Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 21, 2006 By Tova7 In Misc

So I was reading Dharma's recent adventures in candy making.  http://dharmagrl.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=136869

And had an idea.

Would anyone be interested in baking cookies, or fudge, or whatever confection they like for the holidays and doing a JU swap?

We could get a list of names together of people who want to participate and "draw names" that way each person will only mail one package.

What do you think?

Anyone game?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 21, 2006
I'll play. Let me know.
on Nov 21, 2006

Ok.  If we don't do cookies, we could do t-shirts or something like that.  T-shirts from the town, state or country, whatever.

I'll wait and see if there are any other takers.


on Nov 21, 2006
That sounds like it would be fun.

I'm not a for sure, I'm a "wait and see" like Tova.
on Nov 21, 2006
how about silly socks??
on Nov 21, 2006
how about silly socks??

I vote no because I don't have any.
on Nov 21, 2006
Sounds like fun.
on Nov 21, 2006

Cool, so far we have Kelly, San Chonino, Loca, me, and kfc.

Do you guys wanna do cookies or t shirts?  OR we could just draw names and then send a surprise!


on Nov 21, 2006
This is a great idea. Count me in! I'll do either baking or shirts.
on Nov 21, 2006
Great! That's one more...I will leave this post up for a few days with an occasional bump...and the cut off date will be Nov 25th.

We can decide between now and then what we want to do. I make killer fudge, just so ya know!

Then all participants can email their addresses to me...I will put them in a hat, then email the address of the person you get back to you.

Does that make sense?

For all of you already "in" email me your snail mail addy at tova7 at woh dot rr dot com.

Let's get it rolling!

on Nov 21, 2006
I'm not great at cookies and cakes unless they're pre-made! Now meats and casseroles, that's me!

I like the idea of tshirts better! Although I loooooov chocolate cake!
on Nov 21, 2006

Well maybe we should do a "you pick it" package.  Meaning the person sending the small box can decide what to send.

Is that going too far afield?

on Nov 21, 2006
I would love to! I love baking...plus I've always wanted to be in a cookie swap.

I'll send my info your way via email.

on Nov 22, 2006
This sounds great but I don't want a meat casserole in the mail! Hahaha, my dogs and the mailman would go crazy!

So, how about we go to FS's house for dinner!

on Nov 22, 2006
So, how about we go to FS's house for dinner!

Whooo, company for dinner!!
on Nov 24, 2006

I still need addresses for





Thanks to everyone else who responded so fast with their snail mail!

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