Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on April 28, 2008 By Tova7 In Blogging

Went to the dollar store today.

I wonder how long it will stay the dollar store with the cost of everything going up.  The Dollar and a Quarter Store just doesn't have the same "It's a Bargain" ring.

I like to get alphabet workbooks, stickers, construction paper, paint, puzzles, all the fun stuff for my 5 year old there.  A while back they carried dinosaur wall stickers.  I painted his wall with a big ugly volcano, some landscape, and stuck those dinosaurs up.  I am so NOT an artist when it comes to painting and drawing, but he tells me every night before bed its the "bestest" room ever.

When I came out of the dollar store there was an old beat up pickup sitting next to me.  A dog was in the front seat, and on the passenger side floor, a big bag of dog food.  It was opened and folded back so the dog could eat at whim.  I don't know much about dogs, but I wonder if that's healthy.

Of course I was eating a mini candy bar at the time.  So healthy and me, we don't always see eye to ass.

We brought in more dirt over the weekend.  I think total we've had 40 tons delivered and I think its safe to say..if I never shovel dirt again in my life it will be too soon.

I won't bore you with the photos.  We have a couple more loads to go, mostly topsoil and then we can seed.  WOO HOO.

We acquired a huge red wood swing/slide/rope/tire set for my youngest this weekend.  We drove to Kentucky and picked it up.  My cousin's son used it when he was little, but it's sat under a big tree at the bottom of a hill for years.  We took it apart, loaded it up, brought it home.

I spent all day yesterday power washing it.  (I love my power washer.  I honestly don't know how I managed to be content with the outside of any home I've ever lived in without one.)  So, now the swing looks fabulous.  From black to red in one day.

Several neighborhood boys, ages from eight up to twelve, were itching to get on it.

Do you know what kills me?

There are no kids Gavin's age on our street.  His brother is seven years older and not interested in playing with him too often.  So Gavin watches as a group of boys from the neighborhood (mentioned above) play games and run from yard to yard.  He begs us to let him chase them.  We don't.  He yells at them from the drive way..."MIKEY!  Come play with me!!!"

They ignore him.  If he gets close to them they say ugly things or tell him "GO HOME!"

Well, guess who was over on our property line yesterday wanting to play on Gavin's new swing set?

Gavin is happy to see them.  He will invite them onto the set forgiving any past slight believing its a new beginning.  He just loves having other kids around, always has.  But I know from experience (we have a trampoline, same situation but it was 3 years ago) they are only interested in using him to get to his stuff.  Once the newness wears off, they have no qualms about once again ignoring him, even being ugly toward him.

Yeah, I know.  It's the way of the world.  But Gavin is five and doesn't understand all this yet.  He thinks they are "friends" because they occasionally speak to him.

I think they're little opportunists who need more adult supervision.

Right now I don't intend on letting the lot of them over to play.  Some are just too old to be playing near Gavin, their size alone could smash his small 37 pounds.  And frankly, I don't feel like watching them crush my little man's feelings when they get bored and take off.

The only real friend he has close by, is moving in June.  I really like the family.  His mom and I hit it off from the get go.  (Which is unusual for me.  Usually takes women a little while to warm up to me.  One of my aunt's gave me her opinion why this weekend, but that's another blog.  Heh.)  Anyway, the mom I'm talking about is one of those rare women who not only accepts people as they are, but takes an interest in things outside herself.  She actually remembers story lines I am working on and ASKS me about them.  There is something almost other worldly when I hear my characters names and actions on another person's lips.

Being a good friend is just one of her many attributes.  I think she's a wonderful mother, would love to emulate some of her mommy qualities.  She does community theatre with her daughter as a mom and daughter kind of thing.  How cool is that?

But as is often the case when we meet our perfect fit, they're moving, or we are....oh well.

Wow, my life is pretty mundane isn't it?

Ahhhh, just the way I like it.

Drama?  We don't need no stinking drama!

BUT, we do have an occasional mystery.

Someone left a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts at my door.

I thought it was a neighbor we often help out, so the kids and I ate a few while working in the yard.

Uh-oh.  I talked to the neighbors, they didn't leave them.  And there wasn't a note.


Oh well, they were good.

In case this is my last post before death by poison.....the moral of the story will be...just when you think life has gotten mundane...the other donut drops!



Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 28, 2008
Jeez Louise, what are ya'll doin' with all that dirt? Ugh! Sounds like WORK to me! Heh, if you want someting to entertain those boys then just give 'em all a shovel and they'll busy themselves forever -except don't expect anything "productive" to be done -just fun stuff like building forts and stuff!

Poor Gavin. I remember being the youngest one and it does suck! Hopefully eventually a new kid will move in. We all need friends don't we? Speaking of friends, sorry yours is moving away as friends that you really "connect" with are hard to come by. Heh, I know how THAT feels! I have been accused all my life of having a "peculiar way of looking at things" that seems to make people go the other way! Ha! Oh well. Pass the donuts, please...
on Apr 28, 2008

Quarter Store

You're kidding me! Wow, we only have a dollar store, and it's going out of business.


Wow, my life is pretty mundane isn't it?

Means nothing drastic has happened right? Nothing dramatic or such, which is something to be grateful for I think.



on Apr 28, 2008

Poor Gavin. I remember being the youngest one and it does suck!

It does suck especially with mean kids on the street.  Its one thing to not play with him (he is too young) and ignore him...another to tease him with their presence.

if you want someting to entertain those boys then just give 'em all a shovel and they'll busy themselves forever

Did that..they were bored in about two hours.  Even after the dirt slinging fight.


on Apr 28, 2008

I know how THAT feels! I have been accused all my life of having a "peculiar way of looking at things" that seems to make people go the other way!

Oops hit add before I was done...

Speaking of looking at things and perception....

A man and his wife were at his twenty year high school reunion.

The man kept looking at a woman across the room, sitting by herself, drinking a lot.

His wife followed his gaze and asked.  "Do you know her?"

He said, "Yeah.  She was my high school sweetheart.  I heard after the break up she started drinking and never stopped.

His wife says...."Holy Cow.  Who woulda thought a celebration could last that long?"


Have a donut!

on Apr 28, 2008


...."Holy Cow. Who woulda thought a celebration could last that long?"

Have a donut!

they're delicious!  


on Apr 28, 2008

Heh, if you want someting to entertain those boys then just give 'em all a shovel and they'll busy themselves forever -except don't expect anything "productive" to be done -just fun stuff like building forts and stuff!

Hey!  That is productive!  We made some neat underground forts when I was a kid.  And that was through Hard pack and Sandstone!  Just think what we could have done with real dirt!

on Apr 28, 2008

I wonder how long it will stay the dollar store with the cost of everything going up. 

Even if it goes to $1.50 or $2 you will still call it the dollar store. We still call the dollar movies dollar movies even though it's $2.50 now.


Hopefully a new family will move in the neighborhood and have kids Gavin's age. Growing up we lived at the end of a dead end street and there was 3 boys(one who was my cousin) who lived near me who were a few older than me. They always teased and bullied me. A few times I did fight back I got beat up. We moved away the summer I turned 9. When I got older and could drive I went back to that small town and found those guys and kicked their asses. I know not a very mature thing to do but damn if it didn't feel good.


So the way to get on your good side is flattery AND Krispy Kreme doughnuts?


on Apr 28, 2008
Quarter Store


You're kidding me! Wow, we only have a dollar store, and it's going out of business.

Lucas, Tova didn't mean there's a dollar store and across the street is a quarter store she meant with the rising prices if the $1.00 store will change to the $1.25 store.

That's one of the funniest things I seen today.

Way to be unintentionally hilarious.


on Apr 28, 2008
which is something to be grateful for I think.

Yeah. That's for sure.

Just think what we could have done with real dirt!

Well we work pretty fast. The piles don't stay piles long.

We moved away the summer I turned 9. When I got older and could drive I went back to that small town and found those guys and kicked their asses. I know not a very mature thing to do but damn if it didn't feel good.

hahahaha. I don't think Gavin will ever be a big guy...he's taking after my MIL's family. But who knows...some of the scrapping-est guys I ever knew were small.

So the way to get on your good side is flattery AND Krispy Kreme doughnuts?

Heh, well not so much the Krispy Kremes. I only eat them on special occasions. But I was outside, muddy, hungry and didn't want to clean up to come inside...and BAM, there they were. I wonder who sent them.

on Apr 28, 2008
Lucas, Tova didn't mean there's a dollar store and across the street is a quarter store she meant with the rising prices if the $1.00 store will change to the $1.25 store.
That's one of the funniest things I seen today


I just figured he mis-read, or skimmed.   
on Apr 28, 2008
D'oh, yeah, I mis-read it, I didn't have my glasses on, oops.
on Apr 28, 2008

just some comments.

Gavin is five already?  Wow.  I've known you since he was 3.  We've got over two years invested here T...lol.

Brian was my little guy and is now the second biggest.  David topped them all.  My brother was told he'd never reach 5'10 and he's over 6'1 and the biggest in the family.  My dad is only 5'9 so not sure where that came from.  You never know. 

Krispy Kremes......love em' but make sure they're all gone by the time I get there ok?  I have like NO will power.  They have to be outta site for me!  I'll be there in less than two months so you have plenty of time! 

I remember when David was little like Gavin...the same thing was going on.  His twol older brothers were bringing home kids from school and he was the younger brother, but somehow he managed to wiggle in as much as he could.  I finally started babysitting one kid his own age while the other two were in school and that kept him happy and occupied during the school day especially. 

Dirt?  I need some of that dirt.  We have nothing but sand here.  I honestly asked someone if annuals would even grow in this stuff.  I'm used to rich brown dirt.  I wondered if I should have loam delivered but was told by my neighbors nah!  They said the dirt would just creep into the sand and I'd lose it anyhow. 

So now I'm thinking about raised beds with loam in them....lots of it.  Otherwise I would think I'd have to water like all the time.  In the meantime I planted daylilies and some annuals and am watching them to see what happens.   I actually bought a bag of nice potting mix thinking it would help.  I poured it into the area  where I was planting my annuals  and watched as the bag of dirt kind of disappeared into the sand. 





on Apr 28, 2008

I wish I lived near you then we could be friends and Noah would play all day with Gavin. He is 8 but he lovs to play outside and he doesn't care with who or how old. Well, as long as they are nice. We have a little bully on our street. He is learning the ways of the moms, unfortunatly, not his mom,  this year. 

That is very cool whoever thought to give you doughnuts. Maybe, it was the truck drivers who ran all over your yard.


on Apr 28, 2008
Gavin is five already?

Yeah, and the little runt is still only 37 pounds. He is just so active, and he eats non stop. I buy him Krispy Kreme every Sat morning, but he won't fatten up.

"How can I eat him if he won't fatten up?" Sorry, little Hansel and Gretel flashback there.

I finally started babysitting one kid his own age while the other two were in school and that kept him happy and occupied during the school day especially.

I am not a good baby sitter for kids Gavin's age. It's ok as long as we are doing something like walking, swimming, bike riding, but the first rainy day I'd lose my mind. You are a much stronger woman in child rearing than I will ever be.

Dirt? I need some of that dirt. We have nothing but sand here. I honestly asked someone if annuals would even grow in this stuff.

Hmmm. We have lots of clay so it takes a lot of additives to make it even close to decent...but most people will do raised beds here too, or just container garden. What might be best is if you research and find plants that like really sandy soil?

I dunno.

Krispy Kremes......love em' but make sure they're all gone by the time I get there ok?

hahaha. They'll NEVER be gone. Maybe we can take Amanda and the kiddo to the KK here and watch them being made while we have one. Gavin loves that. I have a mini van so plenty of room!

on Apr 28, 2008
We have a little bully on our street. He is learning the ways of the moms, unfortunatly, not his mom, this year.

You know maybe his mom is raising him free range, or whatever its called.

In my experience, kids in a group with no adult supervision for long periods of time...well, its usually trouble with a capital T.

wish I lived near you

Me too, Kelly. Me too. (And not for Gavin's benefit.  )

That is very cool whoever thought to give you doughnuts. Maybe, it was the truck drivers who ran all over your yard

I don't know, but I doubt it. They're giving us 5 yards of free dirt tho.

With my luck, well I don't want to think about where they came from.   It was dumb of me to let my kids eat them before making sure the neighbor gave it.

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