Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on November 20, 2006 By Tova7 In Blogging

San Chino calls it stream of conscious writing.  This is my everyday version.

Here I am minding everybody’s business and nothing is happening.  People say it’s an exciting world, but in suburbia excitement is outlawed.  Yes, by the majority.  This is America after all.


Ribbons.  Not regular ribbons, or even ribbons in a little girl’s hair.  The magnetic ones.  Low rider pants big in da hood?  Magnetic ribbons are in mine.  What a trend, what a fad.  Wonder how long before those ribbons are exchanged for something more happening, more hip?


But not exciting.


The trees are naked now.  Waif thin and all arms.  The grass is still green.  Hardy grass, refuses to give up the fight to old man winter who dropped some dandruff on it this morning.  But the grass teamed up with the sun and scorched that dandruffs ass and sent old man winter away in a frost.  Battle won.  On to war.


Homework is parent work.  Right now I’m relearning my multiplication facts that I just learned over the summer, but forgot in the few months since school started.  Math is steps.  Can’t skip one to get to the next.  Every step has to be memorized, filed, worked and mastered or the voyage to the top stops.


I’d rather take the elevator.


Cortisol test.  Too much too little?  Pee in this bucket for 24 hours and nowhere else.  Then dump it into a jug and bring it to the lab for testing.  Oh, by the way, the pee has to be refrigerated every time you empty the bladder.  Yeah, right.  Pee in the refrigerator?  The least old man winter can do is cool my piss.


Big yellow and black beasts forget kids occasionally.  The bus rumbles down the pavement, shaking the walls of houses, swallowing children left and right.  They smile from holes in its belly.  Today the beast did not stop and the little chicken nuggets begged my mini van to eat and regurgitate them at the destination of their choice.  It wasn’t hungry.  The neighbor swallowed them.


Plastic people in degrees, the hotter the mold the higher the debt.  Debt is a friend, it wants to make life comfortable, easy, just give a body what they deserve.  More plastic.  Whoever has the most when they die, wins.  Ulcers, divorce, and more plastic.  Round and round she goes……..


Normal.  Average. Boring.


A magnetic ribbon.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 20, 2006
Today the beast did not stop and the little chicken nuggets begged my mini van to eat and regurgitate them at the destination of their choice. It wasn’t hungry. The neighbor swallowed them.

Oh, Tova, you've got it down, hon, you've got it down.

Before you know it, you'll be writing surrealism like you were born to do it. I loved this. Crazy, crazy fun.
on Nov 20, 2006
Homework is parent work. Right now I’m relearning my multiplication facts that I just learned over the summer, but forgot in the few months since school started. Math is steps. Can’t skip one to get to the next. Every step has to be memorized, filed, worked and mastered or the voyage to the top stops.

I’d rather take the elevator.

I loved this. I have no clue about anything greater than basic math. I'm thinking of going to summer school so I can be ready when my girl starts asking about algebra and the like.
on Nov 20, 2006
Cool,  cooool,   cool writing!  love this!
on Nov 20, 2006

Cool, cooool, cool writing! love this!

Thanks Trudy.  I appreciate you reading.

I have no clue about anything greater than basic math. I'm thinking of going to summer school so I can be ready when my girl starts asking about algebra and the like.

That starts in fourth grade here....gotta prep for the national standardized test doncha know?  heh.  Good luck, it gives me mouth sores it sucks so hard.

Before you know it, you'll be writing surrealism like you were born to do it.

I doubt it.  You da man wid that there skill!


on Nov 20, 2006

Life changing, but never changing.  Our medium is electrons, but before it was toilet paper.  Life changes, but does not change.  We change, yet remain the same.  And the world turns.

One day at a time.

(Very good!)

on Nov 20, 2006
I enjoyed this Tova. More please.
on Nov 20, 2006

This is really good. I like the school bus analogy - very nice

Pardon my ignorance, but what are the magnetic ribbons you refer to?
on Nov 20, 2006
I enjoyed this Tova. More please.

HAHAHAHA Did you miss the part about no excitement round here? Pretty sad when missing the school bus and taking a urine sample are all I have to write about.

One day at a time.
(Very good!)

Thanks Doc.

on Nov 20, 2006
This is really good. I like the school bus analogy - very nice

Pardon my ignorance, but what are the magnetic ribbons you refer to?

Thanks! I didn't edit it, just threw it together. My mind refuses to settle on one thing today...so hard to concentrate.

The ribbons are magnets. Yellow ribbons are significant here in the US. People with loved ones serving during war, or even over seas, tie them around trees in their yard, or in their hair. It's all about remembering their loved one serving.

Some years back they started showing up on magnetic ribbons and people buy them and put them on their vehicles, refrigerators, garage doors etc.

This is what they look like.WWW Link

I think the idea is great, but its been overdone imho, some people have five or six of them. They are everywhere, and in some places it is (or was, it is on the way out round here) the trendy thing to have. I know two women who have them because all the people they like on their street has them. They couldn't care less about the military and would NEVER EVER think of encouraging one of their children to serve.

I guess when a thing becomes common, in my mind, it loses some of its spark.

on Nov 20, 2006
Very good, I enjoyed it.
on Nov 20, 2006
Very good, I enjoyed it.

I echo that. Excellent writing. I count my blessings that I stumbled upon you, Tova!

(magnetic ribbons can usually be found in abundance at the car wash you know)
on Nov 20, 2006

Excellent writing. I count my blessings that I stumbled upon you, Tova!

Thanks Joe.  Right back at ya.

Very good, I enjoyed it.

Thanks Mason.  It's down time for my fascist self when not planning to RULE THE WORLD!  buwhahahahahah.


on Nov 20, 2006

(magnetic ribbons can usually be found in abundance at the car wash you know)


Nope, that's a good bit of advice.  Maybe I should collect them and make an abstract scultpure out of them all.


on Nov 20, 2006

In other words...."Follow me home and rob me!  My husband's gone!  Woot!"

on Nov 20, 2006
It's down time for my fascist self when not planning to RULE THE WORLD!

Even fascists have their good points
2 Pages1 2