Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Landscape gone awry
Published on April 20, 2006 By Tova7 In Blogging

My dining room is fairly finished as well as the other projects I listed here.  Link

I went out and started cutting sod yesterday.  Sounds easy, and its not brain surgery but it is labor intensive when done with a flat shovel.  I am expanding my flower beds and extending them down two sides of the house.

I edge out a 25 x 25 square of sod at a time with the straight edged shovel.  I get the shovel underneath the piece of sod and use a back and forth motion to cut the sod evenly.  Then I lift it into a wagon and will use it later in the backyard on some bare spots.

Ok, sounds easy right?  Except I have a million of these little squares to do!  And did I mention how freaking heavy it is?  I don't consider myself a weakling by any means, but pfft, this sod is kicking my butt.  And the grass is so thick I have to jump up and down on the spade to get it to go into the ground deep enough to get past the grass roots.  And that's AFTER wetting the ground.

And of course I have to stop every three minutes to look at a worm my 3 year old is cutting up with scissors on the driveway.  "Mommy!  Mommy!  Tee!  Tee!"  (Tee is his word for "see.")  He found a grub and picked it up and started cutting it with scissors...I almost gagged.  That's just gross.

Do all lawns have grubs?

Everywhere we've lived, east coast, west coast, midwest, alaska, other countries, I ALWAYS dig up grubs.  They are so nasty looking....like fat albino worms.  ~shivers~  Of course I can't show my disgust or my son will torment me with them every day for the rest of my life.

I'm taking a break after getting a whopping 9 squares done....hehe.  Well it IS lunch time.  Maybe it will rain and I will have to stop for the day.

Yeah right.

At least I know it will look fabulous when its done...but good grief it is gonna take me awhile.

Sod sucks.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 20, 2006

To answer you, almost! (Grubs).  Mostly what they are - drum roll - Cicadas!  You know those 17 year thing a majigs?  Except there are many different colonies so that virtually every year they come out.  And not all are 17 year cycles.  Other popular cycles are 7, 11 and 15 years.

We have so many trees, that our lawn is almost bare.  We are trying again this year.  I love trees (except when it comes to raking), but lawns sure dont!

on Apr 20, 2006

Mostly what they are - drum roll - Cicadas

EWWWW!  That makes them doubly gross!  White albino worms that turn into roach like wannabes.....yuko.

We have several large trees...huge trees in our yard...and I am actually buying a few more, ornamentals to put in the front of the house....but good grief at the work!

Looks like a soccer game will get me a short respite tonight.  Though watching ten year olds play soccer.....I'd rather pull up sod!

on Apr 20, 2006

Looks like a soccer game will get me a short respite tonight. Though watching ten year olds play soccer.....I'd rather pull up sod!

Did he start (or she) when they were 5?  I was the Asst Coach of my oldest's team when she was that age.  We called it "Swarm Ball"!  At 10, I guess they have learned some of the finer aspects of the game!

on Apr 20, 2006

At 10, I guess they have learned some of the finer aspects of the game!

HAHAHAHA.  Hardly.  Now they know NOT to run after the ball back and forth across the field in a pack.  However, just about every third kick is out of bounds..or whatever its called.  So the ball is off the field more than it is on.

The parents around here are super freaks when it comes to soccer.  At the end of every game they make a pyramid of arms so the players can run through it....all the while screaming and yahooing.  By the time its over I have my fold up chair, folded and am ready to leave, not make an alley arm pyramid.

Sometimes I just sit in my van and watch, which qualifies me for bad soccer mom of the year I think.  Anti-social yes, but sometimes I just don't have the energy to deal with the uber yuppies.  And I won't even go into the times I actually drop him off, wave bye and then run an errand and not even see the game.

My son really likes when I don't come (sometimes).  He says I've "smothered" him coming to every single sports event all his life.  So he usually tells me "don't come tonight" or when he wants me there, "come watch tonight mom."

My husband thinks he likes the time away from us, with his friends, somewhere besides our house.  All of which he rarely gets to do.

I wonder.  I was into sports pretty heavy in middle and high school and no one in my family came to one event, ever.  I didn't miss it then too much, but maybe that made me go a little over board with my son....never missing a practice or a game.  Drives him nuts.

Who knows.


on Apr 20, 2006

My son really likes when I don't come (sometimes). He says I've "smothered" him coming to every single sports event all his life. So he usually tells me "don't come tonight" or when he wants me there, "come watch tonight mom."

I think my son would agree with your son!  He did not start sports until middle school, and I was at every game!  basketball and Soccer.  But I was a good dad.  I just rooted and did not get on the refs case (except that one game!  We ALL got on the Refs case then!).  My son always knew where I was as he told me "Dad, Everyone can hear you!".

I am not a big person.  About 5'9" and 170.  But I have been blessed with a very Bass voice and very loud!  So while my son's team lost more than they won (they were a small school), I cheered every great move and play, both Basketball and Soccer.  It was fun!  But I made sure that I was yelling encouragement and not disaparaging remarks against either his team, the other team or the refs.

But it was fun!  Tell your son you are just reaping the rewards of all those practices and drives.  By cheering for the good plays!  We do deserve some reward!

on Apr 20, 2006

Tell your son you are just reaping the rewards of all those practices and drives. By cheering for the good plays! We do deserve some reward!

HAHAHAH.  I do cheer, really loud even when I am sitting in my minivan.  I turn it around and lift the hatch and sit in the back...really nice when its sprinkling.

I am not allowed to yell.  I am not allowed to yahoo.  My son wants me to be completely silent.  If he scores and I say "WOO HOO!"  He will stop mid field and hold his finger to his lips and tell me to shush.  What is up with that?

I asked him and he said it is too distracting.  Yeah right.

on Apr 20, 2006
Tova, what you're probably digging up are the larvae of the cockchafer beetle. Link ...Which chew on the roots of grass.
They're usually not a problem, but can cause spots in your lawn if they are present in large numbers.
on Apr 21, 2006

Tova, what you're probably digging up are the larvae of the cockchafer beetle

Ugh.  Yup yup.  That is exactly what they look like.  I'm not finding them in large numbers....one here and there.....

Ain't they pretty?


on Apr 22, 2006
That is one nasty looking critter...

My little one just started T-ball. That is pretty funny as well.

Good luck with the yard work. That is one hobby that I tried to like, but just can't. Although, I love the rewards of a pretty yard and garden.

Good to see you back.
on Apr 22, 2006

Good to see you back


I like yard work but cutting sod ranks down on the bottom of the list.  Another back breaking day today...but at least I got two tall ornamental grasses planted.....and three praire fire crabapple trees.....they are pink right now and look great.  I also planted a holly tree/bush that I am gonna prune to look like an upside down triangle...and a new plant that has really awesome leaves and flowers...can't remember its name.

I bought a tiller, just a small one and its great for tilling up all the clods of dirt in my beds.  When its all done I may post a picture......depends on how it turns out!

on Apr 22, 2006
Wow Tova,

I'm more of a Betty Crocker type preferring to work inside than out. But once I'm out I usually enjoy it especially raking. I like order so a yard with leaves is too messy for me so that will get me off my butt. Outdoor work for the most part is just not my "thing." I have my husband for that heheheheh. He does most of the outdoor work. I do putter in the flower gardens but once the hot weather hits....I'm usually sipping ice tea under a fan somewhere inside!!

I am not allowed to yell. I am not allowed to yahoo. My son wants me to be completely silent. If he scores and I say "WOO HOO!" He will stop mid field and hold his finger to his lips and tell me to shush. What is up with that?I asked him and he said it is too distracting. Yeah right.

this is funny. I got the same thing. My boys were all 3 sport athletes. Once I yelled...."THAT'S MY BABY!!" Needless to say it didn't go over well with junior. While they liked me to go to their games they too wanted a silent mother sitting there.

I"ll never forget my son Brian in pee wee basketball. He used to look up into the stands searching for me whenever he made any type of good move on the court. I guess just checking to see if I noticed. It was pretty obvious and funny especially when he got knocked down because he wasn't paying attention to the floor.

BTW.....I hate bugs too. Urghhhh. Even with three boys, never got used to bugs. Good luck with your little one's fascination with the critters.

on Apr 25, 2006

But once I'm out I usually enjoy it especially raking

This is the one outdoor chore I HATE...and will do almost anything to get out of doing. hehe.

We have huge trees in our yard so in the fall....thousands, millions, they are taking over the world, yeah, that many leaves.  But since I appreciate their shade so much in the summer, and their beautiful color in the fall...the least I can do is send my son outside to round them up and give them to a proper mulch bed.

My youngest likes bugs, not flying ones though because he associates them with bees.  He likes snakes too.  Fortunately I can control my the running away reflex and actually make myself touch a snake, even hold one.  Though it sickens me to do it.

on Apr 25, 2006

the least I can do is send my son outside to round them up and give them to a proper mulch bed.

Can I borrow your son this fall?

on Apr 25, 2006
In High School I spent a summer doing landscaping. That was enough to convince me there was an easier way to make a living.

While there are chemical treatments you can use to rid your lawn of the grubs I'm not a big fan of the wanton spread of toxins.
on Apr 25, 2006
In High School I spent a summer doing landscaping. That was enough to convince me there was an easier way to make a living.

Yeah its not something I'd want to do every single day 9 months a year. But I do like changing the entire look of a house with it.

While there are chemical treatments you can use to rid your lawn of the grubs I'm not a big fan of the wanton spread of toxins.

Yeah we have a well for water. I don't put too many chemicals on the lawn, usually just a spring and fall treatment for the grass....and occasionally an insecticide to kill spiders and ants. We have an abundance because of all the trees I think. But even that worries me and we have the water tested every year...so far the particles per million of all the things they test are lower than city water!

But that means fluoride as well...though we do have naturally occurring fluoride in our water its not enough...not sure what to do about that.
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