Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on March 1, 2008 By Tova7 In Blogging

I see LW has another JU stalker.  This one is going by the name Kurthy.

I understand people with strong opinions get haters on their blog.  But it seems to me LW attracts more than her fair share.

I've decided.....




Think about it.  If you haven't been blog stalked, does that mean you're too boring?  Too vanilla to even be tasted?  That you aren't worth someone setting up an account, thinking of pithy and sometimes totally retarded put downs?  You aren't interesting enough for someone with no life to follow, even in words?




I dunno.


But I think this Stalker is Jennifer1.  The crazy tastes the same to me.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Mar 03, 2008
Unless he's devilishly clever. Ah, if only he didn't start accusing people of being Nazis, he was kinda fun.

Nah, I don't mind. Never been called one before, though I HAVE been called worse.

This is such a fun game! I love it!

Behold my smiley face army!!! Well, platoon...
on Mar 03, 2008

It's mildly disturbing, yes. However, Ceasar-the-Rottweiler, Frankie-the-Red-Dog-from-Hell, and my good friends Smith and Wesson tell me not to fret, so I won't.

He seems a nice guy in email.  Maybe he was just having a bad night?

We don't have any disgruntled JUers in that area do we?

on Mar 03, 2008
Nah, I don't mind. Never been called one before, though I HAVE been called worse.

Actually I was referring to Sir Peter, a man long before your time, Cedar.

Although, it applies here as well, I suppose.

on Mar 03, 2008
Actually I was referring to Sir Peter, a man long before your time, Cedar.

Ah, my bad. I thought the Nazi thing was a reference to Kurthy. That's what I get for being so self involved, I guess.
on Mar 03, 2008
what I get for being so self involved, I guess.

Yeah, probably.


I kid, I kid.

on Mar 04, 2008
This is th IP I get..
But the site I tried says its unavailable

That is spoofed. Any 10.x.x.x (or 172.16.x.x-172.31.x.x, and 192.168.x.x) are private IPs and cannot be routed on the Internet. So, yea they seem to be covering their tracks.
on Mar 04, 2008
That is spoofed. Any 10.x.x.x (or 172.16.x.x-172.31.x.x, and 192.168.x.x) are private IPs and cannot be routed on the Internet. So, yea they seem to be covering their tracks.

Ah, well that explains it.

It was fun trying to figure it out though.

He told me to check his next email...that'd it be from South Africa or some other crazy place...heh.


on Mar 04, 2008
I kid, I kid

You a baby goat?

on Mar 04, 2008
You a baby goat?

I knew it! Bad grammar, he IS a baby goat, a baby goat with a computer! And one who's getting a college education...smart goat.
on Mar 04, 2008
In Zoology... he's planning a breakout!
on Mar 04, 2008
In Zoology... he's planning a breakout!

He's a closet baby goat. He's passing for human now, but just wait until he comes out!
on Mar 04, 2008

He's a closet baby goat. He's passing for human now, but just wait until he comes out!

In Zoology... he's planning a breakout!

I knew there was something "hairy" about that kid!

on Mar 04, 2008
You a baby goat?


And one who's getting a college education...smart goat.

I try.

He's passing for human now, but just wait until he comes out!

A little Diana Ross, if you will:

"I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show
I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show"

Heh heh.

I knew there was something "hairy" about that kid!

If I was an angora goat then you'd appreciate it. Nothing like a good mohair sweater!

on Mar 04, 2008
If I was an angora goat then you'd appreciate it. Nothing like a good mohair sweater!

Never liked sweaters. Too itchy for my taste.

Thanks for being so good natured, Zoo. We had to pick on someone, since our new friend went away.

*sniff* Come back, you were fun to mock!

That was a little on the mean side....I'll play nice now.
on Mar 04, 2008
Thanks for being so good natured, Zoo. We had to pick on someone, since our new friend went away.

Heh, I'm not wound so tight as to not take a joke.

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