Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 25, 2007 By Tova7 In Blogging

I opened the paper to read the latest news.  Ok, honestly I read the headlines and then only follow the story if it sounds interesting or seems like something I should know.

I don’t read the sports section and usually finger, but skip, the financial page.  My favorite parts of the paper are the classifieds and the cross word puzzle, occasionally the political cartoon.  Oh and on Sunday, the coupons.  I love coupons!

I make myself look at every page to justify the expense, and the death of a tree.  I can’t imagine paying for a paper and not touching every single page, at least glancing to see if there is something interesting on it.  But I save the best parts for last like an eagerly anticipated dessert.

When I see an unusual headline like “Two men charged with assaulting handicapped man sentenced,” I skim the article.

Most of the time I skim and forget, thinking to myself..normal violence.  Normal meaning anytime there is a concentration of people, eventually there will be violence.  I grew up around violence so it takes something bigger than just assault to catch my attention.

I’m not sure if it was the word handicap that caught my eye.  Or, if there was nothing in the news and it was THE ONLY thing remotely interesting.  Doesn’t really matter, the point is I read the article.  Every.  Single.  Word.

Then I needed a shower.

Some things can’t be read and forgot, they stick like dog poop on the bottom of your shoe.  You think it’s dealt with, scrapped off, forgotten.  But then you get small whiffs the rest of the day forcing you to remember fecal matter and all it entails.

So, two men attacked a handicapped handyman in the men’s bathroom.  They put a plumbing snake (like used on toilets) in the man’s rectum.  Then they cranked it several times causing the man “severe pain and internal bleeding.”

I put the paper down and just sat, flabbergasted and a little annoyed I let myself get sucked into the article.

We need to know things like this happen, but at the same time I resent the telling.  I resent having to put that little bit of darkness in my grey matter.  I resent the way my mind replaces the handicap man with one of my children and how angry it makes me.  I resent sharing the horror of it with others to help alleviate some of the darkness…some of the smell of violence.  (And now you can resent me for giving you a whiff.)

It’s a vicious cycle.  I don’t want to know, but feel the need to know.  The more I know, the better I can protect my family.  But even more than that, I don’t want to be overwhelmed with human depravity.

Isolating myself from reality only makes the reality more powerful, more colorful, more overwhelming, when it breaks through the isolation.

So every morning I sit down, looking forward to my cross word puzzle, but somewhat dreading the poop I gotta walk through to get to dessert.

on Oct 25, 2007
The Smell of Violence

Well that depends on what kind of violence you are speaking of, you should see how violent it can get when one has diarrhea while in the bathroom
on Oct 25, 2007
So, two men attacked a handicapped handyman in the men’s bathroom. They put a plumbing snake (like used on toilets) in the man’s rectum. Then they cranked it several times causing the man “severe pain and internal bleeding.”

What the? Don't movies have enough gore and show enough pain to satisfy someones thrirst for this kind of act of violence? How do they even come up with these ideas? There are so really sad individuals in this world.
on Oct 25, 2007
This is how is how I feel sometimes after watching the news at night.

Sorry this article caught your eye. Was it in your town?
on Oct 25, 2007
What is the matter with some people? I just don't get it. I try to imagine the thought processes that would lead to someone using a plumber's snake as an instrument of tortue and I just go blank (thankfully).

I think I need a shower now too.
on Oct 25, 2007
I hear ya Tova. I hear ya loud and clear.
on Oct 26, 2007

How do they even come up with these ideas?

I don't think they thought about it.  The guy was in the bathroom with a snake.  He was the handyman, so I am sure he was working.  They saw a victim and used the only tools available at the time for torture.  Sick, sick, sick.

The lone psychopath is easier to imagine, but two people engaging in this something that twisted?

That is a really good point.  If a study could be done on latent psychopaths...well, I think I'd read that for sure.

On a slightly happier note, don't worry about tree deaths caused by newspaper reading. The pulp mills used farmed lumber for the most part, and replant more than they harvest.

hahahaha.  Did you use that when you were selling newspapers?  I didn't know that...but now won't feel guilty for skipping a few pages here and there....well I'll try to skip.  Heh.



on Oct 26, 2007

I try to imagine the thought processes that would lead to someone using a plumber's snake as an instrument of tortue and I just go blank (thankfully).

You know when I am writing a really evil character I often have to go outside my head to create them.  I look up tidbits about serial killers, rapists, etc.  Why?  Because my bad guys are always so "Ming the Merciless" (kiddish, more for kids books than adult) and just aren't scary enough.  Or evil enough.  Thank God for research.  I can't imagine carrying this type thing around in my head knowing I gave birth to it.  YUK.

Was it in your town?

No, New York state (I think).  It was in the national news section of our daily paper.


on Oct 26, 2007

I hear ya Tova. I hear ya loud and clear.

And you get to look at people like this Roy, eye to eye.

I don't know how you do it.


on Oct 26, 2007
The depths of depravity of some people are just beyond my imagination. This is a case where "an eye for an eye" might not be that misfitting of a punishment.
on Oct 26, 2007
What the f*ck.

I mean, what the f*ck.
on Oct 26, 2007

What the f*ck


This is a case where "an eye for an eye" might not be that misfitting of a punishment.

Who could the state get to carry out this punishment?  That's the scary thought.


on Oct 26, 2007
There's gotta be someone in prison who would be willing...