Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on June 1, 2008 By Tova7 In Life Journals

I think we might be finished with the yard.  110 tons of dirt, 2 tons of rock, and more grass seed than I ever hope to see again and maybe (fingers crossed) I think we are done.

We contemplated a french drain at the bottom of a hill which drains a lot of water onto the property, but decided on a dry creek bed instead.  It's not the best looking one on the planet, mostly because its fairly straight.  We brought in large rocks scattered randomly along the sides, mid size rocks for the bulk and small ones for the center where the creek water runs when it rains.

I can't wait to plant some creek type plants beside it, in it.  I don't know if I'll get to it this year tho..I'm getting pretty sick of the yard.  I still have to order and place mulch in all my flower beds.  That's at least 8 cubic yards all moved with a shovel and my back.

I really like black mulch.  But it gets very hot in the summer.  Lots of steam when we get rain at the end of a sunny day.  Looks like steaming piles of poop. haha.

And now I am seeing big fat black ants crashing the garden party.  Where are they coming from and what do they want?

I'm a veteran at kicking garden pest butt.  So, if they are smart, they'll move along.  Nothing to see here folks.  Nothin to see here.....

Gavin is out for the summer and Tuesday is Hunter's last day.  It's nice to get up and go when we want too.  Gavin has a new Spiderman bike so he's more than ready to ride.

We are looking forward to camping this summer.  We bought a nice pop up last year.  We are fortunate there are so many nice places to camp in Ohio.  I particularly like the camping sites which have different activities from horse back riding, fishing, hiking, canoeing.  Oh and wifi...sad to say but I don't consider it a proper campsite without wifi.  Doesn't mean I will ever break out my lap top, but I want the option.

Some people camp to listen to the silence.  But we can do that in our back yard for the most part so why pay between $30-$45 a night somewhere else?

My garbage disposal is broken.  Actually it's smoking.  Is that normal?  Can I pretend it is so we can ignore it? hahaha

I think I'll pull a Scarlett O'Hara and think about it another day.  Think about everything another day...

Fiddle De De.

on Jun 01, 2008

I think I'll pull a Scarlett O'Hara and think about it another day. Think about everything another day...

Frankly, Miss Scarlett I don't give a ... Nah, I do ... I definitely do.

on Jun 01, 2008

You have been so busy with your yard already I don't know how you do it. I have never seen the black mulch. We put some red mulch in our outer beds, but wow it's red. We thought it would match the lava rocks on the outside. Not really. Good thing they aren't next to each other.

I remember you blogging about your pest control last year. Too bad ants can't read.

Now about that garbage disposal!

on Jun 01, 2008

The creek sounds lovely.  I'd love to do something like that in the future, but as a tiered creek with ponds for frogs and waterfalls.

We've been doing a bit of gardening too, getting some beds ready to plant and getting rid of some noxious Lantana in the back yard.  Its hard work but I do enjoy it.

We're also composting and trying to make our own mulch.  It takes time but it helps reduce our waste.  At the moment, our first lot is about halfway ready.  Hopefully by summer we'll be able to use it and not have to buy any more.

Think about everything another day...

Some days this is the best you can do.

on Jun 01, 2008

We put some red mulch in our outer beds, but wow it's red. We thought it would match the lava rocks on the outside. Not really. Good thing they aren't next to each other.

You have mulch down already?  I am so far behind with my beds this year because of all the other yard stuff going on.

Black mulch is purty.

Frankly, Miss Scarlett I don't give a ... Nah, I do ... I definitely do.


on Jun 01, 2008

Some days this is the best you can do.

Yeah, I am pretty good about compartmentalizing.  It takes a few days to get things put away and off the radar, but once locked away, I'm good.

We've been doing a bit of gardening too, getting some beds ready to plant and getting rid of some noxious Lantana in the back yard. Its hard work but I do enjoy it. We're also composting and trying to make our own mulch. It takes time but it helps reduce our waste. At the moment, our first lot is about halfway ready. Hopefully by summer we'll be able to use it and not have to buy any more.

What is/are Lantana?

We composted for awhile, but I hated the way it looked on our property.  We woulda kept it but our neighbor has a huge one he shares.  So we put all our leaves there.  Works good for everyone.


on Jun 01, 2008

You have mulch down already?

Haha...maybe it's bark. I told you I don't garden. I am winging it.

on Jun 02, 2008

What is/are Lantana?

Lantana is a native to the tropical areas of the Americas and Africa.  It is a member of the Verbena family.  In Australia, it has been declared a noxious weed.  The thing with this plant is its lalopathic, which means it releae a chemical into the soil to stop other plants growing near it.  This has had a devastating effect on native bushland in Australia, with Lantana taking over literally millions of hectares of land.

We're trying to get the rest of the apartments in our block to use our composter but so far, none of them seem interested, mores the pity. 

on Jun 02, 2008
Oh and wifi...sad to say but I don't consider it a proper campsite without wifi.

You cant escape the 21st century!

I dont see you as Scarlet. Closer to Melanie. You have her steel, but you have Scarlet's determination as well. SO you are your own character. But Scarlet did get the best lines.
on Jun 02, 2008
Haha...maybe it's bark. I told you I don't garden. I am winging it.


It could easily be mulch....I just thought since you are farther west it would be a little later..but what do I know.

I dont see you as Scarlet. Closer to Melanie. You have her steel, but you have Scarlet's determination as well. SO you are your own character. But Scarlet did get the best lines.

Yeah, no one has ever called me any of those women. hahahaha.

Though I have uttered something along these lines before....

"As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again."

Word about those creeky type vegetation--PITCHER PLANTS!

I'm gonna look for those...I can't use them in my dry creek bed because, well, heh, its dry...but I have a couple ideas once we get a fountain....

on Jun 03, 2008
Oh and wifi...sad to say but I don't consider it a proper campsite without wifi.

WHAT???    Aw, c'mon Tova!