Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on December 27, 2006 By Tova7 In Blogging

Christmas is over.  The tree is put away.  The only things left are the wreaths on the windows.


I cleaned house today.  Scrubbed toilets, polished mirrors.  And I wondered.  What would I do with all the extra time if I ever hired a maid?  How did women in medieval times keep their castles clean?  I know the servants or slaves did the work, but did they ever roll up their sleeves and muck the rushes off the floor?  Did they take the same satisfaction from a clean castle that I take from a clean house?  Can a castle ever really be clean?


My husband is gone now.  The earliest I will see him is mid to late July.  So I am once again a citizen in that city called Limbo.  Waiting for life to pass one slow day at a time while trying to seem interested and here for my kids.  When he is gone for long periods of time everything is just kinda mediocre, like eating red licorice when you really want chocolate.


Oh well.


School is out and the arrows in our quiver are driving me nuts.  There are seven years between my two boys.  That sounded like a good idea when we were planning.  Seven years or so into marriage, pregnancy.  Seven years later, another one.  That way, there wasn’t two kids under five in the house and I would keep what little sanity parenting affords me.


The plan went off without a hitch, except the sanity part.  Oh, and the fact that there are very few things each child enjoys doing TOGETHER.  One of them is either too young or too old, and short of going to the pool, they have little recreational appetites in common. 


I’m glad Christmas is over.  I worry every year, needlessly, if my sons have enough presents under the tree.  My oldest is wanting more expensive gifts so they are getting to be fewer and fewer.  I guess because there were so many Christmases when I was a kid with nothing, I don’t want my kids to live it.  And yet I have to be conscious of not giving too much.  Ugh.


Sanity.  Sanity.  Where oh where are you tonight?  Why did you leave me here all alone?  I searched the world over and thought I was solid, but the arrows shot in and pfft you were gone!


A week before Christmas a local news report said some area homes were missing spruce trees from their landscape.  People were chopping them down and using them as Christmas trees!


So around 0530 last week I woke up because someone was hacking something in my yard.  I heard six good hard chops.  I looked at the clock and thought about getting up, but the noise stopped so I figured, hell they musta got one, getting up won’t bring it back, and went back to sleep.


I looked out a few hours later and all my landscaping was intact so I didn’t know what to think.  Until my doorbell rang after lunch.  The local news crew was out on my street wanting to interview me about the vandalism done to my mailbox.




I declined the interview but went out to the mailbox at the street and sure enough, our two brand new boxes were totally trashed.  Seems someone went down my street with a baseball bat beating the snot out of all the mailboxes and a few windshields.  I called the cops who said they already have a suspect which doesn’t surprise me since this is such a quiet town. 


We have a teenage boy across the street.  He’s a mechanic, and a racer.  You know those stupid Fast and Furious movies?  Well there seems to be some type of subculture around here of racers who want to make the movie reality.  He is one of them.  He’s a good kid, respectful to me and my family, but he does drive fast and the neighbors stay on his butt about it.


Anyway, this subculture gets pretty competitive.  The car with the bat wielding vandals was a green civic, souped up with chrome and those neon lights under the car.  I didn’t see it of course, but the idiots didn’t do drive by hitting.  One of them got out of the car to do the damage while the other followed in the car so lots of people saw it.


How stupid was that?


From what I am hearing from the police and neighbors it was a retaliatory thing for a race “gone bad.”  They knew the kid who races lives on the street but not where, so they made sure to get everyone.


Crime is so low around here that this was the lead story on the local news.  Heh.


I wouldn’t mind it so much if Vin Diesel did the vandalism.  As long as he was wearing a tank top and a knife and said things like “You keep what you kill.”  Heck, I’d paint a bull’s eye on the dang thing.


The shadow on her lungs wants her life.


My Aunt Shelby’s cancer is growing.  She started chemo again and we’re praying it slows enough so we can take a cruise together this summer.  We’ll have to see.  We sure did enjoy Niagara Falls.  Christmas was a bust though.  She was too sick to get out of bed.


Only poison can keep the shadow at bay, and that only for a time.


Soon a new year will birth.


All things are old.


The trick to life is making them new again.

on Dec 27, 2006
Sanity. Sanity. Where oh where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I was solid, but the arrows shot in and pfft you were gone!

Hey, I remember Hee Haw! (it..was Hee haw wasn't it?   )

Doom despair and agony on me, deep dark depression excessive misery, if it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all, doom despair and agony on me. ...


Yes, Christmas is over and I'm sorry you're there in limbo land! But hang in there, Tova 'cause everythang's gonna be alright.   
on Dec 27, 2006
I'm sorry about your aunt. I think I told you that already, but I'm so sorry she's ill again. I pray that she will be able to go with you again for a summer trip.

My Christmas tree and decorations are still up. I usually take mine down at the start of the New Year, which is what I might still do. I was thinking of taking it down before but I might cause a riot of 'noooooooos' around me!!

I hear ya about the kids. Mine are 5 years and 7 years apart. That's 17, 12 and 5, so I do know what you're going through! And I did it that way purposely too because I didn't want to have two children under five together! At lease one should be able to fend for themselves.

I didn't realise your hubby would be gone for so long. I wish you lived closer or vice versa we could hang out! Hopefully it won't be too difficult for you Tonya. I can't imagine how it wouldn't be.

I'm glad you're here on JU to keep busy at least for a bit. So get to writing lady and tell us some more stories!
on Dec 28, 2006
I'm sorry you are in limbo. I wish I was closer as well.

That sucks about your neighborhood getting bashed.

The second paragraph made me laugh because, well you will see.

Parenting is the vacuum of sanity. Once you give birth, your sanity goes out with the placenta.

Sorry, I am not cheering you up.
I'm glad you're here on JU to keep busy at least for a bit. So get to writing lady and tell us some more stories!

I second that.

on Dec 28, 2006
All things are old.

The trick to life is making them new again.

Yep. Life is what it is, and it's perfect whether we actually like it or not.
on Dec 28, 2006

But hang in there, Tova 'cause everythang's gonna be alright.

Heh.  Yeah I know.  I just have to get over the first month hump, then Limbo Land becomes new again...or at least spruced up a bit.

Hey, I remember Hee Haw! (it..was Hee haw wasn't it?

Yeah.  That song pops into my head sometimes and I can't shake it.


on Dec 28, 2006

I'm sorry about your aunt. I think I told you that already, but I'm so sorry she's ill again. I pray that she will be able to go with you again for a summer trip.

Thank you Donna.  You are such a considerate person and I really appreciate it.

didn't realise your hubby would be gone for so long. I wish you lived closer or vice versa we could hang out! Hopefully it won't be too difficult for you Tonya. I can't imagine how it wouldn't be.

I'm glad you're here on JU to keep busy at least for a bit. So get to writing lady and tell us some more stories!

Yeah he was gone over the last 3 months, came home for 9 days and then left again.  He is hoping to come home in July but we'll see.

I am actually not feeling very well but the Drs assure me I will start feeling better in about 3 months after all my tests are done and my meds level out.  We'll see.  It's nothing major, just a quirky thyroid, but who woulda thought missing 5 little hormones could make someone so ill?

I'll survive and will get to writing once things settle around here.  The first two weeks are always the hardest because each of my sons are strong willed in their own way and test every single rule every single day after their dad leaves.  Grrrrr.

hear ya about the kids. Mine are 5 years and 7 years apart. That's 17, 12 and 5, so I do know what you're going through!

Yup you know exactly what I'm talking about.  But you do have a kid old enough to stay home with your twelve year old while you take the youngest to some kiddie spot.  That's nice.


on Dec 28, 2006

Yep. Life is what it is, and it's perfect whether we actually like it or not.

It is what it is.  I say that a lot.  Thanks for reminding me.  Hope you are ok Mason.  Been thinking about you.

Parenting is the vacuum of sanity. Once you give birth, your sanity goes out with the placenta

hahahaha.  The question is...does it ever come back?

on Dec 28, 2006
This was an interesting read, Tova. When you write, even just blogging about life, it's always compelling and polished.

We're hoping for July, too. Only 6 more months.

I hope you get to feeling better. Your aunt will be in my thoughts.
on Dec 28, 2006

I hope you get to feeling better. Your aunt will be in my thoughts.

Thank you.

We're hoping for July, too. Only 6 more months.

I hope Adrian gets home safe and sound Tex.

When you write, even just blogging about life, it's always compelling and polished.

Thanks TW.

The homeowner was tried for pre-meditated murder, but only convicted of voluntary manslaughter. Still, off to prison he went. The reasoning behind the verdict was that since this was such a common passtime in our town, any 'prudent' man would have realized his actions were likely to cause serious injury or death.

This just seems crazy to me.  Like a burglar suing a homeowner because they got hurt breaking in.   What???


on Dec 28, 2006
I am actually not feeling very well but the Drs assure me I will start feeling better in about 3 months after all my tests are done and my meds level out. We'll see. It's nothing major, just a quirky thyroid, but who woulda thought missing 5 little hormones could make someone so ill?

I'm sorry you're under the weather. Yes, that happened to a close friend of mine. She had to had an over active thyroid which threw her whole body out of whack. She did get treatment and is better now. I hope you will be much better soon.

on Dec 28, 2006
I'm sorry you're under the weather. Yes, that happened to a close friend of mine. She had to had an over active thyroid which threw her whole body out of whack. She did get treatment and is better now. I hope you will be much better soon.

Yeah, mine is the opposite and I will feel better once I get it all worked out. Until then though I just feel icky.

on Dec 31, 2006

I really enjoyed this as I like pieces that give me glimpses into another's life. Sure, it is a little vicarious, but I so admire the courage and strength you and others here exhibit having to let your husbands go as often as you do. I don't know what I'd do if I had to spend a significant amount of time away from Toni.

Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope 2007 brings you better health and more of the things you desire.
on Jan 04, 2007

Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope 2007 brings you better health and more of the things you desire.

Back at ya dyno.