Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on June 22, 2008 By Tova7 In Life Journals

I'm only half joking.

We went to the flea market yesterday.  It's technically not a "great" flea market.  It is one of the 'all year round' ones, with stalls inside long barn looking buildings with over priced, used, and mostly dirty crap.

In summer they let people come in and sell stuff in the parking lot for a fee.

Usually, over priced, used, and mostly dirty crap.

The reason we chose this one as opposed to say, the Goodwill store (which is much classier), is because they have awesome food vendors and live music every weekend.  It's nice to get in a long walk, roll our eyes at the guy who wants $300 for a broken gun and $2 for a McDonald's toy, and occasionally pick up a $2 pair of Ray-bans.

Except this weekend they didn't have a live band.  They had....drum roll please!


With a real black leather ring and ropes cooking right there on the asphalt.  There were wrestlers (or wrastlers, depends on whose speakin') talking trash just like on tv.

The only criteria I could see for actually being a flea market wrestler was tattoos, oh and tights.  Not just one or two tattoos will do, nope, one must have an abundance.  Oh, and muscles everywhere except the belly; which must be large and floppy and is accentuated best with skin tight latex pants all working to achieve a "Better Smack Down"....or at least the real live manager (dressed in blue polyester and $2 sun glasses like MINE) assured the crowd.  (Which really wasn't a crowd so much as a bunch of people eating steak sandwiches, homemade ice cream, and french fries cut and fried on the spot.)

No one seemed to see the irony of the two big white guys weighing an admitted 280 pounds each, swastika tattoos on the back of their necks, throwing a little black man who is "a five foot seven monster,"  (Yeah that's a quote bebe.) ..and weighed maybe 150 soaking wet....around the ring while an all white crowd watched and some offered up a mouth-full-of-food holler or two every now and again, between shouts of "YOU SUCK!"

Hunter was embarrassed for them.

Gavin said he kinda liked it, could he have more french fries please?

When we left, I dropped my empty cup and my sunglasses in the garbage can, lest someone think ME a high power, money making, over priced, used and mostly dirty flea market wrastlin' manager.

That's just one of our little mini adventures....

Gavin wakes up everyday and says, "SO!  What fun are we going to do today?"

That's a hard order to fill some days.

Like yesterday.


We are non-stop since the kids got out of school.  And since I, great mom that I am, usually forget the camera...I wanted to share the few photos we do have...the first few you've seen before...but it all ties in....

At this rate I plan to be dead, or crazy (er) by end of summer.


on Jun 22, 2008

Great read and nice pics. I always love it when I see an new post by Tova7! ( I would put a smiley but I'm getting sick of those things. So...aww, what the hell...   )
on Jun 22, 2008

Great read and nice pics. I always love it when I see an new post by Tova7

Funny how that works Roy.  I feel the same way about several people here, including you.

I probably won't be around as much this summer.  Gavin has the go go bug.  That's all he likes to do...ah, to be 5 again and able to live on popsicles and peanut butter and jelly.


on Jun 22, 2008
Excellent photos, Tova.

I can't believe the market place put wrestling on instead of live music. It is one 'sport' I've never been able to understand, let alone enjoy. I don't see the point of it.

I have to thank you for telling me about ABCTales. I am really enjoying the site, have picked up a few more cherries and even had one of my poems named Poem of the Week, which surprised the heck out of me. So thanks very much.
on Jun 22, 2008
I can't believe the market place put wrestling on instead of live music. It is one 'sport' I've never been able to understand, let alone enjoy. I don't see the point of it.

That makes two of us...though I could watch THE ROCK do just about anything and find it entertaining...yum!

I have to thank you for telling me about ABCTales. I am really enjoying the site, have picked up a few more cherries and even had one of my poems named Poem of the Week, which surprised the heck out of me. So thanks very much.

I'm glad you like it. Here is something I just found out. The editors at abctales know other editors at magazines and such in Britain. I was referred to and given the personal email of a magazine editor and told to submit some of my work for commission!! (Which is nice when looking for an agent to be able to say a magazine paid for a couple pieces.)

How cool is that?

Keep writing!
on Jun 22, 2008
though I could watch THE ROCK do just about anything and find it entertaining...yum!

You need to go see the new Get Smart movie...
on Jun 23, 2008
Summer fun. Great pitchas, too. I am not a fan of flea markets or anywhere else crowds gather. But then I don't have any littlies around anymore so I don't HAVE to go to them places. Come to think of it...maybe I DO miss them places...just a little bit...not the places but the joy they bring to the littlies.
on Jun 23, 2008

I love the pictures and even though you are running around like crazy, you sure aint shovelin' snow!

I don't like wrestling, but it sounds like it was so crazy, I think I would have enjoyed it for a bit in a flea market parking lot. Although, the music would have been a lot better.

Here we just started summer. Last week was the first week of school being out.    My middle son started driver's ed and Noah, is having fun with his friends. We do the parks circuit in the afternoons. Lots of them. I have some pics I am taking, so I will attempt one of those slide shows soon.

Have a fun day.

on Jun 23, 2008
Summer fun. Great pitchas, too. I am not a fan of flea markets or anywhere else crowds gather. But then I don't have any littlies around anymore so I don't HAVE to go to them places. Come to think of it...maybe I DO miss them places...just a little bit...not the places but the joy they bring to the littlies.

They're hard to miss...and we always say "we will never come back here, what a waste" but then on some sunny Saturday, weeks later,we're driving that way...a "wanna stop?" And there we are AGAIN.

you sure aint shovelin' snow!

Nope, but if I have to shovel another spade full of dirt I might just lay down in it and have me an old fashioned, heels beating the ground, fit.

My middle son started driver's ed and Noah, is having fun with his friends. We do the parks circuit in the afternoons. Lots of them. I have some pics I am taking, so I will attempt one of those slide shows soon.
Have a fun day.

I know you keep busy too. I don't know how you do it all.

I have to get a shower, then pick up a little bit, then we are off to the park ourselves.

on Jun 23, 2008
Somehow, you finding a wrestling match at a flea market does not seem weird to me.

Oh, wait! This is not another one of your fictional stories?
on Jun 23, 2008
you finding a wrestling match at a flea market does not seem weird to me.

I must be getting old since I didn't actually end up in the ring, or assaulted for real by one of the wrestlers..who might not like my cutting wit....heh, not.
on Jun 23, 2008
I must be getting old since I didn't actually end up in the ring, or assaulted for real by one of the wrestlers..who might not like my cutting wit....heh, not.

You had to set an example for your children.
on Jun 23, 2008
I love that Gavin is go, go, go! How fun (and exhausting!).

I think this is the first pic I have seen of Hunter. He is a handsome guy. I think he favors you. I don't think I've ever seen a pic of your hubby, though, so I could be mistaken. But I do think I see some Tova in his face!

I LOVE taking the kids to museums. Now that they are getting older, they are usually not quite as into it as I am, haha, but I think museums (especially the hands-on kind) are the funnest places ever!

I think the flea market would freak me out. Even crowded, messy garage sales freak me out. I have issues!

Did you ever go to the Flea Market outside the Aloha Stadium? We always intended to go, but it was only certain Saturdays and the hours weren't long, so we just never got around to it.

Loved getting a glimpse into your summer adventures!
on Jun 23, 2008
I love that Gavin is go, go, go! How fun

He's for borrowing....I'm just sayin'.

I think the flea market would freak me out. Even crowded, messy garage sales freak me out. I have issues!

Did you ever go to the Flea Market outside the Aloha Stadium? We always intended to go, but it was only certain Saturdays and the hours weren't long, so we just never got around to it.

What's funniest about this particular flea market is people actually believe because its old its worth more than if you buy it new.

Now that might apply to antique pieces of furniture, and other house hold type things...but what these people don't realize is it doesn't apply to the set of pans they bought ten years ago and are now trying to pawn off as antique. Or those 1980 plastic bracelets madonna made so popular. Trying to sell a ten cent bracelet for a buck each...well its good for a laugh.

Yes, we went to the Aloha Stadium. It was GREAT! We ate coconut and bought beach towels, t-shirts, bags, and souvenirs (all made in China no doubt).

I bought my one and only pair of shorts with words on the butt there...it says Hawaii of course....hahahaha. I sleep in them.

on Jun 23, 2008
You had to set an example for your children

Oh yeah, that's the only reason I didn't jump right in that ring.