My dining room is fairly finished as well as the other projects I listed here. Link
I went out and started cutting sod yesterday. Sounds easy, and its not brain surgery but it is labor intensive when done with a flat shovel. I am expanding my flower beds and extending them down two sides of the house.
I edge out a 25 x 25 square of sod at a time with the straight edged shovel. I get the shovel underneath the piece of sod and use a back and forth motion to cut the sod evenly. Then I lift it into a wagon and will use it later in the backyard on some bare spots.
Ok, sounds easy right? Except I have a million of these little squares to do! And did I mention how freaking heavy it is? I don't consider myself a weakling by any means, but pfft, this sod is kicking my butt. And the grass is so thick I have to jump up and down on the spade to get it to go into the ground deep enough to get past the grass roots. And that's AFTER wetting the ground.
And of course I have to stop every three minutes to look at a worm my 3 year old is cutting up with scissors on the driveway. "Mommy! Mommy! Tee! Tee!" (Tee is his word for "see.") He found a grub and picked it up and started cutting it with scissors...I almost gagged. That's just gross.
Do all lawns have grubs?
Everywhere we've lived, east coast, west coast, midwest, alaska, other countries, I ALWAYS dig up grubs. They are so nasty fat albino worms. ~shivers~ Of course I can't show my disgust or my son will torment me with them every day for the rest of my life.
I'm taking a break after getting a whopping 9 squares done....hehe. Well it IS lunch time. Maybe it will rain and I will have to stop for the day.
Yeah right.
At least I know it will look fabulous when its done...but good grief it is gonna take me awhile.
Sod sucks.