Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Think no one reads your blog?
Published on November 30, 2006 By Tova7 In Blogging

I have blogged on JU for just over a year.  Sometimes I write about personal things, sometimes the past, sometimes fiction, sometimes whatever.

While I am always eager and so thankful people read, I am certainly not in the top 10, or even the top 20, heh.  So while I know a few people read me, I never realized until today how powerful JU and the net can be.

I wrote STEP MONSTER .Link some time ago, and in it I mention a friend, named Drachel, a couple times.  I lost contact with her after the big brewha over twenty years ago.  (see link)

I signed into my email today and there was a note from her!.  Her husband found my blog by typing her name in a search engine!

WOW!  Double WOW!

Drachel emailed me and let me know she didn't think I made her sound like a good friend in that article! hahahahahaha  You can read it and decide. heh.  Then she went on to tell me about where she is and what she is doing.  We've re-connected.

She of course was a good friend to me, and I never forgot her.  Especially after what her father did for me.  

I always hear horror stories about the net.  (Mostly from my husband when he thinks I tell too much! hahahah)  But JU is a unique place I guess because I've met a regular blogger here in person, KFC.  And she rocks.  Yes, I know some of you may not think so, but she is a warm and generous person in real life.  I feel my life is better for knowing her.

I also have talked to some Juers on the phone and was blessed by each conversation.

Not to mention the emails I've traded with JUers.  Each and every time was a great experience.

All that to say, Thank you Brad and all the people who make JU, JU.

You've allowed me to reconnect with someone who I thought lost to me forever. 

And Drachel if you're reading this...YOU HAVE MAIL!




Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 30, 2006
That is wonderful Tonya! I'm happy for you that you did meet your friend. Yes, I agree what a fantastic site JU is and the people here are fantastic! I read the blog you linked, wow! I'm glad you survived all that and that's why you are who you are today - awsome!

And yeah, you have fans, I'm a big one!
on Nov 30, 2006
Happy endings are the reason for this season!   
on Nov 30, 2006
I , like you, am continually amazed by the powers of JU. I love to type in my nick on Google and up it comes with, at times, more than 1 entry. It's great!
on Nov 30, 2006

I love to type in my nick on Google and up it comes with, at times, more than 1 entry. It's great!

Buwhahahahha.  I am SO glad I'm not the only one that does it! 

Happy endings are the reason for this season

WOOT!  I am so happy.  This REALLY made my day.

And yeah, you have fans, I'm a big one!

Thanks Donna, right back atcha!



on Nov 30, 2006
I was leary at first about the genuineness, if that is a word, of the on-line relationships. I am learning, slowly, but learning none-the-less that there are some awesome people here. I am glad you reconnected with your friend.
on Nov 30, 2006
Behold the power of JU...lol!

I discovered it some time ago, when my blogs on the subjects at hand netted personal replies from Tonie Nathan (the first woman to receive a US electoral college vote, in 1972) and the family of James McMorries, Jr. (the Howardwick firefighter who died of injuries systained in the Panhandle wildfires in March). I also noted it when a recent search I requested from a friend netted my article as the top search result. It can be surprising at times to see how prominent your JU blogs get featured...my blogspot blogs never even came close!
on Dec 01, 2006

I was leary at first about the genuineness, if that is a word, of the on-line relationships. I am learning, slowly, but learning none-the-less that there are some awesome people here. I am glad you reconnected with your friend.

Yes Kelly I know exactly what you mean.  I wonder now, if I used my real name from then, Tonya Thomas, how many others I would have contact with.  Amazing.


on Dec 01, 2006

discovered it some time ago, when my blogs on the subjects at hand netted personal replies from Tonie Nathan (the first woman to receive a US electoral college vote, in 1972) and the family of James McMorries, Jr. (the Howardwick firefighter who died of injuries systained in the Panhandle wildfires in March). I also noted it when a recent search I requested from a friend netted my article as the top search result. It can be surprising at times to see how prominent your JU blogs get featured...my blogspot blogs never even came close!

Wow Gid.  Those contacts must have made you feel good about your blog.  Sometimes I forget the power of the written word in real life.


on Dec 01, 2006

Looking at a map of Ohio, Mansfield looks like a decent half-way point between Madison (where my folks live, look along I-90, east of Cleveland, on the lakeshore) and Dayton.....would you be willing to travel that far?

Mansfield looks to be about 2 1/2 hours from here.  If the weather is decent, and my husband gives me a pass...heh, (I don't think he'll care but since he will actually be home I have to include him) I can certainly drive that.

Besides he needs a little alone time with his sons before leaving.

It'll be great if it works out Whip.  I know what you mean about going some place and just wanting to get there.  Make sure you email me your mom's phone number so we can coordinate once you are there.

Now I am going to check out Mansfield on line to see what's there....

on Dec 01, 2006
Well I see there is a Living Bible Museum there. Maybe I will check that out. Wax Museums always are a draw for me. Usually, pretty amazing sculpture....
on Dec 01, 2006

Hmmm...I think there's a haunted prison there if I remember correctly...

Anywho, 'grats on the friend hookup...just goes to show you that blogs aren't just a tool for the over opinionated.   Heh, heh

on Dec 01, 2006
Great story! I am glad JoeUser helped you reconnect with an old friend!
on Dec 01, 2006

Great story! I am glad JoeUser helped you reconnect with an old friend!

Thank you Jenny.  So am I.

on Dec 02, 2006
Its nice to hear a positive story about the net, instead of the usual kiddy-porn busts or spammers-gone-wild stories. Well done...
on Dec 03, 2006

Ok Whip..I will call you tomorrow morning.

I talked with my hubby and he says it sounds good to him...so ain't nothin to stop us but the weather!

Here is a link to the museum.


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