to see girlfriends show up together.  One such trio sat right in front of me.  By the time we were 3/4 of the way through the movie, I was laughing out loud and snorting at the too corny effects and hoaky lines.  I wasn't really doing it consciously but toward the end it was too much.   I couldn't keep it bottled up.  I kept expecting Ashton Kutcher to jump out and Punk me, then start the real show.

I even muttered, "Oh please.  This movie sucks."  And the guy sitting a seat down from me grunted in agreement.

However, not everyone appreciated my perspective.  If looks could kill, a ghost would be writing this.  Or maybe a vampire, though if being a vampire means a bad wig or powder in my hair, well, PASS.

 What I learned from this experience?  Leave the fluffy male waif and powdered hair supernatural world to the teeny boppers.

Bring on the UNDERWORLD. 





Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 24, 2008

My wife brought and read the first three in less than a week. She said they were very teenage, kinda crappy but okay. I decided to skip them.

I don't think you would enjoy the books.  They are written for the most part from a 17 year old girl's point of view, and she is pretty self-absorbed.  Not to mention her thinking process is pretty age accurate.  When I read them I tried to identify with her from when I was 17, and it was very difficult.  She falls apart when her boyfriend leaves FOR MONTHS.

Uh, yeah.

So renting is a good idea imo because you can turn it off or fast forward it as you like.

I have seen so many people reading these books. I mean all ages. I havn't had a chance yet. I won't see the movie, maybe a rental. I liked the vampire movie Blade, although I closed my eyes at most of the blood parts!

Blade was good.  I took my SIL to see it.  When it was over she said, "Was that movie about vampires?" hahahaha  I still laugh out loud when I think about it.

Yeah, I guess the reason the books aren't so bad is because you can adjust the characters in your head.  I did.  I HAD too.

My all time favorite scene is when JACOB crawled in the tent to keep Bella warm right there in front of Edward, and Edward had to read his mind the whole time....hahahahahah....so sexy, so Yuummy!


on Nov 24, 2008

When I read them I tried to identify with her from when I was 17, and it was very difficult.

While I pride myself on having a good imagination, I don't think I'll ever be able to identify with a 17 year old girl, no matter how hard I try.

on Nov 24, 2008

While I pride myself on having a good imagination, I don't think I'll ever be able to identify with a 17 year old girl, no matter how hard I try.


That's a good thing Maso, believe me.  It is SCARY stuff. 

on Nov 25, 2008

I'll probably go see it.  I was going to go see it on Friday with girlfriends, but the theater was packed, and they were going to go to a hoochie bar afterwards. 

Ry and I went to see "Fireproof" instead.  You want hoky acting?  The message was good, but we were laughing because it was so dorky.  At least Kirk Cameron is really cute.

I liked the first Twilight book, but the second wasn't as good.  I'm waiting for someone to lend me the last two, because it will take the library a year to get them to me, I bet.

Thanks for the heads up on the show, Tova.

on Nov 25, 2008


I liked the first Twilight book, but the second wasn't as good.  I'm waiting for someone to lend me the last two, because it will take the library a year to get them to me, I bet.
Thanks for the heads up on the show, Tova.


Seriously, Marcie;

Save yourself a couple of hours and just look up on Wikipedia about how the books ended.  You will be soooo grateful you did.  At least for book three.  Book two was kind of interesting if one's standards aren't so high.

on Dec 01, 2008

I heard twilight was a great movie -that is if you're a seventh grade girl, lol. Heh, I remember reading Incubus back in the seventies. Now THAT was a vampire story!  

on Dec 04, 2008

I have no desire to read any of the books but I might see it when it comes to the pay channels.

It's too bad it sucked since there's so many fans of the book. These movies have potential to make the movie studio millions maybe even billions world wide. So I'll ask again, why don't they try to make the best movie possible instead of rushing something out there and try to get the fast easy buck? If the first movie was well casted and well written not only whould it still be making crazy dollars but the 2nd movie could break some records. Also it could get people like me who have no interest in reading the book or seeing the movie interested in both. Studios are runned by idiots.

BTW .. what did you think of the season finale of True Blood?

on Dec 04, 2008

Studios are runned by idiots.

BTW .. what did you think of the season finale of True Blood?

I agree about the movies.  I think anything less than Lord of the Rings storytelling/cinematography for these type books is ripping off the patron.

True Blood?

The last episode wasn't bad...the two before that...well, I did a lot of fast forwarding.  I can't stand Sookie.  Bill's gone one, two nights and she starts sucking face with a shifter?

heh.  Actually I don't mind if the main character is a slut, but they should build it up more.  Technically Sam was still with her best friend Tara as far as she was concerned.

I want to see lots more Eric, Tara (angry Tara, this nice girl thing is BORING), and LaFayette.

At least Kirk Cameron is really cute.

EWWW,  hahahaha.  to each her own I say...to each her own!

Save yourself a couple of hours and just look up on Wikipedia about how the books ended.

Excellent advice.



on Dec 08, 2008

The last episode wasn't bad...the two before that...well, I did a lot of fast forwarding. I can't stand Sookie. Bill's gone one, two nights and she starts sucking face with a shifter?

heh. Actually I don't mind if the main character is a slut, but they should build it up more. Technically Sam was still with her best friend Tara as far as she was concerned.

I want to see lots more Eric, Tara (angry Tara, this nice girl thing is BORING), and LaFayette.

I agree. Plus her character isn't the brightest bulb. But again I don't think any of the Stackhouses fall on the smart side.

Tara, Eric and Lafayette are so good. We need more of them and Lafayette better not be dead.

on Dec 09, 2008

We need more of them and Lafayette better not be dead.

I've read a few of the later books all references to him are past tense.

But Sookie and Eric do HOOK UP...I don't care WHO he hooks up with, just so long as he's on my screen!

YUUUUM!  Them Vikings are finger lickin good. 

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