Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 13, 2007 By Tova7 In Blogging

Last night the tv was on.  I heard a voice I recognized immediately.  I turned and there he was!  One of my pals from college.  We produced a magazine news show together in the 90’s, and now he is acting in a national commercial.

I cracked up at the irony.  Why?  This guy was the ultimate ladies man in college.  He was smooth.  Now he is doing a national commercial for Cialus!  I think that’s how it’s spelled.  But it’s for erectile dysfunction.  Hahahahaha.  I couldn’t stop laughing when he said, “erectile dysfunction” because I heard SO MANY stories from him in college about girls…well, let’s just say those words, that mouth, didn’t ever think to hear it. 

Great to know he has gone on to acting.  He was good behind the camera, but I could tell he really wanted to be out front.  Good on him.  I think that makes about five people I knew well in college now on tv or in the movies.


I’m taking a break from JU.  Or at least that’s the plan at this moment.

I will be off and on JU for the next several weeks.  Hit and miss.

The holidays are fast approaching and all the work that entails.  I also have some personal issues which need sorted and cataloged.  Time for some belly button gazing….hate that, but it’s a necessity.  I hope to do some writing, but don’t plan on it.  Plans never do what they are supposed to do.

I understand in the big scheme of things my blog is no big deal, and even writing this is somewhat uncomfortable because it implies I think people will miss me.  But I don’t want anyone to think I’m not responding to an article for any other reason than, heh, I probably won’t see it.

Of course I won’t be able to stay away completely…..

I went to my son’s first concert last night.  He is playing the flute.  Professional musicians came in and tested each child on every instrument at the beginning of the year.  They told them the instruments they were best on.  My son was best on flute.  Is it me or does that make him less manly?  When I was in school, real guys didn’t play the flute.  Of course there has to still be some truth to it, out of 20 flute players, only two are boys.

It doesn’t really matter I guess.  He is only taking band in sixth grade because it was the only other choice to study hall.  He wants to quit and take the technology class next year.  He can only take one elective, so he is choosing tech class.  I hate he doesn’t desire any kind of cultural stimulation.  He doesn’t like plays, opera, orchestra, or art, and not for lack of exposure.

I don’t necessarily think it’s essential.  He really doesn’t care for the artsy-fartsy stuff, unless it has to do with computers.  And here I was under the impression all kids who are exposed to the arts grow up liking them.


 I hope my youngest is more into it so I can drag him to stuff when he’s older.  My husband isn’t much of an artsy-fartsy guy either.  He doesn’t even really like movies.  I mean COME ON, who doesn’t like movies?  And how lucky is he to be married to me?  I love GUY movies.  Or action/sci-fi movies.  He hates them.  What is up with that?

Moving right along…..

I want to see Beowulf when it comes out.  Read the book in high school, but it doesn’t look like the movie is following close to it.  (At least from the trailers.)

10, 9, 8 ,7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….

We have lift off.

I am off to tend reality for awhile.

See ya when I read ya!


on Nov 13, 2007

Now don't gender stereotype about the flute playing.  He could end up playing jazz flute like Ron Burgundy.  lol. 

My oldest son loved the symphony and my best friends daughter thought their field trip there was bboorriingg.  It is nice to have someone to go to concerts or shows with that enjoy them too. 

I've never seen anyone I know on TV not even on the Price is Right.  Of course, I don't watch the Price is Right so that might have something to do with it.  Anyway pop in every now and again. 

on Nov 13, 2007

Read the book in high school, but it doesn’t look like the movie is following close to it.

Oh, Hollywood is just ruining another great story.  Grendel's mother is Angelina Jolie...in the story she was...you know, a big scary monster.  Oh well, maybe it won't suck as much as I anticipate.


on Nov 13, 2007
I understand in the big scheme of things my blog is no big deal, and even writing this is somewhat uncomfortable because it implies I think people will miss me.

I'll miss you Tova but I most certainly understand. I'll be waiting for you!
on Nov 13, 2007
Have a great holiday season!  Catch you in the new year.
on Nov 13, 2007
Of course there has to still be some truth to it, out of 20 flute players, only two are boys

I like those odds, myself If your son sticks at it, he may grow to appreciate these odds too.

I am really looking forward to seeing Beowulf too. I read an inteview with Angelina after she had been to the premier of the movie in London. She said she was a bit surprised at the graphic nature of some of the movie, but thought it was very well done. She also said Ron Winstone is amazing.

I do hope you drop by and say hello occasionall. I will miss you as you are one of my favourites.
on Nov 13, 2007
I'm gonna miss 'seeing' you daily but I'll see you when I see ya!

Don't feel bad about your son, my son is the same. I try to get him interested in sports, arts stuff, no go! AT least he likes to draw and enjoys art when it comes to computers and gaming and the characters he loves!

My hubby is no lover of the stuff I like too. When we were younger I dragged him everywhere, now I just can't be bothered! I want to see Beowulf too, love movies like that!