Today the mail woman rang my door bell. I opened the door, and the bitter cold draft biting my toes was forgotten upon observing she was holding a box with my name on it.
I’m sure people all over the country are opening front doors to the mailman, the UPS man, the Fed Ex Guy.
But for me, opening the door and finding a package with my name on it (that I didn’t order and pay for), well, it’s like CHRISTMAS.
I received my cookie swap package from KellyW. It was in a very elegant box, thoughtfully and tastefully packed.
My youngest son ran and grabbed the scissors and we opened it together.
Inside an assortment of delectable treats like: Old Fashioned Pancake Mix with Huckleberry Syrup in a lovely jar, a powdered flour concoction, biscotti (I think haven’t tasted that yet), chocolate chip bread, no bake cookies and nice thick socks to make sure I can stay warm while nibbling my special treats.
The gift is thoughtful and really very nice. THANK YOU KELLY!!
This is far beyond the simple cookie swap I had in mind, and I do really appreciate it.
I am including a photo of said gift so all the others who are doing the swap can be jealous. Hahahahahahaha.
Merry Christmas….I’m off to nibble!