Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 4, 2006 By Tova7 In Blogging

I have a killer headache today.


I just finished the book “Magic Time” by Marc Scott Zicree and Barbara Hambley.  It was published around 2001 and is the first of the trilogy.  The beginning was so disjointed and slow I almost stopped reading it, but it finally picked up after the first several chapters.


Basically, the US government worked a project called the “Source.”  The source gets free and sucks up all the power including electricity in the US and maybe the world.  Planes fall out of the sky, guns no longer fire, and things get ugly.  Meanwhile, certain people are becoming other things.  Call them what you want but mostly they become fairies, trolls, demons, knights, things like that.  And some people stay the same.


It’s an ok story, reminds me a lot of Stephen King’s “The Stand.”  Now I have to find the other two books in the trilogy because I can not start a book or movie and not finish it.  Drives me nuts.


I love finding a trilogy or series of books after they are all written.  It’s like a gift knowing I won’t have to wait for the author to pen another one.  It’s done and I will get to see the end in my life time.


Authors who drag a series out really bug me.  ROBERT JORDAN being one of the worst offenders.  His last few books in his Eye of the World Series slowed to almost a death march.  Just get it written why don’t ya?  Before you die already.


I also just finished Frank Peretti’s “Monster.”  I like Frank’s stuff, especially “This Present Darkness” but sometimes he gets a little preachy.  I wonder why I never really noticed that before, but now after re reading some of his stuff, it sticks out like a sore thumb.


Nothing exciting is happening here, but we are certainly busy.  This school year started off with a blast.  My oldest is involved in a lot of after school activities as well as having at least two hours of homework every night.  He’s only in fifth grade, but some of the stuff he is bringing home baffles me.  So I end up researching it so I can teach it to him since teachers don’t teach anymore here, they just give homework and expect the parents to do the teaching.  Sorry I haven’t used reflexive angels in problem form since tenth grade Geometry.  Its slowly coming back to me.  Very slowly.  Heh.


My husband leaves Sunday for a two week trip to Norway.


I have a new kitchen sink, stainless steel.  It has a satin finish and matches the stainless steel appliances in my kitchen.  I put the old sink out with the garbage and someone took it.  It was still in good shape, I just wanted an upgrade.  Hope they enjoy it.


Since life is so exciting here, heh, I guess I better get back to it.


on Oct 04, 2006
on Oct 04, 2006


Thanks Mason that made me laugh.

Yeah it was a rambling kinda article....my head feels like its gonna explode!

on Oct 04, 2006
I want a new sink. Mine is enamel which I thought was pretty when we first moved in but there are a couple of spots where the enamel wore off and it got stained. Not so pretty now. Next time I will get a nice shiny metal sink. It is really deep though which is nice.

My son is in the 5th and he doesn't barely ever have homework. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. All they do here is get ready for the test. They seem to be doing benchmarks every other week. He is in football and that is crazy. Much more intense than I think it should be for 10 year olds.

I hope your headache goes away. Take Roseanne's advice, take two aspirin and keep away from kids. ha ha.
on Oct 04, 2006

Thanks Loca..my head is feeling a little less like a pressure cooker and more like a balloon now..heh.

I looked at enamels, but my aunt just got rid of hers and it was less than two years old.  She took great joy watching the trash man take it away.  She HATED that sink because of all the "scuff" marks she had to scrub everyday.  haha.  I always wondered about that.

This new stainless steel..wow, you don't have to do any scrubbing at all on it.  Just 409 or Clorox out it and rinse....just like new.  I could stare at it for hours. heh.  Well, what can I say.  I'm easily pleased.

Homework is all we do round here these days and seriously it is WAY above what 5th graders should be doing.  Like, "Name all the countries/bodies of water the prime meridian runs through."  (Without using an atlas)  So is my son just supposed to know that?  How?  So we pulled out the Atlas and learned it, then his teacher sent a note home saying we weren't supposed to do it that way.

Whatever.  Heck, if I'm teaching him then I will do it my way, not by her rules.  Does annoy me though.  And the math.  I may just scan some of his geometry and share it.  It's scary because they are still perfecting their multiplication tables like normal fifth graders, but then are expected to grasp this geometry.