KFC, another blogger here...Link sent me these photos via email. I asked her if I could post them here and was given the go ahead. She hasn't done it because she has dial up and well....its dial up!!
These pictures are from Brian's Graduation from The Virginia Military Institute (VMI). The oldest military college in the US I believe. KFC blogged about their graduation adventures and Brian's many accomplishments here, http://kfc.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=117844.
The man in uniform being commissioned into the USAF as a 2nd LT is Brian. The other young man is David, KFC's other son.
And the young lady is Brian's wife...in the picture she was still his fiancé' Link ...but I will let KFC give all the updates! Ok, except for that one...lol.
KFC, hope I got all the info right. IF not correct me!
So without further ado....KFC's pictures.
Left to right...David, Amanda, KFC (Dawn), Brian, Dad (Bob)
You can figure out the rest.....