I heard a recovering alcoholic/drug addict complaining about school nurses yesterday.
He has a “young teenage” daughter who is having problems getting Tylenol from the school nurse for hangovers
Was he complaining about the underage drinking?
Know why?
He says, “I’m a realist. Teens are gonna drink. I’d rather she do it in the safety of my home than out on the street.”
Even though he is a recovering alcoholic, even though it is illegal, even though he is a practicing Mormon and won’t even drink coffee himself now, even though he is a national talk radio show host and has a show on CNN, he still says the issue isn’t that he buys booze for his kid, but that the school refuses to give her Tylenol for a hangover.
Am I in an alternate reality?
This whole thing aired on his talk radio show yesterday, which I caught in the van as I often do. You can sign up and listen for yourself at Glennbeck.com.
I kept waiting for the punch line.
There wasn’t one.
The whole “they are gonna do it anyway, better do it at home” argument is mind boggling.
If you go on a diet. What is one of the first things you do for success? GET RID OF ALL THE JUNK FOOD IN THE HOUSE.
I drank as a teen, but not half as much as I wanted too. It wasn’t always easy to get booze. I needed someone to buy it for me. I didn’t want to waste my hard earned minimum wage money on it. And it was never CONVENIENT. Plus, I didn’t want to get grounded for drinking because it was not allowed in the group home or when I lived with my aunt.
Granted, those little road blocks didn’t keep me from drinking completely, but doing it took effort and time and money. It took risk. Risking punishment, risking losing my money to an unscrupulous booze buyer, risk of getting caught by the police, and for kids with loving parents, risk of their disappointment. Not things all teens are willing to do for a drink.
Mr. Beck has essentially removed all the little built in road blocks. He buys it. He brings it home. He lets her do it. He even complains (on national radio no less) when other adults won’t cater to her hangovers.
Does this seem nuts to anyone else?
Will my kids drink as teens?
Probably, but not because I condone it.
They will know its breaking the family rules, is punishable, won’t be intentionally funded by me, is illegal, and if they want to do it…they have to figure out how. I am not going to show them. They'll have to risk it all on their own.
Perhaps in taking those risks, they will learn some lessons which make them believe it’s not worth it. Or maybe just looking at the risks will be deterrent.
Mr. Beck traveled the road of alcoholism and drug addiction. Now he is paving the way for his daughter and not with DNA….with accessibility, with condoning it, with enabling her to do something self destructive, with removing every risk associated with drinking as a teen.
Just. Wow.